MJ wrongful death suit / kitkat gegen AEG

  • ...die Jackson-Anwälte haben einen Antrag gestellt... daß AEG nicht die Freisprechung von Gongaware und Phillips erwähnen darf ... sie wollen ein Jury-Instruktion daß die Jury nicht spekulieren darf warum die beiden als Beklagte von der Klage entfernt wurden....

    ..das hier ist übrigens der aktuelle Vorschlag der Jacksons für den Urteilsbogen der Jury....

    September 10 - Update

    Katherine Jackson / Plaintiff's proposed verdict form

    1. Was Conrad Murray unfit or incompetent to perform the work for which he was hired?
    Yes / No

    If you answered Yes then answer question 2. If you answered No stop here answer no further questions.

    2. Did defendants know or should have known that Conrad Murray was unfit or incompetent and that this unfitness or incompetence caused a particular risk to Michael Jackson?

    Yes / No

    If you answered Yes then answer question 3. If you answered No stop here answer no further questions.

    3. Did Murray's unfitness or incompetence harm Michael Jackson and the Jackson plaintiffs?

    Yes / No

    If you answered Yes then answer question 4. If you answered No stop here answer no further questions.

    4. Was defendants negligence in hiring supervising and retaining Murray a substantial factor in causing Michael Jackson and Jackson plaintiffs harm?

    Yes / No

    If you answered Yes then answer question 5. If you answered No stop here answer no further questions.

    5. What are plaintiff KJ total wrongful death damages for the death of Michael Jackson?

    economic damages (past support, contribution gifts/benefits) _______________
    economic damages (future support, contribution gifts/benefits) _______________
    non economic damages (past love, companionship,comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection,society, moral support, training and guidance) __________________
    non economic damages (future love, companionship,comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection,society, moral support, training and guidance) __________________

    Answer question 6

    6 What are plaintiff Prince total wrongful death damages for the death of Michael Jackson?

    economic damages (past support, contribution gifts/benefits) _______________
    economic damages (future support, contribution gifts/benefits) _______________
    non economic damages (past love, companionship,comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection,society, moral support, training and guidance) __________________
    non economic damages (future love, companionship,comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection,society, moral support, training and guidance) __________________

    Answer question 7

    7 What are plaintiff Paris total wrongful death damages for the death of Michael Jackson?

    economic damages (past support, contribution gifts/benefits) _______________
    economic damages (future support, contribution gifts/benefits) _______________
    non economic damages (past love, companionship,comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection,society, moral support, training and guidance) __________________
    non economic damages (future love, companionship,comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection,society, moral support, training and guidance) __________________

    Answer question 8

    8 What are plaintiff Blanket total wrongful death damages for the death of Michael Jackson?

    economic damages (past support, contribution gifts/benefits) _______________
    economic damages (future support, contribution gifts/benefits) _______________
    non economic damages (past love, companionship,comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection,society, moral support, training and guidance) __________________
    non economic damages (future love, companionship,comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection,society, moral support, training and guidance) __________________

    Answer question 9

    9. Was Michael Jackson negligent in matters related to his death?

    Yes / No

    If you answered Yes then answer question 10. If you answered No stop here answer no further questions.

    10. Was Michael Jackson's negligence a substantial factor in the cause of his death?

    Yes / No

    If you answered Yes then answer question 11. If you answered No stop here answer no further questions.

    11. What percentage of fault for Michael Jackson's death is attributable to

    Michael Jackson __________
    AEG Live ________________

  • The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Update

    10. September 2013

    Gestern hat Richterin Palazuelos ihren Entscheid zu einem Antrag von AEG Live zwecks Einstellung des Verfahrens bekannt gegeben. AEG Live war der Meinung, dass die Jacksons nicht genügend Beweise erbracht haben, die rechtfertigen würden, dass die Geschworenen in Kürze über den Fall beraten und entscheiden könnten. Diese Meinung teilte die Richterin nicht.

    Richterin Palazuelos schrieb: “Es wurden während des Prozesses eindeutige Beweise erbracht, aus denen die Geschworenen begründet ableiten können, dass die Beklagten (AEG Live) wussten oder hätten wissen sollen, dass Dr. Murray ein ungewisses Schadensrisiko für den Verstorbenen (Michael Jackson) darstellte”.

