MJ wrongful death suit / kitkat gegen AEG

  • 'I'm not answering that': Katherine Jackson snaps at lawyer when questioned at wrongful death trial about son Michael's drug dependency
    By Daily Mail Reporter
    PUBLISHED: 23:12 GMT, 22 July 2013 | UPDATED: 08:40 GMT, 23 July 2013

    Katherine Jackson grew annoyed while on the witness stand on Monday when questioned about her son Michael's drug dependency.

    The 83-year-old mother of the King Of Pop - who died from an overdose of painkillers in 2009- snapped at a lawyer as she testified in her son's wrongful death lawsuit against concert promoters AEG Live.

    Katherine said she does not believe her son bore any responsibility for his own death, and claimed he denied abusing painkillers during their only private conversation about the the issue in Las Vegas.

    Visibly annoyed: Katherine Jackson grew annoyed while on the witness stand on Monday when questioned about her son Michael's drug dependency during his wrongful death trial

    Katherine is suing AEG Live, claiming it failed to properly investigate Dr. Conrad Murray, who was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving the singer an overdose of the anesthetic propofol.

    She grew touchy when attorney Marvin Putnam, who represents the concert promoter, repeatedly asked her about the details regarding the Vegas meeting with her son, according to the NY Daily News.

    'I'm not answering that question,' she said in response to one query she believed 'didn't make sense.'

    'You're just getting me confused so you'll have something to come back on,' Katherine told Putnam.

    He was innocent: Katherine said she does not believe her son had any responsibility for his own death, and claimed he denied abusing painkillers during their only private conversation about the the issue in Las Vegas

    Katherine also told the jury she believes the promoters of her son's ill-fated comeback concerts watched her son waste away before his death.

    Katherine Jackson tearfully testified that she didn't know about emails discussing her son's health until after a trial against AEG Live LLC began nearly three months ago.

    She told jurors that AEG's executives should have called her to discuss issues with Jackson's health before his death in June 2009.

    She made the comments about AEG's actions after Putnam questioned her stated motive for the lawsuit, which she says is a search for the truth.

    'He took care of me': Katherine e tearfully described learning about his death and told jurors that he had been her primary means of financial support throughout his life.

    Putnam told jurors during opening statements in the negligence lawsuit in April that the case centered on personal responsibility - specifically Michael's decision to ask Murray to administer propofol as a sleep aid while he prepared for his shows.

    AEG Live denies it hired the doctor or bears any responsibility for Michael's death.

    Katherine said she believes AEG Live hired Murray, and said she never heard of the cardiologist until her son died, and indicated that she felt Murray bore responsibility for her son's death.

    'Even though he asked for it, he could have said no,' Katherine said of Murray.

    She said she asked prosecutors to drop a $100 million restitution claim against Murray because he has several children.

    'His money should go to the children,' she said.

    Putnam also asked Katherine Jackson about her son's payments to her over the years. She said he directly paid many of the expenses on her home and would occasionally give her cash as a gift.

    Katherine Jackson said she didn't keep track of the payments and appeared to grow annoyed at the questions.

    'What does this have to do with the death of my son,' she asked Putnam.

    The attorney also asked about Katherine Jackson about conversations she had with her son about prescription drug use.

    She said she asked him about it when he lived in Las Vegas and he denied he was abusing prescription medications.

    'I'm a mother, quite naturally he denied it,' she said. 'He wouldn't want me to think that.'

    She said she was aware her son took medications for pain in his back and scalp after he sustained injuries over his career. She said she never saw signs that her son was abusing medications, including when she and several of her children went to the singer's Neverland Ranch for an intervention.

    Her son was fine but upset that they thought he had a problem.

    Katherine began her testimony on Friday. She tearfully described learning about his death and told jurors that he had been her primary means of financial support throughout his life.

    'Michael took care of me, my every need, my every want,' she said Friday. 'He gave me everything.'


  • Debbie Rowe
    To Testify About
    MJ's Shocking Drug Use

    Debbie Rowe will testify in the Michael Jackson wrongful death case that MJ was a SECRET, hardcore drug addict for decades -- testimony that could severely damage the Jackson's case.

    Sources connected with the trial tell TMZ ... Rowe will be called by AEG Live Tuesday or Wednesday ... and she'll testify that in the '80s and '90s ... she knew Michael was abusing some prescription meds, but had no idea his habit was so out of control.

    We're told Rowe will point the finger at her former boss, MJ's go-to doc, Arnie Klein. Rowe will testify she learned after the fact that Klein had a standing order ... when Michael came to the office he should be injected with Demerol and Vistaril (which makes the Demerol stronger).

    Rowe will say Michael kept the extent of his drug abuse a secret from her -- something that will clearly help AEG, because the company is arguing it had no reason to know Michael was a drug abuser.

    Rowe will say she saw Michael on TMZ coming out of Klein's office days before he died -- looking totally out of it. We're told she will say she called Klein after Michael died and said, "What the f**k did you give him? He's dead and it's your fault." She then hung up on him.

    Rowe's testimony will further help AEG because she'll say she had no idea Michael was secretly going to surgical offices specifically for the purpose of getting high and going to sleep.

    She'll also say she's the only person in Michael's world who could control him -- that she's the only one (including Michael's family) who would say "NO."

    The testimony could be critical. If the jury believes Michael could hide his hardcore drug use, AEG would have no reason to sound an alarm or take preventative action


  • sorry, kitkat...aber kein 'arbeitgeber' ruft bei den eltern eines 50jährigen an,
    und diskutiert mit denen über den gesundheitszustand des sohnes :gschdörd :rolleyes
    das ist nicht deren aufgabe.
    btw - wenn ihr ach-so-inniger kontakt zu ihrem ach-so-geliebten sohn
    annähernd so gewesen wäre, wie sie es gerne darstellt,
    hätte es ja wohl auch keiner anrufe bedurft, um sie zu informieren - oder?! :rolleyes

    ebenso muss - und darf!- auch kein arzt mit 3. personen über den gesundheitszustand
    seines patienten reden, auch nicht mit den eltern.
    so what -
    hätte der geldgeile clan sich für MICHAEL, den menschen, den sohn, den bruder
    tatsächlich INTERESSIERT, dann hätte man ja wohl gesehn, dass er stress und ängste hatte,
    man hätte von ihm selbst erfahren können, dass er kaum schläft, wenig isst und trinkt etc.
    aber man fand ja nur den weg zu mike,
    wenn man ihn abkochen wollte.

    diese zweizüngigkeit kotzt mich an!

