Remembering Michael..Doku geplant von Katherine Jackson

  • :tatort...Kathrine Jackson plant Doku und will für Realisierung 3,2 Mio. Spenden einsammeln....

    Remembering Michael
    by Katherine Jackson

    Video im link:

    Welcome, fans. I would like to share an opportunity for you to join our circle of family and friends to celebrate the life and legacy of my son Michael Jackson.

    It involves a tribute documentary film project that Michael’s children Paris, Prince, Blanket and I have been working on for a few years. Our goal with this film is to share a positive, loving and respectful tribute to Michael, who spent his entire life sharing his gifts with the great hope of making the world a better place.

    The nearly finished documentary film project is a partnership between myself and co-Executive Producer, Terry Kunimune. It is filled with heart-warming anecdotes, rare photos from my personal collection, and many untold stories by his friends and family about Michael during some of the most pivotal moments in his life.

    Telling Michael’s story from his family’s point of view needs to feature many video clips and musical moments that are an integral part of telling his life story. However, because it is Michael, the cost to license everything is prohibitively expensive, and why I am asking you, his fans, to join our circle and help support the completion of the documentary film.

    In order to show our appreciation for your support, Michael’s children and I have created a limited collection of rewards not available in stores, but made available exclusively to his contributing fans.

    Please join our circle of friends and family as I remember my son, as the children remember their father, and as we all remember our Michael. I thank you for your continued support.

    Katherine Jackson

    P.S. If Michael were here today, he would tell you, “I love you more.”

  • MJJStreet
    Katheerine is asking fans to donate over 3 MILLION DOLLARS to get this film made

    die olle hatse einfach nicht alle. :bla


    I asked this last night, Why do they need money to license MJ's music? Does it mean Estate/Sony is not approving this documentary?


    ums mal ganz klar in worte zu fassen:
    von mir gibts hunds*otzen!
    nicht einen cent/penny würd ich da raustun, und sei ich mit gold behangen!


    film project that Michael’s children Paris, Prince, Blanket and I have been working on for a few years

    ja neeee, is klar.
    wann denn? während der zig prozesse?
    'a few years' - als wär mike schon 15 jahre tot. :bla
    und ja die kids mit erwähnen, um die fans positiv(er) für die sache zu gewinnen.
    so durchschaubar die alte.

  • wenn das also das gleiche ist,
    dann siehts mit der autorisierung schlecht aus.
    kein wunder sucht kitkat geldgeber.
    und darum wird wohl auch vorwiegend alter käse an material aufgewärmt -
    wie bei allem, was aus diesem 'haufen' kommt...

    Here is the information about the proposed Howard Mann / Vaccaro/ Katherine documentary -

  • Post von TeamMichaelJackson zur Angelegenheit:


    TeamMichaelJackson has some information for you which we have from personal interaction with Mrs Jackson and her "team."


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    On December 15th 2013 the above "sneak peak" video was posted on youtube.

    The video contains segments of recordings of Prince, Paris and Blanket from YEARS AGO, edited with new parts mixed in,,,, Look at how young the children look.

    Howard Mann had planned to release a documentary when he released the book by Mrs Jackson “Never Can Say Goodbye” in 2010

    Howard Mann is using Mrs Jackson AGAIN to make money. Mrs Jackson is in this video but she IS NOT AWARE HOWARD MANN IS ASKING FANS FOR MONEY!!!

    The video project died before it even got off the ground, because Mann HAD NO MONEY.. He was hoping to be a MILLIONAIRE from the book sales which never happened. HE IS BROKE, SO HE IS COMING AFTER YOU!!! Using the four people we LOVE the most!!

    Any money you give to this project will be lining Howard Mann and his girlfriends pocket,Sonia Lowe. That was HM girlfriend running the site JacksonSecretVault was launched 2010 [ame]

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    Their twitter handle at the time

    TeamMichaelJackson knows fans who paid for the book but did not received it!

    Jacksons are NOT behind this scam please do not point the finger at any of them. AVOID THIS LIKE THE PLAQUE PLEASE SHARE ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER so fans are not conned by this...

    If you want to know why Mrs Jackson seems to be supporting this documentary is because..... Lowell Henry, Mrs Jacksons "manager" is given a few thousand bucks, he in turn gives Trent Jackson a cut, Trent in turn arranges for Mrs Jackson to say or do whatever is need to be done...... He will LIE to her manipulate her, tell her anything he needs to get the results.. Mrs Jackson is alone at home with Trent Jackson(her nephew, bodyguard, care provider, chauffeur) So its very easy for Trent to tell Mrs Jackson whatever cock and bull story he wants to get her to say whatever THEY wants!!!!!

    This is not speculation its a fact!! Evident by the recent video.

    UPDATE: We have confirmation from Mrs Jackson lawyer Mrs Jackson is NOT BEHIND THIS DOCUMENTARY .......

  • hä? ich dachte kitkat selbst hätte bereits dazu senf gegeben? :tatort

    whatever - sie ist der gesetzl. vertreter der kids - OHNE ihre zustimmung geht da garnichts.
    ergo -
    schon von vornherein ne lüge, wenn sie da nicht hinter stünde :bla
    und mann/vaccaro soind in erster linie seit JAHREN kitkats rockzipfel-klammerer.
    wir kennen alle die diversen 'projekte'. auch versemmelte.

    da lügt jeder es sich zurecht, je nachdem welche kamera grade vor ihm steht :eklig

  • Watt? Da sollen die FANS Geld an Katherine geben, damit sie - angeblich - diesen Film realisieren kann? Und die Fans sollen dann bitte auch die DVD kaufen, oder wie??
    Was macht diese Frau bitteschön?? Die bekommt in einem Monat mehr Kohle als 100 in einem Jahr mit harter Arbeit verdienen und hält dann auch noch die Hand auf??
    Was geht mit ihr bitteschön ab??
    Soll sie einen Film machen, bitteschön, wenn sie meint... aber sie kann doch nicht von den Fans Geld verlangen... ich bin jetzt schon ziemlich baff... :OO

    Was soll da eigentlich großartig dokumentiert werden, was der "Normal-Fan" nicht eh schon kennt? Dass Michael auf der Bühne anders war als im normalen Leben ist ja nun nix neues...
    Ist das auch wieder so ein must-have *hust* wie ihr Buch? Von Kindheit bis Victory-Tour, weil man ja sonst nix sagen kann, weil man in sein Leben nicht mehr involviert war??
    Na, sehr aufregend....
    Aber ich trau mich wetten, dass es da draußen genug Vollpfosten gibt, die ihr Geld auf diese Art loswerden wollen...

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