    Ferner entschied die Richterin, dass die Jacksons “klare Beweise” erbracht haben, dass AEG Lives Verhalten ein massgeblicher Faktor für den Tod von Michael Jackson war. “Eine Jury könnte aus den Beweisen logisch ableiten, dass (Michael Jackson) starb, weil Dr. Murray infolge eines Interessenskonflikts aufgrund seines Vertrags mit AEG, eine an Schlaflosigkeit leidende und immer schwächer werdende Person behandelte, die nicht in der Lage war zu performen, was Dr. Murray dazu führte, schlechte medizinische Entscheidungen zu treffen, die zu (Michael Jacksons) Tod führten”.

    “Das Gericht ist der Meinung, dass die Kläger ausreichend beweisen konnten, dass Dr. Murrays Behandlungen des Verstorbenen mit Murrays Anstellung durch AEG verbunden waren. Folglich ist der Antrag der Beklagten auf Einstellung des Verfahrens abgelehnt”, so die Richterin.

    Hingegen entschied Richterin Palazuelos, dass das Verfahren gegen AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips und co-CEO Paul Gongaware als individuelle Mitbeklagte in diesem Fall eingestellt wird. Die beiden Manager hätten keine persönliche Haftung übernommen, was die Anstellung von Conrad Murray anbelangt, sondern sie handelten lediglich als Hilfspersonen (Angestellte) von AEG Live. Ein Anwalt für die Jacksons meinte im Anschluss, dass diese zweite Entscheidung für sie keine grosse Bedeutung habe, da die Jacksons AEG Live zuvor bereits angeboten hatten, das Verfahren gegen die beiden CEOs als Einzelbeklagte einzustellen. AEG Lives Anwälte hatten dieses Angebot jedoch damals nicht angenommen.

    Diese Woche finden keine Zeugenaussagen statt, da eine der Geschworenen aus dringenden persönlichen Gründen verreisen musste. Der Prozess wird somit nächste Woche fortgesetzt. Das Ende ist in Sicht…

    Quellen: jackson.ch, cnn.com

    Weiterlesen unter http://www.jackson.ch/the-jacksons-vs-aeg-live-update-4/
    Copyright © jackson.ch

  • Ich hab so drüber nachgedacht und finde: AEG sollte schuldig gesprochen werden. Sie haben Michael extrem ausgenutzt (wie alle anderen auch, inkl. seiner Familie) und sollten irgendwas dafür "bezahlen". Und meine Hoffnung ist, dass die Jacksons dann eine kleine Weile aufhören, sich ins Rampenlicht zu drängen und ständig in billigen Z-Promi-Shows aufzutreten.

  • Ich hab so drüber nachgedacht und finde: AEG sollte schuldig gesprochen werden. Sie haben Michael extrem ausgenutzt (wie alle anderen auch, inkl. seiner Familie) und sollten irgendwas dafür "bezahlen". Und meine Hoffnung ist, dass die Jacksons dann eine kleine Weile aufhören, sich ins Rampenlicht zu drängen und ständig in billigen Z-Promi-Shows aufzutreten.

    Und weil ich sicher bin, nein, nachgerade WEIß, dass das nicht passiert,
    hoffe ich inständig, dass das rattenpack nicht einen müden cent bekommt!

  • ... dass die Jacksons dann eine kleine Weile aufhören, sich ins Rampenlicht zu drängen und ständig in billigen Z-Promi-Shows aufzutreten.

    Daran glaube ich auch nicht ... immerhin müssen sie ja noch den Estate bekämpfen.

    Mein Wunsch wäre sozusagen, daß die Jury zwar eine hohe moralische Schuld von AEG feststellt (die AEG meiner Meinung nach auch hat), aber eben keinen Schuldspruch und somit auch keine Kohle für die Family. Und wenn es Kitkat nur darum geht zu erfahren, was wirklich mit Michael passiert ist, dann sollte sie damit zufrieden sein (ein Witz - ich weiß :prust).