  • ich glaube so langsam das sie überhaupt nichts wusste von ihrem Sohn. sie ist zwar seine Mutter.aber sind wir mal ehrlich sie wollte doch auch immer nur geld von ihm . Oder wollte sie es immer gerne das er wieder was mit seinen Brüdern macht ? Und warum ?weil die nix auf die reihe gebracht haben.Ich glaube nicht das sie die Füsorgliche liebende Mutter war für die viele sie halten. Sorry wenn ich jetzt wieder einige schocke aber das ist meine Meinung

  • ^ da biste nicht alleine :nee ich seh das ähnlich.
    sicher, auf ihre art liebt sie ihre kinder wohl alle.
    aber - und dazu steh ich, so wie michael und teilweise seine brüder misshandelt wurden
    als sie noch jackson5 waren, so wie joe freie hand (im wahrsten sinne) hatte,
    um sie zu höchstleistungen zu trimmen,
    und NICHT einschritt, sondern die augen verschloss,
    da seh ich ganz klar, wo die grenze der liebe zu den kindern war.
    joe vögelte durch die lande, zog die ALLE minderjährigen jungs mit
    durch bars, wenn sie umhertingelten zu anfang, schlug die kids, michael voran, dass ihnen hören und sehn verging,
    schlug mit sicherheit(!) auch kitkat - und sie wehrte sich nicht gegen all das.
    die ausrede, dass das 'damals so war' und sie ja nichts hätte tun können,
    mit all den kindern...
    ist für mich einfach nur dämlich,
    denn joe wurde ja nicht erst zum ar***loch als sie alle kinder hatte.
    das war sicher ziemlich von anfang an so. und auch mit 2, 3 kindern wärs kein thema gewesen.
    meine güte, es gab damals doch noch die eltern/andere verwandte.
    hätte man weg GEWOLLT, wäre das auch gegangen.
    aber im grunde wusste sie doch, dass die kids, und mit den jahren mehr und mehr michael ihrer aller alleiniger versorger wurde!
    so richtete man sich mit all der schei**e ein, im wissen, dass man es über kurz oder lang 'besser haben wird',
    wenn das grosse geld mit den kindern verdient wurde.
    joe und kitkat - für mich beide so ziemlich das letzte, was man unter dem begriff 'eltern' versteht.
    und dass michael weder seine mutter noch seinen vater öffentlich mit dreck bewarf, hat wirklich nichts damit zu tun,
    ob er ihnen (im herzen) wirklich verziehen hat,
    für all die grausamkeiten seiner jugend.
    mike war zu fein und zu anständig,
    als dass er das bild, was die familie nach draussen abgeben wollte
    zerstört hätte.
    natürlich sagte er, er habe seinem vater verziehen, natürlich sagte er jedem, dass er seine mom liebte.
    was hätte man ihm denn auch vorgeworfen, wenn er was anderes gesagt hätte?!
    dass er JETZT wo er auf dem thron sitzt, seine familie in den dreck zieht und im stich lässt!
    wir wissen alle, wie man mike zerrissen hätte.
    warum sich dem aussetzen? so 'spielte' er seine rolle,
    machte auf happy family, wenn es nötig war,
    und nabelte sich immer mehr ab.
    das ist zeichen genug, dass eben NICHT alles in ordnung war.
    mike hatte seit jahren so gut wie keinen kontakt, das hört man von jedem ausserhalb des clans.
    dass die holy family das anders darstellen möchte, muss einen nicht wundern, schliesslich verfolgt man ja gewisse interessen...$$$

    wah nee, ich hör jetzt besser auf,
    sonst hör ich nämlich nicht mehr auf,
    mich über diesen 'haufen' aufzuregen...;D

  • Mark My Words, I'll Destroy You
    'Consider This an Imminent Nuclear Warning'

    Laßt es Euch gesagt sein, ich werde Euch zerstören!
    "ACHTUNG: Dies ist eine drohende nukleare Warnung!"

    You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!
    Du willst die Wahrheit wissen? Du wirst nicht mit der Wahrheit umgehen können!

    Klingt nach Verschwörung, aber dann wäre es schon extrem blöd sowas vorher anzukündigen, lol :sneddi

    ..da drängt sich doch massiv der Verdacht auf...das er DAS alles besser den Medien mitteilen möchte..NACH seiner Entlassung..:money

    jaaaa :sneddi

  • debbie hat echt eine schwere aufgabe...
    einerseits muss sie aussagen, und muss die wahrheit sagen.
    und da wir wissen, was beispielsweise bei arnold klein ablief,
    wenn mike da war, und debbie jahre da auch gearbeitet hat,
    können wir uns ausrechnen, dass das nicht ganz angenehm wird.
    andererseits ist das natürlich wenig hilfreich in bezug auf die beziehung zu den kids,
    und grade jetzt wo paris so aus der spur ist.

    hoffentlich geht da nix kaputt...

    (wenn nicht gerade das sogar der 'plan' ist...)

  • :(

    naja, dass diese engere beziehung zwar nach aussen akzeptiert,
    aber nach innen sicher ein riesen dorn im auge des clans ist, ist doch sicher.
    und wenn debbie nun sensible themen offenlegen muss -
    könnten die kids (besonders paris) wieder auf abstand gehn.
    ich hoffe, dass debbie die chance hatte, mit paris über diese aussage reden zu können, damit sie da nicht aus allen wolken fällt,
    falls da was zutage kommt, was sie mit (damals) 11 eben nicht bemerkt hatte...
    und was sie auch nicht wissen konnte, wenns um zeiten von vor ihrer geburt oder in ihrem baby-alter geht.

    ich hoffe, es geht gut,
    und ich hoffe, es gibt nichts, was man nicht schon wüsste.
    und was auch klar is - egal was und wie debbie aussagt,
    werden wieder hater sie mit dreck bewerfen...:zorn

  • "MJ would not appreciate any negative things said about his Mother and neither do I! No true fan of MJ's would say such things!"

    dieser Tweet wurde von Taj Jackson retweetet (für nicht Twitterer: zitiert *g*) :sneddi

    ihr seid alle keine fans, geht weg :sneddi

  • Nurse details anesthetic treatments for Jacksonhttp://news.yahoo.com/nurse-details-anes…-214613416.html

    Associated Press ANTHONY McCARTNEY 43 minutes ago

    In this Feb. 22, 1998 file photo, U.S. pop star Michael Jackson waves after arriving at the Kimpo Airport in Seoul to attend the inauguration ceremony for President-elect Kim Dae-jung and also discuss plans for a benefit concert to aid starving North Korean children. David Fournier, a nurse anesthetist who treated Jackson between 1993 and 2003 told a Los Angeles jury on Thursday July 25, 2013, in a civil case against AEG Live filed by Jackson’s mother, that the singer had a high tolerance for anesthesia and was not always forthcoming with his medical history. Fournier said he stopped working on Jackson after the singer seemed unfit to undergo cosmetic surgery in 2003. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon, File).
    View gallery
    FILE - In this Feb. 22, 1998 file photo, U.S. pop star Michael Jackson waves after arriving at the Kimpo …

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson had a high tolerance for certain drugs and wasn't always forthcoming with his medical history, a nurse anesthetist who treated the singer testified Thursday.

