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  • October 10, 2011

    Conrad police interview may backfire for prosecutors. Here's why.
    Posted: 01:59 PM ET


    Commentary by Keith Sullivan, special to HLN

    We can still only speculate on how the audio of Dr. Conrad Murray being interviewed by police will ultimately impact the jurors. But, one thing is for sure: it definitely will cause them to begin formulating new opinions and impressions of Dr. Murray.

    And they may not be the kind of opinions prosecutors were hoping for Friday when they rolled out this significant piece of evidence.

    During the interview, Dr. Murray is heard sounding calm, methodical and well-prepared in his responses. In fact, he is even slightly defensive or protective of himself when describing why the drug propofol was even being utilized and how it was administered. Clearly, this shows a guy who knew there likely would be very serious consequences for Michael's death and he wanted to make sure they did not fall on him.

    Dr. Murray can be heard trying to justify the use of propofol as something Michael insisted on and was very familiar with and accustomed to administering himself.

    Sounds beneficial for the defense, but jurors may ask themselves, "Should the patient be dictating to the physician the best course of treatment?" And is this even the truth or is this just Dr. Murray being a "spin doctor" and trying to manipulate the facts into a more favorable story for himself?

    Still, there remains ample reason to think playing the tapes might actually help Dr. Murray's defense.

    For two weeks he has sat there as the accused, the condemned, the 'evil doctor' who couldn't do anything right. But now he tells his story in open court. Most importantly, he gets to do so and is not subject to cross-examination by the prosecution!

    That is extremely beneficial if the jury accepts his taped words as truth.

    The other benefit of the taped evidence is that for the first time, Dr. Murray is humanized as he is heard talking in a soft, calm and compassionate tone. The jurors hear his voice in full conversation mode and they listen to his first-hand detailed explanation of the frantic scene that played out in the bedroom as he frantically tried to save Michael Jackson.

    Again, this could also be beneficial, though only if jurors believed what they heard.

    The police interrogation tapes will continue to be played in court on Tuesday.

    Do you think the content of the tapes will prove more beneficial to the prosecution or defense? Tell us in the comments below or either on Twitter @HLNTV or Facebook.

    Complete courtroom coverage of the Conrad Murray trial airs live on HLN from gavel to gavel. It’s also on In Session on truTV from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET every weekday.

  • Deepak Chopra: Michael Jackson was an "addict"; his death was "an accident"

    Best-selling self-help author Deepak Chopra is a guest on "Piers Morgan Tonight," and he talks about his new book "War of the Worldviews" and more. He also talks about Michael Jackson, who he knew very well. "Michael was a controlled substance addict," he told Piers Morgan. "He could stay off and then he'd be on again."

    Chopra also talked specifically about the Dr. Conrad Murray trial happening right now. Here's his take:

    "He didn't expect to die," said Chopra. "An accident. Dr. Conrad didn't intend to kill him. He used a drug that should not have been used outside an operating room. He miscalculated the dose. There were probably other things in Michael's system. It was a tragedy."


    ..dt. Zusammenfassung des Gesprächs ( Video im link zu sehen !):
    Morgan sagt, das Problem sei ja, wie man aus dem Prozess und den Todesumständen wisse, die Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Meds gewesen, und fragt Chopra, was er über den Med-Konsum wisse.

    Chopra antwortet, Michael habe ihn nur dann angerufen, wenn er absolut clean und med-frei gewesen sei. ( Anmerk. hö?) Vor 8 Jahren habe er Chopra gefragt, ob er "diese Sache" kenne, "die einen zum Tal des Todes bringt und einen dann zurückbringt", zu diesem Zeitpunkt habe DC keine Ahnung gehabt, wovon er rede, aber offensichtlich habe er über Propofol gesprochen, und es habe ihn zum Tal des Todes getragen und nicht zurückgebracht. Michael sei ein kontrolliert von Substanzen Abhängiger gewesen, er habe es komplett lassen können und dann wieder abhängig sein können.
    Während der TII-Proben habe er Phasen gehabt, in denen es ihm absolut gut ging, er habe geprobt und sehr viel Kraft und Frische gehabt.
    Zwei Tage vor seinem Tod habe er eine Nachricht auf DC's Mailbox hinterlassen und sei sehr freudig gewesen, sowohl über die Konzerte als auch über den neuen Song, an dem er schrieb, ein Song über die Umwelt namens "Breathe" und habe ihn gebeten, zurückzurufen.
    Er habe nicht erwartet zu sterben. Sein Tod sei ein Unfall und Murray habe nicht die Absicht gehabt, ihn zu töten, er habe ein Med verwendet, das nicht außerhalb einer Klinik verwendet werden sollte, er habe sich mit der Dosis verkalkuliert, es seien wahrscheinlich andere Substanzen in seinem Körper gewesen. Es sei eine Tragödie gewesen.
    Übersetzung: Dancer mjforever

    ....die Kommentare darunter sind auch lesenswert.... u.a. Dr. P. Treacy, mit dem MJ oft Kontakt hatte... dieser schreibt:

    Patrick Treacy

    To be honest Michael Jackson was a close friend of mine and phoned me regularly about his problems in life. This type of thing really really infuriates me. Both DC and JJ are selling books and I quite honestly never ever remember MJ holding either of them in any high regard regarding their opinion. Many close to him who are not being allowed their voice would concur. Dr. Patrick Treacy

    Patrick Tracy sagt, Michael sei ein enger Freund von ihm gewesen und habe regelmäßig mit ihm telephoniert und dabei auch über die Probleme in seinem Leben gesprochen. Solche Dinge (also was Chopra sagt) machen Treacy wirklich wütend. Sowohl Chopra als auch JJ (ich nehme an, er meint Jermaine) verkaufen Bücher und Treacy müsse ganz ehrlich sagen, er erinnere sich absolut nicht, dass MJ Wert auf die Meinung der beiden gelegt habe.


    Toxicology In The Michael Jackson Manslaughter Trial
    October 08, 2011

    Witness testimony concerning the autopsy and toxicology results has begun in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray for voluntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson. This is likely the make or break area of testimony for the defense, who has claimed that Jackson caused his own death by self administering both oral lorazepam and oral and/or IV propofol. It is highly technical testimony, with large amounts of medical and scientific jargon and principles which cannot help but confuse the jury at times.