  • Besteht denn die leise Hoffnung, dass im Falle eines Schuldspruch durch die Jury, der zu zahlende "Schadensersatz" gar nicht an die Familie geht, sondern an den Estate?

    Auf einmal bist Du nicht mehr da,
    und keiner kanns verstehen.
    Im Herzen bleibst Du uns ganz nah,
    bei jedem Schritt den wir nun gehen.
    Nun ruhe sanft und geh in Frieden,
    denk immer dran, dass wir Dich lieben.
    Michael, i love you.

  • Schade. Wenn wenigstens der Anteil der Kids dem Estate übergeben werden könnte, könnten ihn die Alten nicht in die Finger bekommen.

    Auf einmal bist Du nicht mehr da,
    und keiner kanns verstehen.
    Im Herzen bleibst Du uns ganz nah,
    bei jedem Schritt den wir nun gehen.
    Nun ruhe sanft und geh in Frieden,
    denk immer dran, dass wir Dich lieben.
    Michael, i love you.

  • Michael Jackson's mom must testify again, AEG lawyer says
    By Alan Duke
    September 12, 2013 -- Updated 1048 GMT (1848 HKT)


    * AEG LIve lawyers want another chance to question Katherine Jackson in death trial
    * Lawyer: Jackson's mom will be asked "about the absurdity of the damages" she wants
    * Judge: Any mother would say "no amount of money would substitute for the loss of a son"
    * Wrongful death trial closing arguments could be heard next week

    Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's mother will be called back to testify by AEG Live as its last witness in their defense of Katherine Jackson's wrongful-death lawsuit on Monday, an AEG Live lawyer said Wednesday.

    AEG Live lead attorney Marvin Putnam said he would question the 83-year-old Jackson family matriarch "about the absurdity of the damages" she wants the jury to award if they decide the concert promoter is liable in the pop icon's death.

    A Jackson lawyer argued that AEG Live's "intent is to show the lawsuit's purpose is greed," while the judge suggested that any mother could be expected to say "there is no amount of money that would substitute for the loss of her son."

    Putnam has frequently cited in interviews a "statement of damages" letter sent to him by a Jackson lawyer last year capping possible damages at $40 billion, but the judge ruled that he could not refer to it in court because it was not a sworn filing in the case.

    Jackson lawyer Kevin Boyle pointed out that the lawsuit complaint only says that damages would be "according to proof at trial," based on testimony by several expert witnesses who have testified.

    Katherine Jackson and grandchildren Prince, Paris and Blanket contend that AEG Live is liable in the singer's death because it negligently hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. AEG Live argues that Jackson chose and controlled Murray and that its executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous treatments he was giving him in his bedroom.

    Jackson expert Arthur Erk -- a certified public accountant who has managed and audited the business affairs of many top artists -- testified that he was "reasonably certain" that Jackson would have earned at least $1.5 billion from touring, endorsements and sponsorships had he not died from a propofol overdose preparing for his comeback tour.

    "It is very difficult to assess the value of the King of Pop," Jackson lawyer Deborah Chang told the judge Wednesday. "How do you even do that?"

    The non-economic damages suffered because of Michael Jackson's death could be enormous considering "what happened to Paris Jackson," she said.

    Jackson's 15-year-old daughter attempted suicide in June and remains in a treatment program.

    The $40 billion estimate made last year was not a court filing but was a "best guess" before the expert reports were completed, Chang said.

    Jackson lawyers seemed to welcome the prospect of AEG Live calling their client as their final witness, considering how jurors reacted when she was on the stand in July. Jurors leaned forward and paid close attention during her two days of testimony as the last witness in their case.

    "Why are you here?" Jackson lawyer Brian Panish asked her.

    "Because I want to know what really happened to my son," she said. "And that's why I am here."

    Panish asked Jackson how it made her feel to be asked probing and personal questions about her family by AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putnam.

    "It makes me feel real bad, because my son was a very good person," she said. "He loved everybody. He gave to charity. He was in the Guinness Book of World Records for giving to charity."

    in July, she told jurors she filed the wrongful death lawsuit against AEG Live "because I want to know what really happened to my son."

    If jurors decide that AEG Live is liable in Jackson's death, they could award damages based on the loss of the mother's and children's relationship with him and the amount of money he was unable to earn because his life was cut short.

