Paris Jackson Bilder Thread

  • Paris spricht darüber wie sehr sie die Unterstützung für ihren Bruder
    und sich durch den Estate ihres Vaters schätzt und so ihre Puerto Rico
    Reise möglich wurde um anderen Menschen zu helfen. Sie wären direkt
    dabei gewesen, kein Zögern.

    Vorher hatte Paris übrigens schon angekündigt, dass ihr Auftritt bei
    Ellen nicht stattfindet, verschoben wurde wegen einer wichtigen Mission.

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  • Paris Jackson: Witzige Liebeserklärung an ihren süßen Hund
    22. Okt. 2017

    Anfang des Jahres trennte sich Model Paris Jackson (19) nach einjährige Beziehung von ihrem Freund Michael Snoddy. Seitdem befindet sich die Tochter von Sänger Michael Jackson (✝50) auf einem spirituellen Selbstfindungstrip und hat dem Hollywood-Schönheitswahn den Kampf angesagt. Dabei hat sie einen treuen Begleiter immer an ihrer Seite: ihren niedlichen Hund. Dem hat sie nun einen rührenden Post gewidmet.

    Paris Jackson in Los Angeles

    Auf Instagram teilte Paris ein Bild von sich mit einem ihrer beiden Hunde. Dazu schrieb sie: "Gerade, als ich dachte, ich sei komplett, bist du kleiner Tollpatsch in mein Leben gestolpert und ich habe mich Hals über Kopf in dich verliebt". :heart Er habe ihr sehr viel Liebe und Heilung gebracht. Es klingt also, als hätte die 19-Jährige ihre turbulenten Teenagerjahre endlich hinter sich gelassen. Im Alter von 15 Jahren versuchte sie, sich das Leben zu nehmen, mit 17 wurde sie Mitglied bei den Anonymen Alkoholikern und wollte ihren damaligen Freund Chester Castellaw heiraten. Doch diese Zeit scheint nun vorbei zu sein. Nur ein Problem hat Paris noch. "So viel Kacke. Wirklich überall. Immer", sind die letzten Zeilen, die sie an ihren vierbeinigen Freund richtet. Doch um die Hinterlassenschaften ihrer beiden Kinder – so nennt Paris in anderen Instagram-Posts ihre Hunde – wird sie sich wohl gerne kümmern. Ob ihr nächstes Tattoo wohl ein Portrait ihrer beiden Lieblinge wird?…n-ihren-suessen-hund.html

  • 24. Oktober 2017

    Paris Jackson singt mit ihrem Cousin - und klingt sehr nach ihrem Vater

    Ist ihrem Vater Michael Jackson sehr ähnlich: Paris Jackson.

    Paris Jackson scheint in die Fußstapfen ihres Vaters treten zu wollen. Bei einem Auftritt ihres Cousins Austin Brown kam sie mit auf die Bühne – und ihre Stimme klang nach der von Michael Jackson. Seit seinem Tod vor rund sieben Jahren ehrt Paris Jackson ihren Vater: Sie hat sich mehrere Tattoos machen lassen oder erinnert mit Instagram-Posts und in Interviews an den im Alter von 50 Jahren verstorbenen Mega-Star. Nun stand sie zusammen mit ihrem Cousin Austin Brown im Soho House in New York auf der Bühne – und erinnerte beim Singen stark an Michael Jackson.


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    Unter dem Video steht:
    „Es gibt nichts Besseres, als wenn dein kleiner Cousin die Zeilen von deinem Album „Smile“ kennt und die mit dir singen möchte. Ich liebe dich so sehr :heart:heart @parisjackson (…)“
    Auch wenn der Clip sehr kurz ist, zeigt er, dass Paris das Potenzial haben könnte, in die Fußstapfen ihres berühmten Vaters zu treten.…nach-ihrem-vater-1397659/

  • Paris Jackson for "Stellar" magazine Paris will travel to Australia and will be the special guest at Emirates Melbourne Cup 2017 IN AUSTRALIA !!
    On November 7

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    Paris Jackson photo shoot for Stellar Magazine November 2017

  • Paris in DownUnder .. zum Modeshooting für STELLAR :

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  • parisjackson :heart so eternally grateful for the magical time we were blessed enough to experience because of @qualiaresort

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    "Tan eternamente agradecidos por el tiempo mágico que tuvimos la bendición de experimentar" - Paris Jackson

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  • Wow! Paris Jackson wird immer hübscher
    8. Nov 2017

    Paris Jackson ist schon lange nicht mehr nur die süße, kleine Tochter von Michael Jackson (†50). Sie wurde zu einer attraktiven Frau, die eine erfolgreiche Model- und Schauspiel-Karriere startete. Mit ihren eisblauen Augen bringt sie mit Sicherheit so einige Männer um den Verstand. Seht im Video, wie die Tochter des King of Pop in den letzten Jahren zu einer echten Schönheit wurde.

    Hier gibts noch ein Video dazu:…huebscher-zr-9208261.html

  • Paris spoke to ELLE Australia:
    Paris Jackson Reveals She Is A Shaman In Training | ELLE

    Fashion's new muse is also using her Melbourne Cup trip down under to help save the Great Barrier Reef.