    Law Med will go through the evidence and testimony in order to simplify and clarify what is becoming. in our view, intentionally muddled by the defense. We don’t blame them, since it may be their only hope of getting Murray off. The facts are certainly of little use towards that end. Even though we are ‘simplifying’ the information, it is still intensive to digest. Read some, take a break, come back to it. If you have any questions ask them using the comment form at the bottom of the article and we will answer them. Or contact us HERE. The lawyers on both sides have done their homework and appear to have a working knowledge of the pharmacology and toxicology of the drugs at issue in this case. If they can do it so can you…believe me. Smarter than us? Its not hard…so if you find an error let us know. Law Med has expertise in all of the drugs named and their administration, as well as interpretation of toxicology reports, but forensic toxicology is not our forte. If you are a juror of course, you should not be reading this so shame on you and stop now.

    During the autopsy, blood samples were obtained from various areas in the body (more on the significance of these multiple samples later), as well as samples from the stomach (gastric) contents, the fluid in the eye (vitreous) and urine. All were tested for various drugs and reported in the final autopsy documents.

    Drugs found in Jackson’s system were lorazepam (Ativan), midazolam (Versed), diazepam (Valium), nordiazepam (metabolite of diazepam). ephedrine, lidocaine and propofol (Diprivan). Significant to the case are the lorazepam and propofol results, and to a lesser extent the midazolam and lidocaine. Here they are:

    Diazepam, lorazepam and midazolam are all in the family of drugs known as benzodiazepines, which are sedative hypnotics. Each differs in it’s time to onset of action, duration of action, and metabolization time. Diazepam and lorazepam are common prescriptions in tablet form administered for anxiety and sometimes as a sleep aid. Both were found in pill form in Jackson’s house. Both also are available in IV form for hospital use, and IV lorazepam is sometimes used in surgery. Murray was ordering IV lorazepam in huge amounts, likely administering it IV on a near daily basis. IV administration of any benzodiazepine results in a much faster onset of action and a much more pronounced effect compared to oral administration.

    Bezodiazepines have a low toxicity, despite their pronounced depressant effect on the central nervous system. In other words, while they make an individual very sleepy, even unconscious in large amounts, they rarely cause someone to stop breathing. Even in overdose they almost never cause death. In 2008, a total of 78,443 benzodiazepine single-substance exposures were reported to US poison control centers, of which 332 (0.004%) resulted in major toxicity and only 8 (0.0001%) resulted in death. These drugs do however potentiate the effects of propofol, which means when administered together it takes much less propofol to reach a desired (or undesired) effect. This includes respiratory depression or apnea (breathing stops). All benzodiazepines are addictive and prolonged administration can result in tolerance requiring higher and higher amounts to cause the same effect.

    Nordiazepam is a metabolite of diazepam, meaning it is formed in the body as diazepam is metabolized (broken down). Ephedrine is a common over the counter sinus medication. Aside from the fact that Murray told police that Jackson was administered a 10 mg valium tablet (relatively small dose) at 1:30 am on the morning of his death the drug plays no part in his death and the amount found in his system was just a trace. Ephedrine, was present in the urine. We will make no mention of either beyond this as they are simply not important.

    The midazolam detected in the blood, as well as in the urine, was of a very small amount. Therapeutic blood levels of midazolam is 0.08-0.25 mcg/ml. Here, a plasma concentration of 0.0046 mcg/ml was found. This is a VERY small amount. It was also found in small amounts in the urine. From these results was can conclude that while Jackson received an administration of midazolam sometime in the previous 24-48 hours, he did not receive it the morning of his death and it played no part in his death. The amounts found are just too small. But Murray has claimed that he administered 2 mg IV midazolam at 3:00 am and again at 7:30 am. This appears to be false. Why he would claim this begs understanding, but there is no way it happened according to the blood and urine levels. Midazolam is metabolized and excreted in the urine fairly rapidly, but not THAT rapidly. The elimination ‘half life’, meaning the time it takes to excrete 50% of the drug, is 2-6 hrs. The most significant role midazolam plays, aside from Murray’s falsehood, is that Murray was ordering it in huge amounts, so it clearly was being administered frequently, just not on the morning in question.

    Lidocaine is a common local anesthetic which is added to propofol prior to injection in order to minimize the burning sensation which propofol can cause. If you have ever had stitches or a root canal it is likely that you were injected with lidocaine first to numb the area. Lidocaine did not contribute to Jackson’s death. Its only significance is that wherever it is found in Jackson’s system, we also find propofol, as expected.

    Lorazepam, a benzodiazepine as we have stated, was available in the Jackson home in both tablet and IV form. It bears pointing out that no patient, regardless of setting, should have access to pill forms of any medications they are also receiving IV. Jackson’s bedroom was littered with bottles of various bezodiazepines including in addition to diazepam and lorazepam, clonazepam (Klonipin) and temazepam (Restoril). A patient can potentially self administer any of these drugs causing dangerous potentiation of other medications, or cause an overdose when the care giver administers an IV medication not knowing about the oral dose.

    This is one of the scenarios which the defense is claiming. It has become their position that Jackson took up to 8 lorazepam 2 mg tablets while Murray was out of the room. This is supposedly during the same 2 minutes Murray said he left the room prior to finding Jackson not breathing. Apparently they are inferring that this contributed to Jackson’s death. We can state that this is simply impossible. First, there were no pill fragments found in the stomach on autopsy. Second, absorption of lorazepam from the stomach takes far longer. Jackson would not have had ANY effect from an oral medication in the time frame specified. Third, IF Jackson had taken oral lorazepam in this quantity, one of two things would be seen: either no pills are in the stomach and there is a high blood level, or pills are found in the stomach and there is a low or no blood level. Instead we have no pills and a therapeutic blood level (neither high nor low, but rather the expected level from an appropriate dose). A therapeutic level of lorazepam in the blood is o.o1-0.2 mcg/ml. The blood level of lorazepam in this case is 0.169 mcg/ml, consistent with the IV administration by Dr. Murray (below), and is an expected, non-toxic, therapeutic level.

