Michael Jackson’s Brother Calls Executors of Pop Star’s Estate “The Three Stooges”
Exclusive: Randy Jackson called Michael Jackson’s executors
“the three stooges” this past weekend in a podcast interview
with his former attorney Brian Oxman.
He named them, too– John Branca, John McClain, and Howard
Weitzman (who is not an executor but the attorney who represents
the estate).
Oxman was a lawyer once until he was disbarred after several
disciplinary actions by the California Bar Association. After
representing Randy Jackson in his divorce, Oxman also claimed for
years to be the Jackson family attorney.
He was fired from Michael Jackson’s defense team in 2005 during
the child molestation trial in Santa Maria by Thomas Mesereau.
In the podcast, which I’ve linked below, Randy says: “My family is
not happy with McClain and Branca. We don’t believe the will is real.
We don’t support [the estate]. We’re not happy.”
Randy also says that “this is the tip of the iceberg” in relation to the
Michael Jackson Estate’s current problems with the Internal Revenue Service.
He says, “I know something is wrong.” Neither Randy nor any of his
siblings received any money from Michael Jackson’s will. One
brother, Jackie, is on the estate payroll, however. Randy says in the
interview: “A few of my brothers and sisters I’m not getting along
with right now.”
Last year, in June 2012, Randy was part of a trio with Janet and
Jermaine Jackson who spirited their mother, Katherine Jackson,
away to Arizona. The trip turned into a full scale scandal when Paris
Jackson tweeted that no one knew what had happened to her
grandmother. Randy refers to the incident as “the kidnapping” and
suggests that someone–the executors?– invented that to take the
heat off his now famous letter to the executors demanding that they
Randy also suggests that “someone” was giving Dr. Conrad Murray
orders to drug Michael.
How Brian Oxman got an internet radio show is another question
jaaa, am ende wars der estate, der murray anstiftete, michael zu tode zu spritzen - oder wie?
randy, was immer du nimmst, lass es weg!
kapiert der je, dass ein gericht über grössere transaktionen des estate (mit-)entscheidet und drüber schaut, dass alles ok is?
(ich erinnere nur an die gehaltsanpassung, die auch vom richter gebilligt werden musste!)
und steuernachzahlungen -
die ergeben sich auch durch ganz andere punkte.
z.b. dass michaels geschäfte in den letzten jahren vor seinem tod wenig einbrachten,
aber seit seinem tode explodierten, und daher andere steuersätze
zur berechnung stehn. was soll das bitte mit 'dem estate' zu tun haben?
und selbst wenn sie irgendwelche angaben mal versemmelt hätten -
das füllt ja nicht die taschen der 3 musketiere, sondern in 1. linie das volumen des estate!
aber ja, randy, es ist schon hart, wenn man feststellt, dass der bruder einem nichts von seinen keksen abgeben will.
aber frag dich mal warum?!
intrigen, lügen, betrügen, bestehlen - das war doch der grund, warum mike ihn in den arsch getreten hat.
es spricht eh für sich, dass der eine in den arsch getretene zu nem anderen in den arsch getretenen in ne sendung geht,
um sich auszukotzen...
ansonsten - finde ich rogers letzten satz einfach köstlich