    Nov 07, 2017 8:48am
    By Jenna Clarke

    Michael Jackson made "bad" famous in 1987. Now 30 years since his smash hit, his daughter is striving to do good. Paris Jackson, the 19-year-old model and aspiring activist with eyes that resemble the decorative opalite crystal she wears in her hair, is in Australia for the Melbourne Cup but is going to use the trip to visit the Great Barrier Reef in order to help save it.

    “Now that I’m here I’m really hoping I get involved with the Great Barrier Reef and the protection of it. It’s a very sacred vortex that 100 per cent needs to be protected. It breaks my heart to see what’s happening there. This is my first time in Australia and I’m hoping to get up there this trip and then after having the blessing of seeing it with my own eyes, find the right organisations to get involved with,” she told ELLE Australia of one of the natural wonders of the world which is facing challenges like climate change and other human interference.

    Jackson is also using the experience of her first trip down under to further her studies as a Shaman healer, someone who is called upon to restore an individual’s spiritual power.

    "My training involves Reiki and learning how to be a mentor. As an apprentice I'm really excited to be on this path because there is no end to it. It's a really beautiful process," she said. Jackson identifies as an "empath", a psychological term used to describe someone who feels deeply and has the sensitivity to intuitively feel and perceive others and the world. While she claims to have "a few mentors", she credits "life" to being her “greatest teacher". Jackson also listens carefully to her chakra system, the seven energy centres she now has tattooed down her sternum. A process that didn’t bother the ink-loving teenager, who has had more than 50 artworks etched on her body.

    "I got them as I always felt they were there. I just needed to scrub off the skin," she said of the psychic-energy system steeped in Hindu tradition, which is believed to impact the psychological, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Three states which Jackson personally balances by meditating where and when she can and leaning into life.

    “There are good waves and bad waves and they are all apart of the process and all bring growth. It’s important to recognise it, accept it, send it love, heal it and then move on,” she said.

    And moving on from the slight hullabaloo caused around her Cup day outfit is what she intends to do. Fairfax Mediareported Jackson was instructed by Myer, the sponsor of her trip down under, to wear an Alex Perry ensemble but she instead opted for a terracotta silk dress by Morrison.

    “It was the most like me out of the options I was given. It’s one of my favourite colours, it’s comfortable, it’s soft and don’t feel like I want to die in it,” she said. She teamed it with her own leather boots and a headband by Melbourne milliner Ann Shoebridge that she was drawn to as it was made out of quartz, one of her favourite crystals. It’s a gem Jackson has a special interest in as back home in LA she enjoys “cleansing, charging and setting crystals under the moon.”

    Paris Jackson is the best thing to ever happen to the Melbourne Cup

    Paris Jackson strolled into the Melbourne Cup like a cool breeze on a stifling, painfully outdated summer's day.

    And no one could even handle her greatness.

    It was the real-life incarnation of the critically acclaimed masterpiece She's the Man, in which Amanda Bynes outshines everyone at the debutante ball just by being her quirky, soccer-loving self.

    Let's break down all the things that made Paris Jackson, 19-year-old icon and all-around badass, the queen of the Cup on Tuesday -- even if the old codgers didn't approve:
    Her Outfit

    Paris ditched the more traditional dresses Myer had selected for her, opting instead to wear a flowy, boho Morrison piece paired with her own ankle booties. Her earrings were artfully mismatched and her headpiece was made of crystals, naturally.

    The look was all so perfectly Paris – who recently tweeted, "my daddy was a hippie and my mama was a biker chick the fuk u expect" – and far more interesting than the parade of monochrome body-con frocks and wobbly pumps that annually descend on Flemington. Iconic.

    Her Humour

    At first, Paris looked a little uncomfortable sitting in the grandstands surrounded by a bunch of old strangers in tiny hats.

    But why shouldn't she? She's away from home in a completely foreign environment… surrounded by a bunch of old strangers… in tiny hats.

    But then! She found a friend who looked like a lot of fun and soon they were laughing and smiling and having a grand ol' grandstands time.

    And THEN! She gave us perhaps the greatest moment in Melbourne Cup history. She pressed her nose against the Myer marquee glass and proceeded to lick it.

    Yesss, girl.

    I don't know why she did it, but it was a perfect mini-rebellion and I love every single shot.

    Her 'Demands'

    The day after the race, one media outlet leaked the list of 'demands' Paris' team laid out for them before she would grant them an interview. They included things like not asking her about her family members and focusing instead on her achievements this year. Unreasonable? Hardly.

    Paris has had to fight her whole life to be recognised as her own person outside of her family's fame. She's worked incredibly hard to make a name for herself as a budding model, actor, and activist.

    It's not crazy to ask people to respect your career and your personal life – especially when the event you're promoting has absolutely nothing to do with your past.

    Her Mission

    While chatting to Elle Australia in the Birdcage, Paris revealed the reason she wanted to make a trip to Australia in the first place wasn't to make any race day best-dressed lists, but to do something way more important.

    "I'm really hoping I get involved with the Great Barrier Reef and the protection of it," she said, adding that she plans to visit Queensland and seek out reef organisations to get involved with. "It’s a very sacred vortex that 100 per cent needs to be protected. It breaks my heart to see what’s happening there."

    She's also studying to be a Shaman!

    Bottom line: It would have been ridiculous for Paris to show up to the Cup and just conform to what was expected. Because that's not who she is or why her fans love her. Instead, she left her own unique mark (and tongue prints) on Flemington, and it is forever changed.

    Paris Jackson, we don't deserve ye.

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