    The coroner’s office did not test the gastric contents for an actual level of lorazepam, since the blood results which showed a low amount of lorazepam, any amount in the stomach would be irrelevant to the cause of death. The defense claims that the amount of lorazepam in the stomach was 4x the amount found in the blood according to subsequent testing they had done. This would not have affected Jackson however, since it is the amount in the bloodstream which affects the patient. Rather they are using this to claim that Jackson took oral lorazepam without Murray’s knowledge, apparently trying to bolster the claim that Jackson swallowed propofol without his knowledge. It seems a far stretch that even IF Jackson took oral lorazepam without Murray knowing (a medication he takes is prescribed and has taken orally many times before), that he would drink propofol (a medication never given to him orally before). Especially when he has someone willing to inject it into him every single night.

    Murray has told the police that he administered 2 mg IV lorazepam at 2:00 am and then again at 5:00 am. This is consistent with the toxicology results and is likely the truth. In an average patient, the level of lorazepam in Jackson’s blood would produce noticeable central nervous system depression (very sleepy or sleeping) and would potentiate the effects of any propofol that was given. In Jackson however, who had been receiving benzodiazepines in significant amounts on a daily basis for some time, tolerance may be an issue. A “therapeutic” blood level in such patients is not therapeutic at all and higher blood levels are required to obtain a therapeutic effect. For all of these reasons, lorazepam played little if any role in the death of Michael Jackson.

    Now we get down to it. Propofol is our killer here. To learn everything you need to know about the drug propofol, read Law Med’s posting “Propofol Explained: Factual Expert Answers On Jackson Case“.

    Evaluation of post mortem blood levels of propofol is fraught with difficulties. This is primarily because of a lack of research into the subject as well as what can only be described as the strange behavior of propofol after a fatal dose. What we do know is gleaned from the handful of published cases of death from either self administered propofol during abuse, or in one case propofol used as a weapon in a homicide. These published cases had post mortem propofol levels which ranged from those lower than would be required to anesthetize a patient to levels which were much higher. It appears that a low post mortem blood level of propofol does not rule out propofol as a cause of death. At the same time there is no evidence of false high levels of propofol post mortem. In other words, levels may be found to be deceptively low even though propofol killed the individual, but they are predictive of propofol ingestion when high, though they can never be said to be indicative of the exact amount of propofol administered.

    Baselt’s textbook The Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man (7th edition) mentions that in 5 fatal cases of acute propofol poisoning, postmortem blood propofol levels ranged from 0.5 – 5.3 mcg/ml. The accepted therapeutic blood levels after a typical 2.5 mg/kg anesthesia induction dose of propofol are 1.3– 6.8 mcg/ml. As you can see, the are cases of fatal propofol administration where the blood levels were below those expected to anesthetize a patient and cause breathing to cease. Levels below 1.0 mcg/ml are considered sedation levels.

    In this case, the following blood levels were found: Heart blood – 3.2 mcg/ml; Hospital blood – 4.1 mcg/ml; Femoral blood – 2.6 mcg/ml. This puts the propofol blood concentration in Jackson in the ‘therapeutic’ range for someone having a general anesthetic. For an individual who is not intended to be anesthetized to the point of cessation of breathing, the levels found in Jackson are FATAL. There is no doubt, JACKSON DIED FROM PROPOFOL INTOXICATION.

    The total amount of propfol found in the stomach was 0.13 mg. Compare this to the amount of propofol necessary to be swallowed if the high blood levels seen are to be reached. If given IV, the dose would have to be an anesthetizing dose in the range of at least 150-200mg, since that is what the high blood levels indicate. That means that IF swallowing the same amount of propofol gave the same effect as injecting it then the amount swallowed would also have to be 150-200 mg. However, it takes MUCH more propofol when swallowed to reach the same blood levels as when given IV due to the manner in which propofol is absorbed in the stomach according to the limited information available in this area. Not a lot of research has been done regarding oral administration of propofol since it was never intended that it be swallowed.

    What does this mean? The 0.13 mg of propofol found in the stomach is MINISCULE. Assuming, conservatively, that 200 mg would need to be swallowed to reach the blood levels seen, the 0.13 mg found is 0.00065% of the amount swallowed. The amount which would have to be swallowed in order to reach the blood levels found, even when considering Dr. Murray’s admitted injection of 25 mg IV would be many times the 200mg amount however. This refutes the defense claim that Jackson swallowed propofol causing his own death, as much more propofol would be expected to be found in the gastric contents.

    In addition, absorption into the blood stream when a medication is taken orally is MUCH slower than when given IV. Dr. Murray says he was out of the room for only 2 minutes and that when he returned Jackson was not breathing. It is IMPOSSIBLE for any amount of swallowed propofol to cause this in the time frame alleged. It is also impossible that all but 0.13 mg would have been absorbed into the blood stream in this period.

    There is another far more plausible explanation for the small amount of propofol being found in the gastric contents. Postmortem redistribution (PMR) refers to the changes that occur in drug concentrations after death. It involves the redistribution of drugs into blood from solid organs such as the lungs, liver, and heart muscle. Postmortem drug concentrations do not necessarily reflect concentrations at the time of death, as drug levels may vary according to the sampling site and the interval between death and specimen collection. The recommended sample site for post mortem toxicology is the femoral vein due to its relative remoteness from solid organs. Vessels and locations closer to solid organs would be expected to have higher concentrations than the femoral vein. PMR can also take place into the stomach. This is the most likely cause of the small amount of propofol found in Jackson’s gastric contents.

    Some drugs are more predisposed to PMR than others due to their particular makeup. We know that propofol does undergo some amount of PMR since blood taken from the heart (one of the organs which is know to leak drugs into the blood under PMR) contains more propofol than the femoral vein sample (3.2 vs 2.6 mcg/ml).