    After AEG Live rests its case -- which lawyers indicated would happen Monday -- the Jackson lawyers would have a chance to call several rebuttal witnesses. Closing arguments in the trial, which began in April, could be heard as soon as next week.


  • Michael Jackson’s mom wants handwritten notes allowed in court

    Katherine Jackson's lawyers want the fragmented, scrawled messages admitted under the hearsay exception for statements of future plans, intent or motive. But AEG Life lawyers say the documents could just be notations taken during or after a business conversation as a record of something someone else said.

    By Nancy Dillon / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
    Thursday, September 12, 2013, 6:00 PM

    ..weiter im link


  • Und weil ich sicher bin, nein, nachgerade WEIß, dass das nicht passiert,
    hoffe ich inständig, dass das rattenpack nicht einen müden cent bekommt!

    [ame='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoKo05ExQcA']Michael jackson DREAMER !!!! (Live Version) 1977 - YouTube[/ame]


  • ..laut CNN soll Katherine am Mittwoch nun doch nicht aussagen... statt dessen würden weitere Ausschnitte aus der Deposition von Prince gezeigt....
    ...es werde damit gerechnet, daß AEG dann möglicherweise am Mittwoch auch fertig werde (danach ist dann noch einmal die Jackson-Seite dran) und daß am Montag möglicherweise die Schlussplädoyers gehalten werden....


  • AEG Live backs down on calling Michael Jackson's mom
    By Alan Duke, CNN
    updated 7:36 PM EDT, Mon September 16, 2013
    Instead of Katherine Jackson, AEG Live may play clips of Prince Jackson's deposition
    AEG Live lawyer said he intended to question her "about the absurdity of the damages"
    Closing arguments in the 5-month-long trial could be heard Monday
    Michael Jackson's mom and kids are suing his last concert promoter for liability in his death

    Los Angeles (CNN) -- AEG Live lawyers changed their mind about calling Katherine Jackson as their last witness in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial.
    Instead, lawyers for the concert promoter may play a portion of Prince Jackson's video deposition before resting its defense case Wednesday.
    The five-month-long trial in Los Angeles is nearing an end, an closing arguments could be delivered on Monday. Testimony, which has been on hold for more than a week because of an illness in one juror's family, resumes Wednesday.
    Jackson's mother and three children are suing AEG Live, contending that the concert promoter was liable for the pop icon's death because it hired, retained or supervised the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter.
    AEG Live argues that Jackson chose and controlled Dr. Conrad Murray and that its executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous treatments he was giving the star in his bedroom.
    Jackson died of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol, which Murray told investigators he used to treat the singer's insomnia so he could rest for comeback concert rehearsals in the summer of 2009.
    AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putnam announced in court last week that he intended to call Michael Jackson's elderly mother to question her "about the absurdity of the damages" she wants the jury to award if they decide the company is liable. Putnam informed the court and Jackson's lawyers Monday that he had decided not to call her again.
    A Jackson lawyer argued that AEG Live's "intent is to show the lawsuit's purpose is greed," while the judge suggested that any mother could be expected to say "there is no amount of money that would substitute for the loss of her son."
    Putnam has frequently cited in interviews a "statement of damages" letter sent to him by a Jackson lawyer last year capping possible damages at $40 billion, but the judge ruled that he could not refer to it in court because it was not a sworn filing in the case.
    Jackson lawyer Kevin Boyle pointed out that the lawsuit complaint only says that damages would be "according to proof at trial," based on testimony by several expert witnesses who have testified.
    Jackson expert Arthur Erk -- a certified public accountant who has managed and audited the business affairs of many top artists -- testified that he was "reasonably certain" that Jackson would have earned at least $1.5 billion from touring, endorsements and sponsorships had he not died from a propofol overdose preparing for his "This Is It" tour.
    "It is very difficult to assess the value of the King of Pop," Jackson lawyer Deborah Chang told the judge Wednesday. "How do you even do that?"
    The non-economic damages suffered because of Michael Jackson's death could be enormous considering "what happened to Paris Jackson," she said. Jackson's 15-year-old daughter attempted suicide in June and remains in a treatment program.
    Jackson lawyers seemed to welcome the prospect of AEG Live calling their client as their final witness, considering how jurors reacted when she was on the stand in July. Jurors leaned forward and paid close attention during her two days of testimony as the last witness in their case.
    "Why are you here?" Jackson lawyer Brian Panish asked her.
    "Because I want to know what really happened to my son," she said. "And that's why I am here."
    Panish asked Jackson how it made her feel to be asked probing and personal questions about her family by AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putnam.
    "It makes me feel real bad, because my son was a very good person," she said. "He loved everybody. He gave to charity. He was in the Guinness Book of World Records for giving to charity."
    If jurors decide that AEG Live is liable in Jackson's death, they could award damages based on the loss of the mother's and children's relationship with him and the amount of money he was unable to earn because his life was cut short.
    After AEG Live rests its case -- which lawyers indicated would happen Wednesday -- the Jackson lawyers would have a chance to call several rebuttal witnesses.