    Witness David Fournier told jurors he had worked with Jackson for a decade until the relationship ended in 2003, when Fournier refused to participate in a medical procedure.
    Zeuge David Fournier sagte den Juroren er habe für Jackson ein Jahrzehnt bis 2003 gearbeitet als die Beziehung endelte nachdem Forunier verweigerte an einer medizin. Behandlung teilzunehmen.

    Jackson was acting "goofy" and was slow to respond to standard questions before a scheduled cosmetic surgery that was canceled after Fournier refused to administer an anesthetic, he said.
    Jackson benahm sich "doof" und war langsam darin Standardfragen zu beantworten, vor einer angesetzten kosmet. Operation, die gecancelt wurde als Fournier verweigerte Betäubungsmittel zu geben.

    The incident came a few months after Fournier said he had to help Jackson breath while undergoing another procedure and later determined that Jackson had not disclosed a new medical condition.
    Der Vorfall kam ein paar Monate später nachdem Fournier sagte, er habe Jackson beatmen müssen, während er sich einer anderen Prozedur unterzog und später festgestellt wurde, dass Jackson nicht eine andere med. Behandlung offenbart hatte.

    "He wasn't honest with me," Fournier said without detailing the change in Jackson.
    "Er war nicht erhlich mit mit" sagt Forunier

    At the time, Jackson had an implant in his abdomen to block the effects of Demerol and other opiate drugs.
    Zu der Zeit hatte Jackson ein Implantat in seinem Bauch, dass die Auswirkungen von Demerol und anderen Opiaten blockierete.

    Fournier testified that he had given the singer a relatively large dose of a powerful anesthetic and needed to know how Jackson was going to react.
    Fournier bezeugte, dass er dem Sänger eine relativ große Dosis eines starken Betäubungsmittel gab und wissen musste, wie Jackson reagieren würde.

    A judge ruled that Fournier couldn't testify about the implant because he learned about it from Jackson's dermatologist, and it was a hearsay statement.
    Ein Gericht entschied das Forunier nicht über das Implantant aussagen durfte, weil er von Jacksons Hautarzt davon erfuhr und es ist ein Hörensagen-Statement.

    Jurors, however, had heard about the device through videotaped testimony of another Jackson doctor on Wednesday.
    Juroren allerdings erfurhen vom Implantat durch eine Videoaussage eines anderen Arztes am Mittwoch.

    Fournier testified as a defense witness in a negligence case filed by Jackson's mother against AEG Live LLC, the promoter of Jackson's comeback shows.

    Katherine Jackson claims the concert promoter failed to properly investigate the doctor who was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson an overdose of the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid in 2009.

    AEG denies it is liable for Jackson's death. Its lawyers have said Jackson hid his prescription drug use from nearly everyone.

    Fournier said his incomplete medical records show he administered propofol to Jackson at least 14 times between 2000 and 2003. He estimated he gave the singer the drug numerous other times over the years for a variety of cosmetic and dental procedures.
    Fournier sagte, seine unvollständigen medizinischen Aufzeichnungen zeigen, dass er Propofol verabreicht hat an Jackson mindestens 14 mal zwischen 2000 und 2003. Er schätzte,er gab dem Sänger das Medikament zahlreiche weitere Male im Laufe der Jahre für eine Vielzahl von kosmetischen und Zahnbehandlungen.

    He noted in his records that Jackson had a high tolerance for certain drugs, which Fournier said could be attributed to a variety of factors, including genetics.
    Er bemerkte in seinen Aufzeichnungen, dass Jackson eine hohe Toleranz für bestimmte Medikamente hat, die Fournier sagte könnten von einer Vielzahl von Faktoren, wie Genetik zugeschrieben werden.

    During cross-examination, Fournier said Jackson never requested any specific drugs, including propofol, during procedures or asked to be sedated for longer than was necessary. He said the singer didn't exhibit any drug-seeking behavior or signs that he was doctor-shopping.
    Während des Kreuzverhörs sagte Fournier Jackson habe nie spezifischen Medikamente wie Propofol angefordert oder erbeten bei Behandlungen länger als nötig sediert zu werden. Er sagte, die Sängerin zeigte kein Drogensucht Verhalten oder Anzeichen dafür, dass er Doctor-shopping machte.

    Fournier said he knew that Jackson had received an above-average number of anesthetic treatments over his lifetime, and many were related to procedures needed after Jackson was badly burned in a shoot for a Pepsi commercial in 1984.

    Fournier sagte, er wisse, dass Jackson eine überdurchschnittliche Anzahl von Narkose Behandlungen im Laufe seines Lebens erhielt, und viele Verfahren wurden benötigt im Zusammenhang der Verbrennung nach einem verungkückten Shooting für einen Pepsi-Werbespot 1984.

    Fournier said it was not common to administer an anesthetic during cosmetic procedures, but the ones done on Jackson were complex and involved dozens of injections. Some of the procedures were near Jackson's eye and sedation was necessary to keep him still, Fournier said.
    Fournier sagte, es sei nicht üblich, ein Anästhetikum während kosmetischen Eingriffen zu geben, aber die, die bei Jackson gemacht wurden waren komplizierter und komplexer und erforderten Dutzende von Injektionen. Einige der Verfahren waren in der Nähe von Jackson Auge und eine Sedierung war notwendig um ihn still zu halten, sagte Fournier.

    Fournier also said he never had any indication that the singer was using propofol as a treatment for insomnia.
    Fournier sagte auch, er hatte nie irgendwelche Anzeichen dafür, dass der Sänger Propofol zur Behandlung von Schlaflosigkeit verwendete.

