Michael Jackson Estate / Nachlassverwaltung

  • Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Text „LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT“

    Aktuelles aus den Gerichtsvorgängen der aktuellen Fälle, in denen der Estate of Michael Jackson noch involviert ist

    Wade Robson gegen die MJJ-Firmen

    Die geplante Anhörung im Falle von WR, die für den 24. Februar 2021 geplant war, wurde auf den 20. April 2021 in Abstimmung mit dem Richter und dem Gegenanwalt Finaldi verlegt. Am 20. April 2021 öffnet das Gericht in Los Angeles wieder. Grund für die Vertagung war der dramatische Tod der 12jährigen Tochter des Anwalts des Estate of Michael Jackson Jon Steinsapir. Molly starb am 14. Februar 2021. Eingereicht hatte die Verschiebung der Estate of Michael Jackson, der die MJJ-Firmen vertritt. Zusätzlich legten sie 14 Einwendungen gegen Finaldis zuvor eingereichte Papiere vor. Die Aussagen: Nur Hörensagen, unsachgemäße Authentifizierung und mangelndes persönliches Erfahrungswissen.



    Aktuelle Interviews mit John Branca, Estate of Michael Jackson

    Dabei seine öffentliche Einstellung zu LN und die Geschichte hinter ATV Music. Erst kürzlich endete eine Business-Ära. ATV Music wurde 2021 endgültig zu Sony Music Publishing. John Branca: "Michael Traum war es den größten Musikverlag der Welt zu haben. ... "

    Keine Frage, John Branca ist mehr als überzeugt davon, dass #MichaelJackson unschuldig war: "Niemals aufgeben. In dieser Zeit können bisweilen sehr unfaire Schlussfolgerungen und Meinungen gezogen werden, die nicht auf Fakten oder Beweisen beruhen, sondern auf einem Medienphänomen. Leider sind die Medien heute nicht mehr in der Lage, ihre Hausaufgaben oder genaue Recherchen zu machen.

    Und tragischerweise haben verstorbene Künstler keinen Schutz mehr, was völlig ungerecht ist und sich ändern muss. Medien und Informationen reisen heute ohne Überprüfung um die Welt. Vor allem in den Vereinigten Staaten ist es heute populär geworden, eine Position oder Meinung zu nehmen, ohne die Fakten zu untersuchen. LN ist nicht wahr. Das ist ein Grund, warum wir darauf bestehen, dieses Schiedsverfahren öffentlicht durchzuführen. Die Wahrheit soll ans Licht kommen. ...

    Ein Blick auf die Aussagen dieser beiden Personen sagt Alles. Und dann noch die ganzen Fakten, die unabhängig überprüft werden konnten. Michaels Fans haben recherchiert mit Unterstützung einiger englischer Journalisten und viele Unstimmigkeiten nachweisbar gefunden. In dieser Zeit ist es nicht beliebt dies zu tun. Jeder will einen Schuldigen finden. Aber Michael Jackson ist nicht Harvey Weinstein, er ist nicht Robert Kelly [aka R.Kelly]. Niemand sonst (hat seit LN diese Anschuldigungen gemacht )– mir sagt das was. .."



    MJ Estate versus HBO

    Interessanter Weise haben die beiden Prozessgegner am 1. Februar 2021 ihre Schreiben eingereicht eingereicht. Beide entschieden sich nicht nicht für einen internen Schiedsrichter. Statuskonferenz ist nun am 2. April 2021. Der Estate of Michael Jackson ersucht ein öffentliches Schiedsgerichtsverfahren, um die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen.


    MJ Estate versus Dan Reed

    Am 24. April 2021 findet das erste Hearing in Los Angeles gegen DR statt, den Regisseur an der Verfilmung der Gerichtsverhandlung zu hindern. Ganz abgesehen davon, dass zwei weitere unabhängige Dokumentarfilmer das gerichtliche Geschehen filmisch dokumentieren werden, hatte der zuständiger Richter die Verfilmung nur aus Gründen neutral journalistischer Berichterstattung erlaubt.