    FINAL CONCLUSIONS: The evidence does not support the premise that Jackson drank propofol. Could Jackson have self injected propofol in the short time Murray claims he was out of the room? Yes. However, Jackson would not have been dead by the time Murray says he returned. He should easily have been resuscitated. If Jackson self administered propofol in his IV, the Murray remained out of the room for at least 8-10 minutes we estimate. The most likely scenario is that Murray started a propofol infusion after giving Jackson a bolus of propfol and after some amount of time passed Murray believed that Jackson was stable. Murray then left the room to chat on the phone and Jackson stopped breathing. Murray was gone for more than 5 minutes after breathing stopped, and likely much longer. Upon his return he immediately knew he had screwed up and that Jackson was dead. He removed the propofol infusion, hiding it for disposal later, which he did. This explains the delay in calling 911 as Murray panicked and thought about exactly what to do next. The only conclusions we can draw from the toxicology report are that Jackson did receive a dose of propofol sufficient to stop his breathing, and that it was given IV.

  • Jackson-Prozess: Michael Jackson könnte laut Gutachter noch leben
    Nachrichten der, 13.10.2011, Dirk Hautkapp

    Michael Jacksons Arzt, Dr. Conrad Murray, gerät vor dem Gericht immer mehr in die Defensive. Gutachter bescheinigen ihm, in der Notsituation zu spät und falsch reagiert zu haben.

    Washington. Es sind die Berufskollegen, die Dr. Conrad Murray immer weiter zusetzen im Prozess um die Verantwortung für den Tod von Pop-Sänger Michael Jackson. Dr. Alon Steinberg, Kardiologe aus Ventura nahe Los Angeles, ging gestern so weit wie bislang kein anderer Mediziner.

    „Michael Jackson könnte noch leben“, sagte Steinberg trotz der offenkundigen Übermedikamentierung des „King of Pop“ mit dem Narkosemittel Propofol und Schlaftabletten, „wenn Dr. Murray nur die richtigen Schritte eingeleitet hätte, als Michael nicht mehr atmete.“

    Anstatt umgehend die Notfall-Nummer 911 anzurufen, so Steinberg, der von der Anklage als Gutachter geladen war, habe Murray rund 20 Minuten mit der Alarmierung der Rettungskräfte gewartet und in offenkundiger Unkenntnis falsche Wiederbelebungsmethoden praktiziert.

    Alles falsch gemacht
    Der Herz- und Kreislaufexperte Steinberg ging noch einen Schritt weiter. Murray habe bei der Verabreichung von Propofol, einen Stoff, nachdem Jackson regelmäßig verlangt habe, um schlafen zu können, so ziemlich alles falsch gemacht, was falsch zu machen war: keine ständige Beobachtung der Herz- und Kreislauftätigkeit, keine Vorkehrungen für einen Notfall etc.

    Einen Patienten mit Propofol allein zu lassen, so Steinberg, sei ungefähr so, „als ließe man ein Kleinkind unbeaufsichtigt auf dem Küchentisch liegen“. Murray habe sträflich gegen alle Regeln der ärztlichen Fürsorgepflicht verstoßen, Jackson könnte definitiv noch am Leben sein, wenn diese eklatanten Verstöße nicht passiert wären.

    Vier Jahre Haft drohen
    Staatsanwalt David Walgren will bis Freitag seine Zeugen-Befragung abgeschlossen haben. Ob Murray zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt selbst ins Kreuzverhör genommen wird, ist noch ungewiss. Danach hat die Verteidigung das Wort. Letztere hat gestern in bemerkenswert beiläufiger Weise eine Behauptung zurückgenommen, die vom ersten Prozesstag an Murray in ein günstiges Licht rücken sollte. Danach spreche vieles dafür, so Anwalt Ed Chernoff, dass Jackson sich in den Minuten der Abwesenheit seines Hausarztes am 25. Juni 2009 selbst die Überdosis Propofol verabreicht hat, indem er die trübe Flüssigkeit, seine „Milch“, einfach trank.

    Chernoffs Sozius Michael Flanagan kassierte die These gestern ohne Angaben von Gründen ein. Der Prozess gegen Murray, der sich wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verantworten muss und bei einer Verurteilung mit bis zu vier Jahren Gefängnis rechnen muss, wird heute fortgesetzt. Das Urteil wird für Ende Oktober erwartet.

  • :schwitz......sieht wohl so aus........:negativ..........wir lassen uns nicht mehr schocken........:ja

    Das hier ist :top:ausg:top


    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]

  • 14. Oktober 2011, 11:12 Uhr

    Prozess gegen Murray:
    "Die Katastrophe war vorprogrammiert"

    Auch der nächste Kollege lässt kein gutes Haar an Michael Jacksons Leibarzt: Der Intensivmediziner Nader Kamangar sagte im Zeugenstand aus, Murrays Behandlung sei eine "vorprogrammierte Katastrophe" gewesen.

    Am zwölften Verhandlungstag im Prozess um den Tod von Michael Jackson in Los Angeles wurde dessen Leibarzt Dr. Conrad Murray am Donnerstag erneut vorgeworfen, seine Pflichten als Arzt vernachlässigt zu haben. Der Intensivmediziner Dr. Nader Kamangar erklärte im Zeugenstand, dass durch Murrays unzulängliche Behandlungsmethoden und den Medikamenten-Cocktail, den er Jackson regelmäßig verabreichte, "eine Katastrophe vorprogrammiert" gewesen sei.

    "Es gab keinen ordentlichen Zugang zu medizinischen Geräten, der Notruf wurde verzögert und die Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen waren unzulänglich - das führte letztendlich zu Jacksons Tod", gab Dr. Kamangar vor den Geschworenen zu Protokoll. Auch die Tatsache, dass Dr. Murray keine Patientenakte für den Sänger führte, beanstandete er. "In der Medizin ist das notwendig. Wir können uns nicht um einen Patienten kümmern, wenn wir die Informationen lediglich in unserem Kopf abspeichern", gab Dr. Kamangar zu bedenken. "Wir müssen alles dokumentieren. Das hilft uns, uns besser um unsere Patienten zu kümmern."

    Bereits am Mittwoch wurde Dr. Murray grobe Fahrlässigkeit von dem Kardiologen Dr. Alon Steinberg vorgeworfen. Dieser behauptete sogar, dass Michael Jackson noch am Leben sein könnte, wenn Conrad Murray nicht mehrere Fehler unterlaufen wären. Sollte der Leibarzt der fahrlässigen Tötung für schuldig befunden werden, drohen ihm vier Jahre Haft.