    Jackson's physician Conrad Murray had been giving the singer nightly doses of propofol as Jackson prepared for his ill-fated "This is it" shows.

  • Vielleicht war ja das der grund dafür, dass Paris sich was angetan hat. Debbie weiß ja nicht erst seit gestern, dass sie aussagen muss. Kann mir gut vorstellen, dass sie mit Paris über Michael geredet hat. Vielleicht hat das Paris so belastet, dass sie sich was antun wollte.

    Ich vertraue auf Debbie. Sie wird das schon machen. Sie liebt Michael und wird die Aussage so gestalten, ohne ihm in den Rücken zu fallen oder ihn bloß zu stellen. Es stellt sich eh die Frage, inwieweit sie da gewisse Aussagen machen darf, da sie ja keine Ärztin ist und zur Notwendigkeit der Medikamentengabe keine fachliche Aussage treffen darf, da sie nicht das nötige Fachwissen hat.

    Was Katherine betrifft: Da sag ich jetzt mal lieber nix dazu... *hust*

  • Jacksons vs AEG - Day 55 – July 24 2013 – Summary
    Katherine and Trent Jackson are at court.

    John Meglen Testimony

    Jackson Cross

    AEG Live executive John Meglen is back on the stand. He’s being cross examined by plaintiff’s lawyer Brian Panish. There were some testy exchanges between Meglen and Panish. The lawyer went back over a lot of Meglen’s testimony from yesterday. There were lots of objections. The judge also had to tell Meglen to give yes or no answers, and told Panish not to argue with the witness. The session actually ended when the judge called a sidebar right before the lunch break. (AP)

    Panish asked Meglen about his testimony yesterday on the reported 97k attendance figure for a U2 concert at the Rose Bowl. Meglen said yesterday he didn’t believe the figure as it was reported by Billboard magazine. Panish asked him for any evidence to dispute it The executive said he didn’t have evidence to dispute the 97k attendance figure, but made clear he doesn’t believe it. (AP)

    The Rose Bowl would only seat 60,000, Meglin said. Although Billboard Magazine reported that U2 performed for 97,000 people in the Pasadena, California, venue in 2009, Meglin said he was "trusting my gut" that the numbers were inflated. "I know how those numbers can be manipulated," he said.Jackson lead lawyer Brian Panish noted that 98,000 people were in the Rose Bowl seats when Michael Jacksonperformed the halftime show for Super Bowl 27 in 1993. (CNN)

    Panish showed the Rose Bowl chart defendants created and asked what's the maximum seating capacity in the Rose Bowl? Meglen: There are many factors that go into that "I believe the seating capacity for a football game is 100,000," Meglen said.
    Panish: For a music concert?
    Meglen: You'll need to tell me the size of the production in order to tell you (ABC7)

    Meglen: U2 Concert was called 360, so I'm assuming it sold 360 degrees. Meglen said he was at the Rose Bowl but didn't watch the U2 concert. Panish asked if 97,000 people sounds right. Meglen: No, I'm not aware of that because I was not involved in the show Panish asked if Meglen was saying the Rose Bowl can't fit 97,000. "I'm not trying to tell you that, it depends on the size of the production. Michael was a stage end production," Meglen opined. Meglen: If you have a center stage, 360 in the round with a small stage in the middle, you could probably get 97,000, yes. Panish asked if Billboard Magazine was wrong about U2 having 97K people. "I told you I do not believe the numbers on Billboard" Meglen said. Panish showed picture of U2 concert at the Rose Bowl. Meglen said the floor is not completely filled up. Panish asked how many seats are in the Rose Bowl. Meglen said the stadium is around 100,000 people. (ABC7)

    Panish: You told us yesterday you spoke with the promoters of U2. Who did you speak with?
    Meglen: Jerry Barae -- he's in Chicago (ABC7)

    Meglen: I never disputed what U2 sold at Rose Bowl. I cannot tell you how much are paid tickets, how much are what we call 'paper ticket' VooDoo Lounge, 180-200 degrees, you can sell 60,000 seats, Meglen said. Panish asked if Meglen spoke with someone promoting the U2 concert at the Rose Bowl and that there were only 60,000 people there. Meglen said that was not true. (ABC7)

    Panish: If you testified to that it is a lie, then?
    Meglen: I don't believe that's what I testified to

    "I said that I don't believe it," Meglen said, "and I still believe that's not true. My answer said it is not true they had 97,000." Meglen: When I talk about ticket sales, we talk about paid tickets. We don't really care about people who don't pay tickets. "No one from U2's group told me that 97,000 people did not attend the Rose Bowl," Meglen said. Meglen explained he based his opinion on his experience promoting and producing stadium shows for 35 years. (ABC7)

    He said he doesn’t believe the 97k figure was for paid attendance, which is what matters to him and what he was referring to. Panish
    showed Meglen a photo from the U2 show. Fans were packed in the stands and hundreds were on the field. Meglen pointed out that the U2 show had a 360-degree stage that allowed them to sell tickets throughout the entire Rose Bowl. He said Michael Jackson’s stage for the “This Is It” show was different, an “end stage” setup that wouldn't allow as many concertgoers. Meglen conceded that you could probably fit 97k people in the Rose Bowl with the right stage, but they might not have all bought tickets. (AP)

    Meglen smiled at Panish.
    Panish: Is it funny Mr. Meglen?
    Judge: Mr. Panish, don't argue -- she shook her head (ABC7)

    Meglen said he's been working with Gongaware for 35 years. Panish asked if Meglen agrees with Gongaware that the sale of MJ's tickets was the fastest ever in the industry. Meglen: I don't think I agree with that statement, but I think that's what Paul thought.
    Panish: Do you agree or disagree this is the most amazing ticket sales Mr. Gongaware has ever seen?
    Meglen: I agree that's the most that Paul had seen (ABC7)

    Meglen said he has done tours for 35 years, probably hundreds of tours.(ABC7)

    The lawyer asked about Paul Gongaware’s contention that he had never seen anything like the “This Is It” ticket demand. Panish wanted to know why Meglen didn't agree with Gongaware's characterization of the "This Is It" ticket sales. Meglen: “Paul and I have worked on different projects in our lives.” He said he couldn't give the lawyer a simple yes or no answer. Panish asked whether Meglen was denying that Jackson had “huge ticket drawing power.” Meglen responded, “Not at all.” (AP)