    In diesem anstehenden Gerichtsverfahren hat der Estate of Michael Jackson Unterlagen eingereicht, die nachweisen dass er Fehler in seiner Dokumentation gemacht hat, dass er zusammen mit den Klägern auf Promotiontour gegangen ist und es gemeinsame Fotosessions gibt. DR ist demnach nach Auffassung des Estate of Michael Jackson kein neutraler Journalist im Sinne einer Gerichtsdokumentation.



  • Case Against Michael Jackson Brought by Wade Robson Tentatively Dismissed by Judge, Basis of “Leaving Neverland” Documentary

    EXCLUSIVE Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mark A. Young has tentatively dismissed the last of the cases brought by choreographer Wade Robson against the Estate of Michael Jackson. A final ruling will come after a hearing on April 26th.

    Robson’s cases against Jackson, his Estate and companies were based on an out of left field claim that he’d been sexually harassed and abused by Jackson when he was a child. But Robson had testified in Jackson’s defense in his 2005 child molestation trial and continued to sing his praises after he died. It was only in 2013 when Robson had been rejected by the Estate to do work on Jackson projects that he made the claims. The claims then became the basis of the documentary “Leaving Neverland.”

    Robson was joined in his lawsuit by James Safechuck, who also made the sexual molestation claims, appeared in the documentary, and so on. His case was dismissed last year.

    Keep refreshing as I add some points from the case. But as you read through the judge’s decision, you’ll see the words “no triable issue.” The case has been essentially tossed.

    The judge’s tentative ruling is here as follows.



  • Michael Jackson Absolved: Second Accusation of Molestation is Dismissed By Court in Final Ruling

    “Leaving Neverland,” the documentary in which two men accused Michael Jackson of child molestation, has been repudiated in court.

    The Los Angeles Superior Court this morning ruled against Wade Robson in CASE NO. BC508502 in claims against corporations owned by Michael Jackson and/or the Estate of Michael Jackson and dismissed his case again. The Michael Jackson Estate is represented by the late Howard Weitzman and Jonathan Steinsapir of Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump LLP. Statement from Mr. Steinsapir:

    “As of today, a summary judgment AGAINST Wade Robson has been granted three different times by two different judges of the Superior Court.

    “Wade Robson has spent the last 8 years pursuing frivolous claims in different lawsuits against Michael Jackson’s estate and companies associated with it. Robson has taken nearly three dozen depositions and inspected and presented hundreds of thousands of documents trying to prove his claims, yet a Judge has once again ruled that Robson’s claims have no merit whatsoever, that no trial is necessary and that his latest case is dismissed,” said Jonathan Steinsapir, attorney for the Estate of Michael Jackson.

    Previously, the case brought by James Safechuck against the Jackson estate was thrown out.

    Robson and Safechuck not only sued Jackson but participated in the HBO documentary directed by Dan Reed in which they alleged molestation years after Jackson died. Oprah Winfrey bought their story hook, line, and sinker, and conducted interviews with them allowing the men to allege accusations without any solid evidence. Now the court has ruled against them.

    It’s over.


  • Die großen Emojis ;D

    Hab heute auch das hier gesehen:

    Prince Jackson joining the Michael Jackson Estate

    Michael Jackson first son, Prince Jackson has been added to the Michael Jackson Estate payroll!

    The Estate has deposited court documents to request Prince Jackson to be allowed to work for the Estate as a special consultant.

    “The managers believe it would be in the best interest of the Estate and the MJJ Business for Michael Jackson’s son, Prince, to be employed by the Estate and/or one of its entities as a consultant on certain designated projects. Therefore, Petitioners seek this Court’s order authorizing them to employ Prince as a consultant on such terms and for such purposes as shall be agreed upon by the Managers and Prince.”

    Prince Jackson will be in charge of ‘Designated Projects’ For the Estate. It hasn’t been noted what sort of projects they are yet.

    Prince, 24, will get a full access to the Michael Jackson’s Estate when he will turn 40. This is maybe a way to pass over the Estate of Michael Jackson slowly to his children and in the process, this might be welcome to a lot of Michael Jackson fans who were unhappy for the Jackson family to be left out of the Estate’s business.