    Conrad Murray stellt sich nun schon in der dritten Woche der Anklage, die ihm vorwirft Michael Jackson im Sommer 2009 mit einer versehentlichen Überdosis des Narkotikums Propofol getötet zu haben. Bei einer Verurteilung drohen dem Arzt bis zu vier Jahre Haft.

  • Dick Zimmermann: die Medien verletzten Michael

    Dick Zimmermann (Fotograf von Michael..) war Gast bei Dr. Drew..

    ...erst erzählt er die Geschichte, wie er Michael spät abends in seinem Appartement besuchen sollte, und dort hinkam und wartete. Er sah dann einen Mann irgendwo stehen, und dachte, es sei ein B.Guard..und wollte ihn fragen, ob er wisse, wann Michael komme, weil es schon so spät sei..und beim näher kommen erkannte er, dass es Michael selbst war, in Verkleidung, der dort die ganze Zeit stand, und sich jetzt totlachte..Sie hatten ein gutes Gespräch an dem Abend, mir 'ner Flasche Wein, und Michael erzählte ihm mit Tränen in den Augen, dass er gerade ein Interview mit Diane Sawyer gemacht hätte, sie in Neverland herumgeführt habe und über alles gesprochen habe uns dass sie einfach alles verdrehen würde. es sagte, "ich weiß nicht mehr, was ich noch tun soll, ich sage die Wahrheit, aber es funktioniert nicht"

    Dr. Drew fragt, Was ist die Wahrheit über Ihn? wie kann man all die Aspekte über ihn verstehen..

    Zimmermann: Michael Jackson war ein unbeschreiblicher Künstler, wahrscheinlich der talentierteste und dynamischste Künstler der Geschichte, es ist schon fantastisch eine große Karriere zu haben, als Entertainer, aber sich dann das Ausmaß der Karriere von Michael vorzustellen, er wollte immer weiter machen, Perfektion schaffen, und hatte immer die Medien dabei, die ihn kritisierten um ihre Seiten zu füllen...Murray muss sicher bestraft werden, für seine Versäumnisse und Rücksichtslosigkeit, aber es war nur derjenige, der zum Schluss da war..Michael begann schon vor Jahren zu sterben, er versuchte mit dem Druck zurecht zukommen, den die Medien Attacken auf ihn ausübten. Sie wollten ihn konstant fertigmachen..Wir haben schon zuviele Entertainer wegen den Medien verloren..diese Behandlung durch die Medien führt zu Druck, zu Drogen, zum Tod.. Lady GaGa wird vielleicht die nächste sein.... Michael war völlig missverstanden, er liebte Kinder, er war sehr besorgt um die Zukunft und dem Zustand der Umwelt dieses Planeten..Die Medien wollten das nicht verstehen..Michael ist leidenschaftlich, "niemand kann so sein, also lasst es uns ins negative verkehren,..wir könnten es in Kindesmissbrauch umwandeln..das funktioniert bestimmt.." Hört euch die Worte von Michael an, die er unter dem Einfluss von diesen Medikamenten sagte..macht es laut, und ihr werdet endlich verstehen, wer Michael Jackson wirklich war."

    Er erklärt noch sein Tribute Bild für Michael, eine Montage aus den verschiedenen Fotosessions, die er mit Michael hatte..

    ..hier der link mit dem Video..…ichael-jackson-photog.cnn

  • ..hier ist das komplette Statement/Transkript von Dick Zimmerman aus der Show von Dr. Drews gestern Nacht:


    I want to thank all the Michael Jackson fans for all the terriffic responses sent to me on my Dr.Drew appearance...I was not totally sure which way it would go, but after receiving hundreds of responses, without any negatives from any crazies out there, I am thrilled to say I have only received positive support from all of you!
    I'm very glad I had the opportunity to make a statement for all that were able to spot the truth and had similar admiration for this artistic genius.
    ...and there's more to come!

    Dick Zimmerman


    Ich möchte mich bei allen Michael Jackson Fans für die Reaktionen bedanken, die ich auf Grund meines Auftritts bei Dr. Drew bekam. Ich wußte nicht, wie es sich entwickeln würde, aber nachdem ich hunderte von Antworten bekam, und keine davon negativ, bin ich überwältigt davon, von euch allen nur positive Unterstützung bekommen zu haben! Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ich die Möglichkeit hatte im Namen von allen die die Wahrheit sehen können und auch die Bewunderung für diesen genialen Künstler mit mir teilen, zu machen..und es wird noch mehr kommen!
    Love..Dick Zimmermann

  • :tatort

    Arnold Klein Says Murray Fallout Hurts

    (Mercury News) - Dr. Arnold Klein hovers over a 50-year-old woman, a syringe filled with the promise of youth in hand and a look of concentration on his face. At this moment he appears a contented man.

    “Put me next to a patient, give me a needle and I’m really happy,” he says. But all is not perfection for the dermatologist to the stars.

    Klein and Conrad Murray were Michael Jackson’s key physicians during the pop star’s final weeks in June 2009. Murray is on trial for involuntary manslaughter in Jackson’s drug-related death, while Klein, who treated Jackson for more than 25 years and called him “my best friend,” was cleared of any wrongdoing by authorities.

    Murray’s defense team, however, is making Klein a part of the trial, claiming he fostered the singer’s addiction to a medication, Demerol, and that it played a part in his death. No Demerol was found in Jackson’s body.

    The allegations, denied by Klein’s attorney, reverberate painfully for the 66-year-old doctor whose patient list has boasted Elizabeth Taylor, Dolly Parton, Carrie Fisher and many more celebrities.

    “I see stuff on the Internet and it hurts, because I don’t like to be called a bad doctor,” Klein said, referring to online news and chatter about the trial that enters its fourth week Monday.

    “All I’m trying to do is be the best doctor I can,” added the intense Klein, whose words spill out hurriedly and who often ends sentences with the entreaties “You understand?” or “You have to understand that.”

    Murray, who has pleaded innocent, is accused of failing to monitor Jackson as the singer received a fatal dose of propofol (Diprivan is the drug’s commercial name) combined with a variety of other drugs including diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan).