    Panish: Do you agree with Randy Phillips, the CEO of AEG, believe Mr. Jackson had an obligation to attend rehearsal? Meglen: I don't know the context of which this question was asked. You are asking me to opine on what Randy was thinking. Meglen: I don't know if Michael had a contractual obligation. "Randy may have felt Michael was obligated, but don't know it was contractually obligated," Meglen said. Meglen: I agree that an artist should go to some of the rehearsals, yes (ABC7)

    Panish asked Meglen a bit about the AEG corporate structure. Meglen reports to the CEO of AEG Inc., he said. Panish again asked Meglen about his contention from yesterday that there were bigger stars than Michael Jackson. Panish's questioning focused on AEG execs Paul Gongaware and Randy Phillips saying there was no one bigger than Jackson. The lawyer then asked Meglen whether he agreed with AEG Live CEO that Michael Jackson was bigger than Celine Dion. Meglen works directly with Dion and her tours in North America. It took him a few tries before he answered the question. He said he doesn’t believe that Phillips’ statement is true, but it was a personal opinion. “To me, she’s bigger,” Meglen said. (AP)

    Panish: Do you agree with Randy Phillips that MJ was a bigger artist than Celine Dion, yes or no?
    Meglen: I do, myself, personally believe that that is not true
    "In my opinion Celine is right up there with Michael Jackson and is bigger," Meglen said. (ABC7)

    Meglen and Panish went back-and-forth for several minutes over when AEG’s negotiations began with Jackson in 2008. Meglen didn’t remember the time frame, so Panish played his deposition in which he said the negotiations started in Fall of 2008. Panish then asked whether Meglen was personally involved in the negotiations. He said he wasn’t at the negotiating table. It took a long time and several questions to establish that Meglen was briefed about negotiations during meetings with other AEG Live execs. Meglen didn’t review the actual contracts for the “This Is It” shows, but said he had input on ticket prices, other issues. (AP)

    Panish played Meglen's deposition, where he was asked when he recalled the negotiations with MJ started. Meglen said Summer or Fall 2008. Panish: Is that the truth or not, sir? Or you don't know the truth? Meglen: It's the truth, but I'm not good with dates, need to look at my calendar. (ABC7)

    Meglen said he was not at the table during the negotiation, he would be at the office doing his work. Meglen: I was not personally involved, face to face, with MJ's people Meglen said that the negotiation is not only the contract, but various internal conversations about the tour. "As CEO of Concerts West, it's my job to review any negotiations people are having regarding tour," Meglen said. Meglen explained he was involved in the internal discussions, in conversations with Gongaware and Phillips. He never reviewed the contract as was being drafted, Meglen said. (ABC7)

    Meglen said he was not involved in "This Is It" movie. Panish said he was credited as co-producer of the movie. Meglen said he was a co-producer of the show not the movie. Meglen explained Gongaware has not been involved in Celine Dion's tour, but they give each other credit. (ABC7)

    The exec said he gave input in ticket prices, scaling and places to have the show. Panish played video deposition, where Meglen said he doesn't recall if he was involved in the forecast for MJ tour. Timm Wooley is friends of Meglen. They haven't discussed the trial. The last time they saw each other was in London for Rolling Stones show. Wooley doesn't work for AEG, but to Rolling Stones now. Hougdahl "Bugzee" is working for Shania Twain. Panish showed an email from Gongaware about MJ first draft of worldwide tour projection. It lists "net to Mikey $132 million." Email: It's a big number, but this is not a number MJ will want to hear. He thinks he is so much bigger than that. If we use show income, it's over a quarter of a billion dollars. His net share works out to be 50% after local venue and advertising costs, which is quite good. His gross will approach $ half a billion. Maybe gross is a better number to throw around, if we need to use numbers with Mikey listening.
    Panish: Isn't Paul Gongaware suggesting to lie to Michael Jackson?
    Meglen: No he is not (ABC7)

    Panish asked Meglen is he knows Dr. Finkelstein. He said he asked which tour he was in with Michael Jackson. Meglen said he saw Dr. Finkelstein at the Coachella festival. He got tickets from AEG. (ABC7)

    Meglen spoke with Gongaware about previous MJ's tour. He knows that Michael canceled a tour because MJ entered rehab. (ABc7)

    After a brief break, Panish showed Meglen the AEG projections for a worldwide tour for Jackson that were displayed last week. Panish went through the list, showing that AEG had plotted out potential shows in Europe, South Africa and other locations. The lawyer pointed to several shows planned for India and his contention that big artists didn’t perform in India. Panish then rattled off several acts who peformed in India: Beyonce, Akon, Shakira, 50 Cent. Meglen didn’t dispute they performed there. “It’s not a very big market, that I do know,” Meglen said of the India concert scene. A dispute over India’s population ensued. Panish at one point said that there were billions of people in Mumbai alone, prompting several attorneys and the judge to chime in. Panish conceded the billions of people in Mumbai remark wasn't right and moved on to other topics. (AP)

    Panish showed email Gongaware sent with the attachment of the worldwide MJ tour and cc'd to Meglen. It lists cities, the amount of shows and weeks in Europe, South Africa, Asia (and Middle East), India and US.
    Panish: You told us yesterday no one goes to India
    Meglen: Not that many do. Again, I told you very few people, no one as in few people
    Meglen said he thinks MJ did one or two shows in India.
    Panish: Is Beyonce no one?
    Meglen: No, she's a very popular
    Panish: Do you know she went to India?
    Meglen: I have not idea
    Panish also named Shakira, Akon, 50 Cent that went to India. The email projection shows 3 shows in India plus one private for MJ. (ABC7)

    He next asked Meglen about Phillips’ contention in an email that Jackson could have sold out 200 shows in London. Meglen said he didn’t agree and that he didn’t believe that Jackson could have done 200 shows in London. Asked if Phillips’ statement in the email was a false one, Meglen said yes. He added that no one in the business has a “crystal ball.” He said Phillips may have believed that was true, but he didn't believe Jackson could have done 200 shows in London. Panish asked some questions about how many tickets people could buy for the “This Is It” shows. Meglen said he didn’t know. Meglen and Panish went back-and-forth about it for a few questions, then the judge called a sidebar. (AP)

    Meglin also disagreed with what one of his superiors, AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips, wrote in an e-mail that there was enough demand in England alone to sell out more that 200 Jackson shows. "He believed that," Meglin testified. "I don't believe that." (CNN)