  • Margaret Carrero ‏@MargaretCarrero 1h
    Judge in the #Jackson negligence trial decides to move to a larger courtroom for closing arguments. Listen LIVE @KNX1070 @CBSLA
    Margaret Carrero ‏@MargaretCarrero 2h
    Lawyers for Katherine #Jackson to begin rebuttal this afternoon once #AEGLive rests. @KNX1070 http://cbsla.com

    Richterin hat entschieden in einen größeren Gerichtssaal zu gehen für Abschlussargumentationen. Anwälte von K. Jackson werden heute Nachmittag mit Rebuttal beginnen, nachdem AEG seinen Fall abschließt.

  • Es wurden nun doch keine Ausschnitte aus Prince' Deposition gezeigt. Statt dessen Alan Metzger.
    Wenn es dabei bleibt, wie es momentan geplant ist, geht es in den nächsten Tagen so weiter:

    Do - Alan Metzger
    Fr - Instruktionen für die Geschworenen
    Mo - Schlussplädoyer Jacksons
    Di - Schlussplädoyer AEG
    Mi, morgens - Jackson-Seite nochmal (... hab vorhin irgendwo gelesen... dass man ihnen Zusatzzeit gegeben hat - warum diese dann nach den Plädoyers dran ist, ist mir schleierhaft ...::verwirrt )
    Mi, nachmittags - die Geschworenen ziehen sich zur Beratung zurück und allen anderen bleibt nur, zu warten, bis es ein Urteil gibt

    >>>from AP's tweets

    tomorrow - rebuttal continues with Metzger
    Friday - jury instructions
    monday - closing arguments by jacksons
    tuesday- closing arguments by AEG
    wednesday morning - rebuttal closing by jacksons
    wednesday afternoon - deliberations start.

    of course if they stay on schedule<<<

  • Verteidigung hat gestern ihren Fall mit dem Abspielen der Metzger Deposition abgeschlossen

    Defense Rests Case In Trial Over Jackson's Deathby THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
    September 18, 2013 8:51 PM
    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lawyers for concert promoter AEG Live LLC rested their defense Wednesday with testimony from a longtime friend and doctor of Michael Jackson in the negligence case filed by Jackson's mother over his death.

    The trial is in its 21st week and jurors are expected to begin deliberations next week.

    Defense attorneys provided an emotional finale to their presentation, playing the videotaped testimony of Jackson's physician Dr. Allan Metzge
    Die Verteidiger boten eine emotionales Finale mit ihre Präsentation von der Wiedergabe des Video von Jacksons Arzt Dr. Allan Metzger .

    With Katherine Jackson seated in the courtroom's front row, jurors heard Metzger deliver a tribute to the star.
    Mit Kathrine Jackson in der vordersten Reihe sitzend hörten die Juroren wie Metzger ein Tribut an den Star ablieferte.

    "I saw him as a great guy ... a wonderful, generous person," said Metzger, whose account, given on videotape a year ago, delivered perhaps the most human view of the superstar by any witness.
    "Ich sah ihn als einen großen Kerl ... eine wunderbaren, großzügigen Mensch ", sagte Metzger , der seine Aussage auf Videoband vor einem Jahr lieferte, den vielleicht menschlichste Sicht auf den Superstar von einem Zeugen.