    Paris bei Heal LA, Prince beim Estate. What is going on :lol: Klingt jedenfalls alles sehr nett :boah

  • Tom Mesereau officially in the Michael Jackson Estate Legal Team

    May 8, 2021


    No need to introduce Tom Mesereau anymore! Every Michael Jackson fan knows his name! Tom Mesereau has been very vocal the last few decades, defending Michael, supporting “Square One” and Taj Jackson’s upcoming documentary, making numerous interviews and interacting with people who wants to know the truth.

    We also know that Tom Mesereau was doing some consultancy work for the Michael Jackson for the last few years but it seems now the famous lawyer has officially join the legal team of the Michael Jackson Estate.

    Howard Weitzman passed away last April and was one of the key lawyer on the Estate team so it could be that Tom Mesereau has taken his place.

    However, the Estate and their legal team, now including Tom Mesereau, are gearing up to go to court against HBO regarding their involvement in Dan Reed’s mockumentary “Leaving Neverland”.

    But as all fan, we would like to welcome back Tom Mesereau on Team Michael!

    https://www.mjvibe.com/tom-mes…ackson-estate-legal-team/ SOURCE: Showbiz411

  • Exclusive: Michael Jackson Estate Legal Team Adds Tom Mesereau to Arbitration Case Over “Leaving Neverland” Doc

    by Roger Friedman


    I’m told the Michael Jackson estate is preparing for battle with HBO in their arbitration case over the documentary, “Leaving Neverland.”

    They’ve added to their legal team Thomas Mesereau, the superstar defense lawyer who brilliantly convinced a jury to acquit Jackson in his 2005 child molestation and conspiracy trial. The other members of the team are Bryan Freedman and Jonathan Steinsapir.

    Adding Mesereau is a sensational idea because he put Wade Robson, one of the main subjects of the Dan Reed film, on the stand as a defense witness to support Jackson in the 2005 trial. If Robson testifies in the arbitration, which seems likely, he would be facing Mesereau in a much different way this time.

    Both Robson and James Safechuck have seen lawsuits filed against the Estate dismissed by the court in the last year. Their credibility has been severely damaged by many contradictions in their recollection of alleged sexual abuse. Both men were steadfast supporters of Jackson during his trial and after his 2009 death, but suddenly remembered abuse in 2013.

    On the stand in 2005, Robson, his mother, and sister all testified on Jackson’s behalf.

    They stayed at Neverland during the trial. Robson even asked Jackson to be married at the Neverland Ranch, where he later said abuse took place. He also dated Jackson’s niece for some time.

    At the heart of the Jackson estate’s suit against HBO is an agreement between the cabler and Jackson dating back to 1992 in which HBO promised never to besmirch the singer. It was part of a deal for a concert film. HBO tried to get away with breaking the agreement but the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Jackson estate.

    The court said: “The contract contained a broad arbitration clause that covers claims that HBO disparaged Jackson in violation of ongoing confidentiality obligations. We may only identify whether the parties agreed to arbitrate such claims; it is for the arbitrator to decide whether those claims are meritorious.”

    The arbitrators are being chosen now, and the actual process should begin within the next month, I’m told.


  • John Branca spoke about the revival of Michael Jackson’s brand

    July 30, 2021


    John Branca recently did an interview where he spoke about the latest series of court victories, the re-opening of MJ ONE in Las Vegas and the brand new musical on Broadway.

    Branca said the delays of opening the Broadway show of over a year was frustrating and added: “It’s not a chronological depiction of Michael’s life,” he said. “It’s more impressionistic, inspired by Michael’s life and his music. It takes place as Michael is preparing for a tour and MTV wants to get an interview.

    Michael’s very press shy, and slowly but surely as they develop a relationship begins to talk about different parts of his life that then get enacted in the show. The cast is obviously largely Black,” Branca said, “In an era where that’s sorely wanted on Broadway.”