    Jackson, on the brink of a comeback at age 50, had complained repeatedly of insomnia and his need for drugs to help him sleep as he got ready for a strenuous London concert schedule.

    Despite Klein’s anxiety over damage to his reputation, he says the fallout has been minimal. Media that sometimes camp outside his office have kept away certain high-profile patients, including “royal families from around the world, political dignitaries, people who don’t want to deal with the paparazzi,” Klein said.

    But Hollywood’s crowned heads, the actors and others who helped Klein build his practice and his fame, aren’t so faint-hearted. Whether patients or friends, they are speaking up for him.

    Carrie Fisher is both. The actress (“Star Wars”) and writer (“Wishful Drinking,” “Postcards From the Edge”), replied with a firm “no” when asked if she was uneasy hearing Klein’s name invoked in the Murray case.

    “Michael and Arnie had a really good relationship. … It was a shame there was any focus brought (in the trial), because that became what everyone knew about” Klein, she said.

    David Geffen, the prominent music and film executive who has long worked with Klein in the fight against AIDS, weighed in with a letter addressed “Dear Arnie” and written to be shared.

    “In light of all that is being said about you in the press I was compelled to add my truths. I have never known a doctor who tries to know and learn everything as completely as you do, a doctor who has always been there for me,” Geffen wrote.

    Fisher contends that her own past prescription drug abuse, about which she has spoken and written, prove Klein’s ethics. He never supplied her and, to the contrary, encouraged her to kick her habit, she said.

    “If anyone would know, it would have been me,” Fisher said with a rueful laugh. “He’s not one of the doctors you would hit up for (drugs).”

    Garo Ghazarian, Klein’s lawyer, has called the defense claim that Klein contributed to Jackson’s death “preposterous” and denied that Jackson was addicted to the Demerol used for pain relief “during medical procedures.” (He did not detail them, and Klein declined to discuss issues directly related to the trial or whether it was affecting his private life.)

    But lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff invoked Klein’s name seven times during his opening statement and has referred to the dermatologist repeatedly throughout the trial. The defense, which is expected to begin presenting its side next week, sought to call Klein as a witness but was blocked by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor, who ruled Klein’s testimony was not relevant to the case.

    Klein’s medical specialty is the use of injectable drugs such as Botox and Restylane to ease wrinkles and sagging skin. It is a skill he pioneered and one that has made him a favorite in Hollywood, where youth and beauty are the currency of the land.

    Fisher credits Klein with smoothing her face and restoring her confidence after weight loss took a toll. “He cares about what he does and he loves making people look better,” she said. “It’s like he’s a painter, but the brush is the needle.”

    He doesn’t limit his practice to the well-heeled or well-known. The middle-aged patient who was at the end of his needle recently was a woman who wanted, and got, a younger look for dating and business.

    Klein has an international reputation, with patients from the Middle East and Europe trekking to California to see him. In a 2008 issue of Italian men’s Vogue, L’uomo Vogue, an article on design leaders featured a dapper, ascot-wearing Klein as an architect of the face, alongside more traditional architecture masters including Frank Gehry.

    Often dressed in black, Klein is fond of such eye-catching jewelry as his Rolex watch decorated with diamond-and-ruby lips, a gift he received from Cher. He looks ready to be cast in a movie about a flamboyant doctor’s adventures among the stars.

    Although he’s long balanced the roles of medical heavyweight and prominent physician-about-town, he’s now in difficult—but not unprecedented—territory. In 2004, he was sued by a Hollywood socialite who blamed Botox injections for disabling headaches. A jury found for him and the drug manufacturer.

    Earlier this year, Klein sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and alleged in court papers that he lost at least $10 million to theft and fraud, blaming a former employee and others. A countersuit from the ex-employee denied the allegations and claimed, among other issues, that he had endured difficult working conditions.

    Klein minimized the impact of the stated financial losses, saying the bankruptcy filing was based on “bad advice” and that he expects resolution soon. It appears to be the Murray trial, above all, that aggrieves him.

    During the 2009 investigation into Jackson’s death, federal drug agents checked into who was prescribing medications to the singer and examined the entertainer’s interactions with at least seven doctors, including Klein. Federal drug agents raided a pharmacy in the Beverly Hills building where Klein previously practiced before clearing him in Jackson’s death.

    Klein clearly is in far different circumstances than Murray, who could end up behind bars and lose his medical license if convicted.

    By contrast, Klein just moved into new offices around the corner from Rodeo Drove and above a posh restaurant, Villa Blanca, which is a haunt for “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” circle.

    His professional credentials remain intact. He is a professor of medicine and dermatology at the University of California, Los Angeles, which is home to the Arnold Klein chair in dermatology endowed by supporters in 2004. And he’s a charity stalwart. Klein teamed with other physicians, Taylor and Geffen to form the respected American Foundation for AIDS Research, AmFAR, and he has supported other fundraising efforts targeting breast cancer and eye disease.

    Dazzling mementoes and gifts are scattered around his hilltop Beverly Hills home, set in an exclusive neighborhood protected by gates and guards. There’s a photo of Klein with Taylor and Jackson; Jackson-signed lithographs of five of the singer’s album covers; and sculptures given to Klein by the King of Pop and his children.

    A copy of the book “Elizabeth Taylor: My Love Affair With Jewelry” is inscribed with a mash note from the late actress: “My beloved Arnie, I love you more than I can tell. I feel you have saved my fading life. I love and thank you forever. Yours, Elizabeth.”

    The connection between Klein and Jackson went especially deep. Their friendship developed when Klein treated the singer for ailments including vitiligo—a patchy loss of skin pigmentation, which Klein said forced Jackson to lighten his complexion overall—and facial gauntness caused by weight loss, which can be filled out with Restalyne and other so-called injectables.

    Debbie Rowe, who worked as Klein’s nurse, married Jackson and bore two of his three offspring, Prince and Paris, before the couple divorced. Media reports alleging Klein to be the children’s father through a sperm donation have been dismissed by the doctor, although sometimes coyly.

    Jackson lived in one of Klein’s homes for a time, and the pair partied with the likes of Taylor. Jackson’s last Christmas, in 2008, was spent with his children, Klein, Fisher and a few others, Klein recalls.

