Neue Doku über das Thriller-Album

  • Neue Dokumentation über das Thriller-Album

    In der UK wurde am Sonntag eine neue Dokumentation zum
    Thriller-Album auf ITV ausgestrahlt.Die Dokumentation ist sehr positiv
    mit dem Fokus auf Michaels herausragendes Talent. Umso erfreulicher, da
    ja gerade die UK dafür bekannt ist Trash-Sachen wie Autopsie-Dokus

    Die Doku wurde von Ashley Banjo erstellt, einem Tänzer von der Gruppe
    Diversity (vom Stil sehr von Michael insperiert) und der offenischtlich
    von Michael auch zu den London-Konzerten eingeladen war. Es kommen
    zahrlreiche Mitwirkende am Thriller-Album zu Wort: z.B. Bruce Swedien,
    Landis, Vincent Patterson, Phillinganes, Bob Giraldi mit neuen IVs zu

    The information contained herein is strictly embargoed from all press,
    online and social media use, non-commercial publication, or syndication
    until Tuesday 14 April 2015.

    Series overview

    The Perspectives documentary strand brings together powerful stories and
    unique insights into the arts from a range of well-known figures. Now
    in its fifth series, the strand will encompass six films from a rich
    variety of distinctive individuals offering their take on subjects for
    which they have a personal enthusiasm and fascination.

    Episode 1: Michael Jackson’s Thriller with Ashley Banjo

    It was one of the best days of Ashley Banjo’s life when Michael Jackson
    invited the young British choreographer and his dance group, Diversity,
    to support him at his planned London concerts in 2009. But the concerts
    never happened – the American superstar died following an overdose of
    prescription drugs – so Ashley never got to meet his musical idol. This
    documentary follows Ashley as he finds out more about The Man who inspired him to dance and, in particular, Thriller - the album which sold a record breaking sixty million copies and catapulted Michael Jackson to global superstardom.

    Ashley heads out to California to meet the people who Jackson worked
    with to create the best selling album of all time. Engineer Bruce
    Swedien recalls the first day of the recording when legendary producer
    Quincy Jones told the team that they were there to save the ailing music
    industry. It was a bold ambition which Michael Jackson accepted and
    fulfilled with room to spare.

    We hear from Greg Phillinganes, the main keyboard player on the album about hearing the demo of Billie Jean for the first time, his explanation of Why
    this track became a soul classic and the pressures of fame on Michael
    at that time. Michael Jackson chose Irish director, Steve Barron, to
    make the video for Billie Jean
    after seeing his work on The Human League’s Don’t You Want me. Steve
    shares what it was like to witness the explosive dance sequence for the
    video to very first time it was revealed to the world. The moonwalk
    became associated with Jackson’s live performances of Billie Jean
    but the first time he executed the move in public came some months
    after the video at the Motown 25 celebrations. Jeffrey Daniel talks
    about working with Michael on his dance moves, his own response to the
    famous Motown performance and the part the Michael Jackson and Thriller played in bringing Street Dance to a wider audience.

    The follow up single to Billie Jean was another Michael Jackson composition: the rock inspired Beat it.
    Members of rock group Toto share the hilarious tale of how they came to
    work on this song – and helped to open up Michael Jackson to a whole
    new audience. Bob Giraldi, director of the video for Beat it,
    explains how Michael Jackson got members of two notorious Los Angeles
    gangs, the Crips and the Bloods, involved in the video shoot and the
    moment of film magic that saved the production. Dancer and
    choreographer, Vincent Paterson, talks to Ashley about working with
    Michael for first time on the Beat it video – and the way that life changed for the young singer after the phenomenal success of the Thriller album.

    The next top ten hit off Thriller
    was Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’. Ashley meets up with famous backing
    singers the Waters Family to hear what it was like working on this track
    and their impressions of working with the soul superstar over many
    years. Steve Porcaro, the composer of yet another US hit single from Thriller, Human nature,
    tells Ashley of the amazing stroke of good luck that meant that Michael
    Jackson and Quincy Jones listened to his demo and went on to select it
    for the bestselling album of all time.

    After nearly a year on the charts album sales finally started to drop
    away but Michael Jackson had one card left to play: the release of the
    album’s title track – and, perhaps most importantly, it’s ground
    breaking video…

    Ashley meets John Landis the A list Hollywood director behind the Thriller
    film, Rick Baker the seven times Oscar winning makeup artist who made
    Michael into a monster and Ola Ray, the former playboy model who lost
    her heart to Michael as his co-star in the film. He sees the iconic red
    leather jacket from the video and gets his hands on one of the custom
    made fedoras that became a part of Michael Jackson’s on stage identity.

    Ashley learns about the enduring legacy of Michael Jackson and his musical masterpiece from the creator of the London musical Thriller
    Live! and from leading choreographer, Travis Payne, who worked with
    Jackson on his ill-fated final concert rehearsals. The people who worked
    with Michael Jackson on his masterpiece reveal what made Thriller so special – and the price that he paid for his unprecedented success…

    Directed/Produced by Gareth Williams for Blakeway North


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    von Lena aus dem mjforever :blumen

  • .... Ashley Banjo mit seiner Tanzformation 'Diversity' :top

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