    Talking about “Leaving Neverland” he added “I was very angry at HBO and Dan Reed and I still am because here’s the thing: You can say anything you want about somebody who’s dead. They’re not here to protect themselves,”

    He also added the Michael Jackson influenced many of today’s artists: “Kanye West, Drake, Beyoncé, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande — they all point back to Michael, His influence is really enormous.”

    https://www.mjvibe.com/john-br…f-michael-jacksons-brand/ SOURCE: Black America Web

  • After court victories, Michael Jackson estate eyes revival


    FILE - Michael Jackson performs

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    FILE - Michael Jackson performs "Dangerous" during the taping of the American Bandstand's 50th anniversary show on April 20, 2002, in Pasadena, Calif. With a series of court victories and shows beginning or returning after a long pandemic pause, Jackson's estate, and his legacy are on the upswing again. Estate co-executor John Branca said in an interview with The Associated Press that his optimism never flagged as crises hit. (AP Photo/Kevork Djansezian, File)

    BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — Michael Jackson’s musical legacy never left, but a kind of comeback is coming.

    With a series of court victories that bring the end to serious legal crises, with a Broadway show beginning and a Cirque du Soleil show returning after a long pandemic pause, the Jackson business is on the upswing 12 years after the pop superstar’s death.

    Very recently, things looked grim. The 2019 HBO documentary “ Leaving Neverland ” raised child molestation allegations anew. The once-dead lawsuits brought by the two men featured in it had been revived by changes in the law. And a decision in the estate’s appeal of a $700 million tax bill was taking years to arrive.

    “I was always optimistic,” John Branca, the entertainment attorney who worked with Jackson through many of his biggest triumphs and now serves as co-executor of his estate, told The Associated Press in an interview at his Beverly Hills home. “Michael inspired the planet and his music still does. There was never any doubt about that.”

    The optimism was warranted. A succession of court decisions came. One accusers’ lawsuit was dismissed in October. The other was tossed out in April. In May, a ruling in the tax case slashed the bill dramatically. The estate suddenly stands nearly clear of a dozen years of disputes. That means Branca expects that in the next 18 months it can finally be taken out of probate court and turned into a trust for Jackson’s three children, who are all now adults.

    And the focus of the estate can now shift back to presenting Jackson to the world.

    The first priority is the revival of the Cirque du Soleil show, “Michael Jackson: One” at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. It is slated to reopen Aug. 19 after a coronavirus closure of nearly a year and a half, in time for a major celebration there planned for Jackson’s Aug. 29 birthday.

    The Broadway show, “MJ: The Musical,” will follow quickly on its heels, the first of several planned projects.

    Branca said the delay of well over a year, as happened for all of Broadway, was “frustrating” but he has renewed excitement about “MJ: The Musical” and shared new details.

    “It’s not a chronological depiction of Michael’s life,” he said. “It’s more impressionistic, inspired by Michael’s life and his music. It takes place as Michael is preparing for a tour and MTV wants to get an interview. Michael’s very press shy, and slowly but surely as they develop a relationship begins to talk about different parts of his life that then get enacted in the show.”

    Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Lynn Nottage wrote the show’s book. Tony Award-winner Christopher Wheeldon is directing and choreographing. Broadway newcomer Myles Frost will star as Jackson, after Ephraim Sykes dropped out to shoot a movie. Rehearsals resume in September, and previews begin in December.

    Branca said he’s proud of the diversity the show will bring to the stage.

    “The cast is obviously largely Black,” Branca said, “In an era where that’s sorely wanted on Broadway.”

    Successes aside, Branca feels lingering bitterness about director Dan Reed’s “Leaving Neverland” and what he felt were American media outlets that “don’t have the time or the wherewithal to do the research to figure out what’s true and what’s not true.”

    Hence, the estate’s last lingering lawsuit, now in private arbitration, is one that it brought itself, and one Branca very much wanted filed, against HBO over the documentary.

    “I was very angry at HBO and Dan Reed and I still am because here’s the thing: You can say anything you want about somebody who’s dead. They’re not here to protect themselves,” Branca said.

    The two men featured in the documentary are appealing the dismissals of their lawsuits. HBO has defended “Leaving Neverland” as a valid and important piece of documentary journalism.

    Ironically, the victory handed to the estate in its tax case came in part because the judge believed the value of Jackson’s image and likeness had been severely diminished by such allegations at the time of his death, despite his acquittal at his 2005 trial for child molestation. It was one aspect of an all-around victory for the estate that’s bringing a far smaller bill that’s being calculated now.