    The doctor is writing a book about the King of Pop. What Klein says he came to know about him: Jackson wasn’t a drug addict but indulged in wine (he called it “Jesus juice”); was a prude and an innocent who wanted to live his childhood forever; and “wasn’t adult enough to be sexual,” contrary to the child molestation allegations Jackson faced.

    Klein said he’s been hurt both by the defense’s portrayal of Jackson as a frail addict who contributed to his own death and by the allegation that Klein himself shares blame.

    “Once you’re famous or popular at any level, they’ll attack you,” he said.

    It’s unsurprising that Klein finds himself caught on the jagged edge of celebrity, a risk with prominent patients, observers said.

    “You become part of that celebrity’s tragedy or gossip. Their dirty laundry is aired and you’re part of it, directly or indirectly,” said Dr. Rahul K. Parikh, a San Francisco-area physician and writer who, in a 2009 piece, criticized Klein for publicly discussing the late Jackson’s medical history with then-CNN host Larry King. .

    Mixing fame and medicine also is counterproductive, contends Dr. Mark Goulston, a psychiatrist and author (“Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone”).

    “The seduction of fame to a doctor can be tough to resist,” said Goulston. “I also think it distracts the doctor from what he should be doing, which is to focus totally on the well-being of the patient.”

    But Klein said his patients and the quest for perfection, nothing else, are his obsession.

    “I do this because of my level of doing it, you understand? The monetary thing is nice but it’s really secondary to what I do,” he said.

    Could he have done something to save Jackson, his friend and patient?

    “I don’t know. How do you save a person?” Klein mused. “This tragedy is an example of how the rich and famous can get terrible medical care. It repeats itself and repeats itself. When people get famous, they get all the ‘yes people’ around them.”…PseIIjM1lfhieWqX-YEVqD6sg

  • Jackson doctor's defense looms in trial's 4th week

    LOS ANGELES (AP) - The trial of Michael Jackson's personal physician will enter a new phase this week, with the doctor's attorneys trying to counter three weeks of damaging testimony and attempting to show that the singer somehow caused his own death.

    Lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray have told jurors that the involuntary manslaughter case will hinge on the science of what killed Jackson in June 2009. They will call their own experts to counter prosecution witnesses who have repeatedly told the panel that Murray was reckless and beyond the fringes of medicine when he administered the anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep.

    The Houston-based cardiologist has pleaded not guilty and his attorneys continue to maintain that Jackson somehow gave himself the fatal dose of medication. They have abandoned the theory that Jackson died after swallowing propofol, but now contend he was killed after taking several pills of the sedative lorazepam and possibly giving himself a shot of propofol after Murray left the singer's bedroom.

    Before the defense lays out its case - expected to consist of 15 witnesses and last until the end of the month - it will have to contend with the government's final witness, Dr. Steven Shafer. The Columbia University researcher and professor helped write the warnings and directions included with every vial of propofol - warnings a prosecutor said in opening statements that Murray ignored.

    Defense attorney Nareg Gourjian declined to say Friday who Murray's team would call to testify, but told the judge they would include police officers, experts and some character witnesses. He was not asked, nor did he mention, whether Murray would testify in his own defense.

    It seems unlikely that Murray will testify. Jurors have already heard his more-than-two-hour interview in which he laid out his version of events before Jackson's death to a detective who acknowledges he wasn't conducting an interrogation.

    If Murray takes the stand, he would undoubtedly be asked by prosecutors about several unanswered questions, such as why he never told paramedics or ER doctors about giving Jackson propofol, why he never told police he was on the phone for long stretches of the morning Jackson died, and why he recorded the singer when he was impaired, stumbling his way through his plans for a children's hospital and cementing a legacy larger than those attained by Elvis Presley or The Beatles.

    In his opening statement to jurors, lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff said Murray's team would try to answer two fundamental questions:

    "First, how did Michael Jackson get to this point, this desperate point," Chernoff said. "And second, what happened when Dr. Murray was out of the room?"

    Prosecution witnesses have acknowledged that only Jackson and Murray know what really happened, but two medical experts testified last week that Murray was grossly negligent. Even if Jackson somehow was able to give himself medication after Murray left the room, the doctor should have been closely monitoring the singer and should have never left any medications within arms' reach, the doctors said.

    Ellyn Garofalo, who last year won an acquittal for one of Anna Nicole Smith's doctors charged with improperly prescribing pain medications, said Murray's team should focus on their expert testimony and not start calling character witnesses.

    "If they start to call character witnesses, they don't have a great deal of faith in their defense," she said.

    She said the experts should be able to show that the case isn't as simple as prosecutors have claimed, and that it is filled with "all kinds of shades of gray."

    Murray's attorneys should also try to argue that prosecutors should not be second-guessing medical decisions. "Do we really want the DA's office making medical decisions for doctors," she asked.

    Murray's case, she noted, differs in one major respect from the case against her client, who was never accused of causing Smith's death.

    Garofalo said Murray's case will be harder to win, and prosecutors so far have done a solid job of showing that the doctor shouldn't have been giving Jackson propofol as a sleep aid in the superstar's bedroom.

    "It's a strong case because you have somebody dead after somebody did something that is unheard of," Garofalo said.

    Murray's defense strategy also appears to involve calling hostile witnesses, including police officers who prosecutors did not call during their case. The defense scored some points early in the trial by getting a coroner's investigator to acknowledge that she moved some evidence around in Jackson's bedroom before photographing it and that she didn't keep all her notes. The officers would likely undergo the similar harsh questioning about their decisions.

    They may also call doctors who previously treated Jackson but have never been formally accused of wrongdoing. They are barred from calling one doctor whose name has been repeatedly mentioned during the trial - Jackson's longtime dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein.

    Murray's team may also call Jackson's hairdresser, Karen Faye, who they have said will testify that the singer was distraught at the prospect of performing 50 comeback concerts at London's O2 arena. Such an account would be in contrast with several other witnesses who said Jackson was excited about the concerts and that his three children would see him perform.