    Metzger spoke of Jackson's decision to embark on the ultimately ill-fated "This is it" tour to eradicate the stigma of his child molestation trial.

    "He wanted to redeem Michael Jackson," said Metzger who visited with the singer at home three months before Jackson died and told of the heart-to-heart talk with him.
    "Er wollte Michael Jackson erlösen ", sagte Metzger ,der den Sänger zu Hause besuchte drei Monate bevor Jackson starb, und erzählte von dem Herz - zu-Herz Gespräch mit ihm .

    "He wanted to redeem his image," the doctor said. "He felt this was it and he wanted to go out with a flash. He was still terribly hurt about the trial and the accusations. "
    "Er wollte sein Image erlösen ", sagte der Arzt. "Er fühlte das war es und er wollte gehen mit einem Blitz. Er war immer noch furchtbar verletzt über den Prozess und die Anschuldigungen. "

    Jackson was tried and acquitted in a sensational molestation trial in 2005 then lived abroad for a time and returned to rehearse for his "This is it" tour.

    Metzger's testimony contradicted many accounts of Jackson as a tortured figure in his last months, forced to commit to more concerts than he was capable of doing and turning to prescription drugs to chase away his demons and find the elusive sleep he craved.
    Metzger Aussage widersprach dem Bild von Jackson als gequälte Figur in seinem letzten Monaten, der gezwungen wr mehr Konzerte zu geben als er in der Lage war und mit verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente versuchte seine Dämonen zu besiegen und Schlaf zu finden nachdem er sich sehnte

    Metzger said the star was energized — and scared — by the prospect of the shows.
    Metzger sagt der Star war energiegeladen und hatte Angst bei der Aussicht auf die Shows
    He said their conversation in February 2009 began with "an anxiety call" from Jackson.
    Er sagte ihre Unterhaltung begann im Februar 2009 mit einem "ängstlichen Anruf" von Jackson.

    "I think he was fearful because this was it and he needed to do a lot of perfectionalizing," Metzger testified. "He wanted it to be something that had never been done before."
    "Ich denke er hatte Angst, weil es dies war und er brauchte viel Perfektion" sagte Metzger aus. "Er wollte das es etwas ist was niemand zuvor gemacht hatte"

    One thing that scared Jackson, he said, was the prospect that he would not be able to sleep when he got to London to kick off the concerts.
    Eine Sache, die Jackson verängstigte war die Aussicht, dass er nicht in der Lage war zu schlafen wenn er die Konzerte in London startet.

    Metzger said he suggested putting him in touch with sleep therapists in London, but Jackson resisted.
    Metzger sagte er schlug vor ihn in Kontakt mit einem Schlaftherapeuten zu bekommen, aber Jackson lehnte ab.

    In his last meeting with Jackson in April, 2009, the singer asked Metzger for intravenous sleep medication, but the doctor said he refused, telling Jackson it was dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
    In seinem letzten Meeting mit Jackson im April 2009 fragte der Sänger Metzger nach intravenöser Schalfmedizin, aber der Arzt verweigerte und sagte Jackson es sei gefährlich und möglicherweise lebensbedrohlich.

    The doctor also lectured him on nutrition and hydration, noting that Jackson typically dropped seven to eight pounds in every performance.

    He said Jackson never mentioned Dr. Conrad Murray or spoke of taking propofol, the drug that killed him. Murray was convicted in 2011 of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson an overdose of the drug in June 2009. He is serving a prison term.
    Er sagte, dass Jackson nie Dr. Conrad Murray erwähnte oder über die Einnahme von Propofol sprach.

    AEG Live's defense has focused heavily on testimony from Jackson's former physicians, who have detailed their treatments for the superstar. The company denies it hired Murray.

    Lawyers for Katherine Jackson were expected to present a brief rebuttal case this week and closing arguments were likely to begin on Monday.