    Meglen said he does not believe MJ could sell 200 shows in London. Panish said Randy Phillips said that. "My opinion is no, that he he could not have done 200 shows in London," Meglen testified. Panish showed an email from Phillips saying "We could have done 200+ shows based on demand." Meglen said he does not believe that is true. "He believed that, I don't believe that." "No one has a crystal ball in our business," Meglen said. "He could've done 200 shows is purely speculation on his behalf." Panish asked if Phillips was more hands on than he was in "This Is It" tour. He said yes. “I don't know if I agree there were 525,000 people in the queue," Meglan opined. "Everybody exaggerates, and when something is hot everyone wants to take it to the moon," Meglen said. Panish asked Meglen to assume Randy Phillips told the truth. "I know it's a big assumption," Panish said. Defendants' attorney objected, judge sustained it and asked to go to sidebar to talk to attorneys. Attorneys went to judge's chamber and talked for about 10 minutes. They came back and judge broke session for lunch. (ABC7)

    Panish corrected himself about number of people living in India. Earlier he said several billion people live there, but should be millions. "I understand you are mistaken," Meglen said. "It doesn't mean you are a liar." Panish said he would not respond to Meglen's comment. (ABC7)

    Regarding India, Meglen explained: "I don't think it's a small market, I think it's an under developed market." Meglen said he knows that Michael played in India, heard from Panish that Beyonce went to India. (ABC7)

    Panish: When you testified yesterday, you didn't know anyone that had gone to India, correct?
    Meglen: No, that's not correct (ABC7)

    Panish: Are there a lot of stadiums in the world that hold more than 60,000?
    Meglen: Yes, there are a lot of soccer stadiums in the world
    Panish: In Australia?
    Meglen: Yes (ABC7)

    Meglen said he does not recall how many times MJ sold out in London.(ABC7)

    Leonard Cohen -- AEG promoted and produced worldwide tour, Meglen said.
    Panish: Did you hire a doctor for Leonard Cohen?
    Meglen: We do not hire doctors (ABC7)

    Panish asked if Meglen has had experience where the CEO is involved in doing an intervention with an artist. Meglen said he's aware of it happening before in the early 80s, not at AEG. He was involved minimally in the intervention. (ABC7)

    Meglen said he has not had emails from show managers at AEG saying the artist was deteriorating. "I've had situation where the production manager had emails about the artist's behavior," Meglen testified. "I've had situations where artists had been sick before, yes," Meglen said. Panish: Have you ever called the doctor for 30 minutes to discuss the artist's condition? Meglen: No (ABC7)
    Panish asked if Meglen had ever seen an email saying AEG wanted to remind the doctor they are paying the bill. The exec said no. (ABC7)

    Meglen: I'm aware of us checking people out. "We don't hire doctors, if the artist wants his doctor there, the way we check that out we go to the artist," Meglen said. "If I'm asking the artist if that's his doctor, that's throughly checking him out," Meglen explained. (ABc7)

    Meglen: I asked MJ if he was performing this and he told me he did not want to do (a residency show in Las Vegas). "I think MJ would have to do over 2.5 shows a week or you couldn't have such a deal," Meglen said. (ABC7)

    AEG redirect

    In re-direct, Jessica Bina asked about the proposal for the Las Vegas show in 2010 with MJ's Estate. "There are numbers for per week, per year for the first 5 performance years, then next 5 performance years," Meglen explained. Meglen said he became aware Cirque du Soleil was anxious to get a deal done with the Estate to have a MJ show. Meglen said his argument was that there was something better to do. (ABC7)

    Meglen: We don't have a crystal ball (on whether show would be successful or not). (ABC7)

    Bina asked if artist is in the middle of stadium w/ microphone if there are reasons the show couldn't be filled to capacity. Meglan said no. Bina: But does it happen very often? Meglen: No. Meglen: Artist has to be comfortable with all around stage, production becomes very challenging and incredibly expensive as well as sales. "This Is It" was not set to be a 360 degree show, Meglen said. He noted it was quite the opposite. MJ's production was $26-$27 million. Meglen said for TII to become 360 degree tour, there would be cost associated with it. "Pretty much, it would have to be a new production." Meglen explained 180-240 degrees in front of the stage is the standard in the business. Meglen said if he could sell more tickets for TII he would have. "It's nothing but profit at that point." The executive said there was never a conversation about making TII show 360 degree. (ABC7)

    Meglen said again he doesn't agree with Phillips' opinion that there were 200+ more shows to be done in London. Meglen said putting 13 million tickets on sale was not on his mind. He expected the London shows to do well. The executive said when MJ said "This is It" people thought that was it. But if he went to other cities, this was not it after all. Meglen said that at the time MJ died there were only 50 shows agreed upon between MJ and AEG. Meglen said that for lower ticket price TII was a great sale. (ABC7)

    Jackson recross

    Panish: Were Paul Gongaware and Randy Phillips more involved in TII than you?
    Meglen: Yes (ABC7)

    The executive said he never told Gongaware and Phillips the projection was bad, only that he thought it was a long ways to get to the end. (ABC7)

    AEG redirect

    Meglen said Beatles' "Love" and Cirque du Soleil "O" are two of the most successful conceptional shows. (ABC7)

    Bina showed Gongaware's email again: Here's the first-draft look at a worldwide tour... you can't pin this down now... too many variables. (ABC7)

    Meglen said it's not possible to see the Beatles anymore, since some members are dead. Meglen: If Michael was still alive and touring, I would not be interested in doing a MJ conceptional show. (ABC7)

    Jackson recross

    Panish asked if MJ wanted to go worldwide, AEG would've been able to make that happen. Meglen said he could've set up the arrangements. "I cannot tell you how many more Michael Jackson tours he could've done it, it's pure speculation," Meglen said.
    Panish: Did you know MJ told his children they would go on a world tour?
    Meglen: I have no idea (ABC7)

    Meglen was excused.