    Under the guidance of Branca and his more behind-the-scenes co-executor John McClain, the estate has brought in $2.5 billion in revenue in the past 11 years, and Jackson has remained the top earning deceased celebrity every year since his death at age 50 from a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol.

    But Branca says the way Jackson’s musical legacy echoes through modern artists may be his most impressive legacy.

    “Kanye West, Drake, Beyoncé, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande — they all point back to Michael,” Branca said. “His influence is really enormous.”


  • ..so... es gibt keine Ruhe ...

    Klagen gegen Jackson-Firmen kommen womöglich vor Gericht

    Aktualisiert am 19.08.2023, 15:36 Uhr

    Klagen gegen Michael Jackson wegen Kindesmissbrauchs

    Michael Jackson trifft im Santa Barbara County Courthouse zu seinem Prozess wegen Kindesmissbrauchs ein (2005).

    Zwei Männer erhoben Anschuldigungen, von Popsänger Michael Jackson als Kinder missbraucht worden zu sein. Diese Anschuldigungen können nun wieder vor Gericht aufgenommen werden.

    Zivilklagen gegen Produktionsfirmen des gestorbenen Pop-Superstars Michael Jackson werden vermutlich doch vor Gericht verhandelt. Die Anschuldigungen zweier Männer, die Jackson sexuellen Missbrauch als Kinder vorwerfen, können nach der Entscheidung eines Berufungsgerichts in Kalifornien nun wieder vor Gericht aufgenommen werden. Das berichteten am Samstag mehrere US-Medien unter Verweis auf Gerichtsunterlagen vom Freitag.

    Promoter: "Sollten den Mann endlich in Frieden ruhen lassen"

    Der ehemalige Tour-Promoter Jacksons, Marcel Avram, äußerte sich nach der Entscheidung gegenüber der Deutschen Presse-Agentur: "Ich war der Promoter und Produzent auf allen Welttourneen von Michael Jackson. Michael ist tot. Das Genie lebt weiter. Wir sollten den Mann endlich in Frieden ruhen lassen."

    Es geht um die Vorwürfe von James Safechuck (45) und Wade Robson (40) gegen den ehemaligen "King of Pop": In der Dokumentation "Leaving Neverland" erzählten sie vor einigen Jahren erstmals, wie der Sänger sie sexuell missbraucht haben soll, als sie noch Kinder waren. Angefangen habe der Missbrauch, als er sieben war, sagt Robson in der Produktion. Es wird beschrieben, wie Jackson sich systematisch an die Kinder annäherte, schließlich mit ihnen in einem Zimmer schlief und nach einer Zeit wieder verstieß.

    Prozess wurde 2021 nicht zugelassen

    Safechuck und Robson hatten zwei Jackson-Produktionsfirmen nach der Veröffentlichung der Doku auf Schadenersatz verklagt, weil diese sie nicht vor den Übergriffen des Mannes geschützt hätten. Ein untergeordnetes Gericht hatte einen Prozess im Jahr 2021 nicht zugelassen. Das kalifornische Berufungsgericht befand nun aber, dass "ein Unternehmen, das den sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern durch einen seiner Mitarbeiter erleichtert, nicht von einer positiven Pflicht zum Schutz dieser Kinder befreit ist, nur weil es sich ausschließlich im Besitz des Täters des Missbrauchs befindet".

    Es blieb zunächst unklar, ob nun noch der Oberste Gerichtshof in Kalifornien eingeschaltet werden könnte, um den Richterspruch erneut zu kippen. (dpa/mak)

    Kommen die Klagen gegen Jackson-Firmen vor Gericht?
    Die Anschuldigungen zweier Männer, die Michael Jackson sexuellen Missbrauch als Kinder vorwerfen, können nach der Entscheidung eines Berufungsgerichts laut…

  • [

    Breaking news:
    The defense team for the Michael Jackson Estate vs Robson/ Safechuck will be Tom Meserau and Jennifer L. Keller.

    Keller is is one of the best trial lawyers in the country. Thanks to @fei_rock #MichaelJackson

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