    Metzger began treating Jackson in the early 1980s. He told of traveling with him to Australia on the HIStory Tour and being at his wedding to Debbie Rowe. Jackson suffered from insomnia even then, he said.
    Metzger begann Jackson in den frühen 80er zu behandlen. Er erzählte von seinen Reisen zu ihn nach Australien auf der HIStory Tour und das er bei der Hochzeit mit Debbie Rowe dabei war. Jackson litt auch damals unter Schlaflosigkeit.

    Metzger testified about his treatments of Jackson over the years and said the singer could be secretive and often didn't tell him when he was receiving medical care from other doctors. He described the singer's behavior as "doctor shopping."
    Metzger sagte über die Behandlungen von Jackson über die Jahre aus und das der Sänger geheim sein konnte und nicht erzählte wenn er Medizin von einem anderen Arzt erhielt. Er beschreibt das Verhalten des Sängers als "Doktorshopping"

    He said he did not know him to be addicted to painkillers although he had a low threshold for pain and often sought medication.
    Er sagt er wusste nicht, dass er abhänig war von Schmerzmitteln, obwohl er eine geringe Schmerztoleranz hatte und Medizin ersuchte.

    "He was a big baby. He didn't want any pain," Metzger said.
    "Er war ein großes Baby. Er wollte keine Schmerzen" sagt Metzger.

    Metzger said he had not seen Jackson in years when the star suddenly called in 2009 and asked the doctor to come to his house.

    "I was ecstatic," Metzger said. "I missed him. I wanted to see him. The kids were growing up and I had been close to the kids."
    "Ich war begeistert" sagte Metzger. "Ich vermisste ihn. ich wollte ihn sehen. Die Kinder waren groß geworden und ich war nahe zu den Kindern"
    He described a confident Jackson sharing his thoughts with an old friend.

    "He was excited to come back into the public arena in a good light," Metzger said.
    "Er war aufgeregt zurück in die Öffentlichkeit zu kommen in einem guten Licht" sagte Metzger
    The doctor said Jackson also joked about getting older and wondered aloud how his neck and back would hold up. They spoke about his sleep problems, but again there was no mention of Murray or propofol, according to the testimony.

    "His eyes were bright," Metzger recalled. "He was ready to go."

    Der Arzt sagte auch, dass sie scherzten über das Älterwerden und wie sein Nacken und Rücken halten würde. Sie sprachen über seine Schlafprobleme und es gab keine Erwähnung von Propofol laut der Aussage.
    "Seine Augen waren strahlend" sagt Metzger. "Er war bereit"


  • Nachdem AEG gestern ja seinen Fall mit der Video-Depo von Metzger abgeschlossen hat, hat die Jackson-Seite bereits mit dem Rebuttal begonnen und als 1. Zeugen LAPD-Dedektiv Scott Smith berufen, dessen Aussage allerdings nur kurz war. Als nächster Zeuge wird heute offensichtlich Dr. Metzger in den Stand berufen. AP McCartney wird in der kommenden Woche nicht berichten und twittern, da er auf lang geplante Reise ist, gibt aber natürlich trotzdem Berichte von der Nachrichtenagentur AP.

    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    Me too! RT @andjustice4some: @mccartneyAP thanks Anthony. I hope you will be back in time for a verdict.
    Gespräch zeigen
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    .@andjustice4some The plaintiffs get some additional time for their rebuttal, which will be Wednesday morning if the schedule holds.
    Gespräch zeigen
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    Each side has 4 hours, which is basically one court day. RT @andjustice4some: Any idea how long closing arguments will take?
    Gespräch zeigen
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    I will try to tweet out links daily on our stories, but won't be live-tweeting the closings. I'll be back the following week.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    One programming note: I have a long-planned work trip next week, so won't be covering closing arguments. AP will be covering, of course.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    It sounds like based on the current schedule, the jury will get the Jackson vs. AEG Live case on Wednesday. Then the waiting begins...
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    We'll have a story out soon on Dr. Metzger's testimony and the defense resting. I'll get a link out once it's online.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    It sounds like the rebuttal case will be wrapped up tomorrow and the jury will be given its instructions on Friday morning.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    Dr. Metzger will be called by the plaintiffs as a live witness tomorrow to give additional testimony about his treatments on Jackson.
    Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 14h

    Plaintiffs started their rebuttal case and called LAPD Detective Scott Smith, whose testimony was brief.

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