    Dr. Alimorad Farshchian Video Deposition

    Deposition was in August 2012. Marvin Putnam did the questioning. Dr. Farshchian went to Rutger's University, graduated in 1983 with pre-med. He went to medical school in Saint Lucia in 1987. After that he did cardiac research at SUNY in Brooklyn. He did that for 3-4 years. He then did residency in internal medicine and family medicine, went to private practice. Dr. Farshchian is not board certified. Center for Regenerative Medicine is his practice in Florida. He's the medical director. (ABC7)

    Dr. Farshchian treated MJ in April 2001 and stopped in 2003. 'I was one of his doctors," he said. Dr. Farshchian said MJ was having an issue with his ankle, he was supposed to performed at Madison Square Garden, had to rehearse. Dr. Farshchian: And he had an ankle issue that was more like a sprained ankle that was not healing and he had to continue to dance on it. "He made an appointment like everybody else," Dr. Farshchian said. (ABC7)

    Putnam asked if MJ wanted to get off drugs, if that happened at the hotel in a second meeting with the doctor. He said yes. Putnam: Do you remember the first time he told you he wanted to clean himself up from drugs? "He was trying to get off Demerol," Dr. Farshchian said. MJ told him he had a problem with the drug. Dr. Farshchian said MJ's main concern was his kids, always his kids, I'd do for my kids, and to spend more time with his kids. (ABC7)

    At that time, Dr. Farshchian said he wasn't following MJ on the media. At that point, to me he was just a regular patient. Dr Farshchian: When I got to know him I visited him at the hotel, read a little about him on the internet, then realized was ongoing problem (ABc7)

    Putnam: Did MJ tell you he was addicted to Demerol?
    Dr. Farshchian: Not in certain words
    Putnam: Did he seek treatment with you?
    Dr. Farshchian: Eventually (ABC7)

    Dr. Farshchian: To treat Michael for that problem, I thought that because he travelled quite a bit he needed something to be on him. I chose Naltrexone, Dr. Fashchian testified. The drug inhibits the effects of the narcotics, if you take it it stops giving you the euphoria. Dr. Farshchian said he implanted more than one patch of the drug in MJ. It normally lasts 60-90 days in the body. MJ had patch implanted 5 times. Dr. Farshchian said in training in family medicine, he learned about psychiatry and drug dependency. Dr. Farshchian: The implant, back then it was more popular, not doing as much anymore. The doctor said carrying an implant in you, you carry a risk of infection. That could be a reason they don't do it that much. Dr. Farshchian said MJ's skin would have allergy from the patch, he wouldn't be very comfortable with it. Dr. Farshchian: It's usually placed in the abdomen lower than belly button, right or left side, and removed after 90 days. (ABC7)

    Medical record timeline (ABC7)

    21 Jul 02 -- sent more information about Buprenex, since did not get any respond (sic) from him and attempt to intervene.

    Jackson had some sort of infection on his leg, he was going to Germany at the time, so Dr Farshchian went with him for treatment of his condition

    20 Oct 02 -- patient states he need some help him with his addiction problem. He does not wish to go to an outpatient rehab facility despite the pressure from family. Discussed with him option of Naltrexone.

    Dr. Farshchian said Jackson was adamant about not going to rehab facility. He was concerned about his privacy and paparazzi.

    04 Nov 02 -- Jackson's weight was 128 -- pre-procedure, cut the skin, insert implant chip of Naltrexone.

    Dr. Farshchian used local anesthesia with lidocaine 1%, done as outpatient in doctor's office in Miami.

    06 Nov 02 -- phone call, states he's doing well tolerating minimum agitation, little insomnia

    Dr. Farshchian said it was a 10 hour production to go from Neverland to Miami. Jackson said he was going to see a psychologist. "Jackson was very private with everything," Dr. Farshchian said. At the time, he was complaining of insomnia. He was seeing a herbologist for it. Dr. Farshchian said Jackson always had trouble sleeping. "To me his insomnia was caused, possibly, you have this area inside the nose...called turbinates, if you reduced it's called empty nose syndrome, to me that was the cause of that. Putnam asked if parts of Jackson’s nose were missing? Dr. Farshchian’s response, “ Portions of his nose were taken out. (Jurors heard from Farschian that Jackson suffered from insomnia years earlier. The doctor's theory is that it was linked to cosmetic surgery: a key part of Jacksons nose was missing. "It is possible that you produce what they call empty nose syndrome and producing insomnia," said Farschian.)

    Two days later, Jackson reported good nights.”

    26 Nov 02 -- ankle wound is better, but he had taken the implant out by a physician at home, wishes to do another implant

    Dr. Farshchian said Michael had a local doctor who didn't know what the patch was and removed it. Jackson would itch it, had some skin rash. Michael really wanted to do this, he came back to get the procedure done, Dr. Farshchian said.

    26 Nov 02 -- second procedure of Naltrexone

    27 Nov 02 -- no nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Abdomen implant well placed Naltrexone implant: continue current treatment, patient sober x 20 days

    29 Nov 02 -- feels very good, sleeping well. No sign of opiate withdrawal.

    Dr. Farshchian: My practice is completely orthopedic regeneration. He said he treats arthritis and orthopedic conditions.

    02 Dec 02 -- feels very good, sleeping well Patient sober, now going over the 12 steps with him

    Dr. Farshchian: Each of the steps is somewhat connected of asking God to help you get strength to battle addiction. There was a period of time Jackson stayed with Dr. Farshchian, he stayed over two times, the children one time. The doctor lives in North Miami Beach, Bay Harbor Island. Grace Rwamba might've stayed at the house as well. Dr. Farshchian said he converted his garage into a bedroom for Jackson. He never treated Jackson at the house.

    04 Dec 02 -- Narcan implant at its place Exercised the 12 steps with him

    20 Jan 03 -- patient returns for another implant, been sober for more than 2 months, states been following the 12 step program Weight: 135 lbs

    03 Apr 03 -- patient returns for another implant, sober for almost 6 months following 12 step program at least once a week with private social worker

    02 Jul 03 -- patient returned for another implant, sober for almost 9 months, good with 12 step program

    Patient can follow up with local physician at this point. Dr. Farshchian said he thought it was enough, the treatment was done.

    (About the plaintiffs claim that Jackson was emaciated, the autopsy recorded he was 136 pounds when he died. Farschian testified that Jackson weighed 128 when he treated him.)

    The next time Dr. Farshchian saw Michael was the weekend after he was arrested.
    Putnam: How was he doing?
    Dr. Farshchian: Not too good
    Putnam: Was he using drugs again?
    Dr. Farshchian: No (ABC7)

    Dr. Farshchian: There was an attempt intervention by the family but MJ was very difficult to get to, bodyguard, so it may not have happened. Putnam asked if the intervention was in the Spring of 2002. Dr. Farshchian said it might've been after or before, not sure. (ABC7)

    Dr. Farshchian is not aware of MJ doing any other outpatient treatment. (ABC7)

    Dr. Farshchian said when MJ's third child, Blanket, was just born, there was 'a monkey on his back', he didn't want to do it anymore. "Monkey on his back" was Demerol use, Dr. Farshchian said. Dr. Farshchian said he didn't know why MJ became addicted or started taking Demerol. The doctor said MJ did not abuse other drugs or alcohol. (ABC7)

    MJ was seeing other doctors in CA.
    List of other doctors:
    Dr. William Van Valin -- Dr. Farshchian doesn't know him
    Dr. Murray -- Dr. Farshchian doesn't know him
    Dr. Arnold Klein -- yes, I heard about him through the media
    Dr. Steven Hoefflin -- Dr. Farshchian doesn't know him
    Dr. Metzger-- yes, heard being MJ's physician in LA, might have spoken to him. Spoke about implants, what to do about it, how he should look (ABC7)

    Last time Dr. Farshchian spoke with Mrs. Jackson was at the funeral. Before he spoke with her at a 2002 Christmas at Neverland. He said he also had a phone call with Mrs. Jackson where she wanted to know about the implants. Michael called Mrs. Jackson and Dr. Farshchian said he was treating MJ for addiction to Demerol. (ABC7) The doctor said he talked to her directly about the singer's detox treatment."I think she wanted to know all about it, what was going on," said Farschian. (ABC)

    Last time he spoke with MJ on the phone was in the Winter of 2004. His first impression was that he wanted to get better for the kids' sake. (ABC7)

    Did you understand Mrs. Jackson was concerned about his health? Dr. Farshchian: Yes, I don't recall the conversation, but once she understood the procedure he said she was happy Dr. Farshchian: Once at Neverland Michael showed his mother the implant. She was very happy about it. (ABC7) The doctor said he implanted Jackson five times over nine months and that he personally witnessed Mrs. Jackson examining her son's incision. "I remember that was in Neverland. Michael did show the implant to his mother. Just his mother was there. She was very happy," said Farschian. (ABC)

  • 26. Juli 2013 (2)

    Am Donnerstag hat David Fournier, ein Krankenpfleger im Bereich Anästhesiologie, der Michael Jackson mehr als ein Dutzend Mal Propofol verabreicht hatte, ausgesagt. Fournier ist der erste von “vielen, vielen” im medizinische Bereich tätigen Zeugen, die Michael Jackson behandelt hatten, so hatte AEG Anwalt Putnam vorgängig angekündigt. AEG rief Fournier als Zeugen auf, um die Geschworenen davon zu überzeugen, dass Michael Jackson betreffend seinen Medikamentengebrauch so täuschend und geheimnisvoll war, dass die AEG Manager gar nicht wissen konnten, dass seine Gesundheit während den Vorbereitungen zu “This Is It” gefährdet war.
    Fournier erzählte u.a. von einem Vorfall am 3. Juni 2003, als Michael Jackson während einer Narkose für eine Behandlung bei Dr. Arnold Klein plötzlich zu atmen aufgehört hatte. Nach einer “leicht merkwürdigne Reaktion” während der Sedierung hatte Dr. Klein Fournier gesagt, dass dies wegen eines “Opiatantagonists”, den er implantiert hatte, sein könnte. Dieses sollte ihm bei der Behandlung seiner Abhängigkeit von Demerol helfen. “Man erwartet von seinen Patienten und Ärzten, dass sie mit einem ehrlich sind und ich fühlte mich hintergangen und war verärgert (über Klein und Michael Jackson)”, so Fournier.
    Die AEG Anwälte erhoffen sich von diesem Bericht, dass die Geschworenen sehen, dass Michael Jackson betreffend seinen Medikamentengebrauch nicht ehrlich war und dass das AEG Management somit keine Chance hatte zu wissen, welche gefährliche Behandlungen Murray Michael Jackson verabreicht hatte.
    Fournier berichtete auch, dass Michael Jackson in zwei Fällen die Anweisungen im Anschluss an eine Sedierung nicht befolgt hatte. So ging er einmal in einen KFC, um fried chicken zu essen, statt wie angewiesen nach Hause zu gehen und erst einmal nur Cracker zu essen. Ein anderes Mal ging er direkt an eine Probe für eine Grammy Show Aufführung und verstauchte sich dabei den Fuss. Fournier sagte aber auch aus, dass jedes Mal, als Propofol verabreicht wurde, dies aus medizinischer Sicht gerechtfertigt war und dass er nicht den Eindruck hatte, dass Michael Jackson ein Medikamentenproblem hatte.
    Die 14 Male, in denen Fournier Michael Jackson zwischen 2000 und 2003 Propofol verabreicht hatte, waren für plastische Operationen, dermatologische Behandlungen und Operationen im Mundbereich. Das erste Mal, als Fournier Michael Jackson unter Narkose gesetzt hatte, war 1993, als er im Zusammenhang mit seinen schweren Verbrennungen an der Kopfhaut beim Pepsi Werbefilm einige Jahre zuvor behandelt wurde.
    In 25 Fällen, als er beauftragt wurde, bei Behandlungen von Michael Jackson zu assistieren, wurden keinerlei Beruhigungs- und Schmerzmittel verabreicht, so Fournier. Fournier hatte lediglich Michaels Hand gehalten und ihm versichert, dass alles gut kommen würde. Michael hatte auch nie um spezifische Medikamente gefragt und hatte nie mit ihm gestritten, so Fournier. Alle Ärzte, die ihn behandelt hatten, waren angesehene Ärzte. Fourniers freundschaftliche Beziehung mit Michael Jackson kam im November 2003 zu einem Ende, als er eine Behandlung absagte, weil Michael Jackson “ein bisschen albern erschien, ein bisschen langsam reagierte”.
    Fournier sagte, dass er sich weigerte, Michael eine Narkose zu verabreichen, weil er vermutete, dass Michael ihm nicht die Wahrheit gesagt hatte, was für Medikamente er an jenem Tag eingenommen hatte. Trotz der langen Zeit von zehn Jahren, in denen er sich gut um ihn gekümmert hatte, hatte Michael ihn nach diesem Vorfall nie mehr angerufen, so Fournier.
    Quellen: jackson.ch, cnn.com

    Copyright © jackson.ch

  • Potenzielle Zeugen nächste Woche Debbie Rowe und Video-Depositionen von Randy und Rebbie Jackson

    ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
    Potential witnesses for next week: Debbie Rowe, video deposition of Randy Jackson and Rebbie Jackson. We hope to see you

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