    The trial, which is entering its fourth week, has moved rapidly, with 33 witnesses so far and both sides presenting more than 250 pieces of evidence. At its current pace, jurors should receive the case next week.….htm?contentguid=GB8Zv5Zq

    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]

  • [video=youtube;FHQ9vfqwc7M]

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    Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011 von ChristineDog-Blog

    PETA USA hat gestern Anzeige erstattet wegen mutmaßlich illegaler Toxizitätstests an Hunden im Zusammenhang mit dem Gerichtsverfahren gegen Dr. Conrad Murray, den Leibarzt von Michael Jackson. Möglicherweise haben Murrays Anwälte grausame Tierversuche in Auftrag gegeben, um die toxischen Effekte des Medikamentes Propofol untersuchen zu lassen, an dem Jackson gestorben war.
    Da Propofol und seine Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen, auch bei Hunden, aber gründlich untersucht und dokumentiert sind, würden solche erneuten Versuche gegen das amerikanische Tierschutzgesetz verstoßen, denn dieses fordert, dass Tierversuche nicht wiederholt werden dürfen.
    Kathy Guillermo, Vizepräsidentin von PETA USA, gab gestern folgendes Statement dazu ab:
    Michael Jackson liebte Tiere und hätte geweint, hätte er gewusst, dass die Verteidigung seines Arztes Hunde vergiften lässt, nur um seinen Arzt zu entlasten. PETA USA fordert, dass die Verantwortlichen untersuchen, wie und warum diese grausamen und archaischen Versuche an Hunden erlaubt wurden. Weiterhin erwarten wir, dass falls Verstöße gegen das Gesetz vorliegen sollten, die Verantwortlichen entsprechend bestraft werden.


  • Prosecution May Call Prince To Testify In Trial Of Dr. Conrad Murray…-prince-katherine-jackson
    By Jen Heger
    Radar Legal Editor

    Deputy District Attorney David Walgren met recently with Michael Jackson's oldest son Prince and Katherine Jackson to discuss the possibility of the King of Pop's son being called to testify at the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray.

    The top secret meeting was held at Katherine's gated Calabasas residence. "Walgren met with Prince and Katherine Jackson to discuss Prince taking the stand. Katherine wants to ensure that Prince will be protected as much as possible," a Jackson family insider told

    "Even though she is steadfastly against Prince testifying, she recognizes this is something that he very much wants to do. Remember, from testimony heard so far, when he discovered Michael Jackson wasn't breathing Murray told the chef to send Prince up to the bedroom. Dr. Murray brought Prince into this. Prince has information that is clearly relevant to the proceedings. Make no mistake, Prince would have been called as a witness already if he was an adult."

    Prince would be called as a rebuttal witness by the prosecution, and that decision will be made by the District Attorney after the defense presents their case. "Prince does have information that would be helpful for the jury to hear. However, it's a double-edged sword of putting a child in this case on the stand. This could be very traumatic and Prince, despite all assurances that he can handle it, well, you never know until it actually happens," the source says." How would he do under cross examination from Dr. Murray's lawyers? How will he react to seeing Dr. Murray in court? The last time Prince saw Dr. Murray was the day his dad died, and a lot has changed in his world since then."

    Prince and Katherine were told by the Deputy D.A., "there is a 50/50 chance that he will take the stand. Prince will be prepared if called to testify. Katherine and Prince trust the Deputy D.A., and Katherine knows that this is very, very important to her grandson, so in the end, she will not stand in the way of him doing this," the insider says.

    Testimony will resume on Wednesday, October 19, with the prosecution's final witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, taking the stand once again.

    Dr. Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, says the defense will call 15 witnesses.

  • Prince Jackson will not testify in Murray trial, grandmom says
    By Alan Duke, CNN
    October 18, 2011 -- Updated 2149 GMT (0549 HKT)

    Los Angeles (CNN) -- With testimony on hold while Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers study a new lab test that prosecutors plan to use against him, speculation about Michael Jackson's oldest son possibly testifying has increased.

    But Katherine Jackson, the matriarch of the Jackson family, reconfirmed to CNN Tuesday that she is opposed to Prince Jackson being called as a witness and that there are no discussions going on with prosecutors about it.

    Testimony resumes Wednesday, after a five-day break, with the anesthesiology expert who is likely the last witness before the prosecution rests its direct case. The judge indicated it Dr. Steven Shafer's testimony is completed Wednesday, he would recess court on Thursday to allow the defense to prepare before presenting its case on Friday.

    The relevance of 14-year-old Prince Jackson's testimony in the involuntary manslaughter trial of his father's doctor increased last week after jurors heard Murray's police interview.

    Prince disputed Murray's claim, given in his police interview, that the doctor comforted him and his siblings in the emergency room after they learned their father was dead, according to a Jackson family member who was with the children that day.

    Prince Jackson told his family that Murray's account was not true, Trent Jackson, the nephew of Katherine and Joe Jackson, said Thursday.

    Jackson family members were upset that jurors may sympathize with Murray because of perceived compassion for the children that day, Jackson told CNN.

    "I hugged them all, gave comfort to Paris, comfort to Prince, comfort to Blanket, which is the last little guy, because whenever they were sick, they would always ask for Dr. Conrad," Murray told detectives two days after Jackson's death in 2009.

    Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson were initially kept in an SUV outside of the emergency room after they followed the ambulance carrying their father to the hospital, Trent Jackson said. Frank Dileo, who was Michael Jackson's manager, later escorted them inside after their grandmother arrived, according to Trent Jackson.

    Murray never spoke to Michael Jackson's mother at the emergency room, contrary to his statement to police, Trent Jackson said.

    While the truthfulness of Murray's interview is a major issue in the trial, it is not expected that Prince will be called to testify, the relative said. Katherine Jackson, who has custody of the children, is opposed to any of them being called as witnesses, he said.

    Prosecutors are near a conclusion to their direct presentation in Murray's trial, but rebuttal witnesses could be called next week after the defense rests its case.

    The maximum sentence Murray could get if convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death is four years, but a new California law could mean the doctor would never seen the inside of a state prison cell.

    The law, intended to reduced state prison overcrowding, provides for most non-violent offenders with no prior record to be kept in county jails.

    A four-year sentence could become just two years if Murray is ordered to serve his time in the Los Angeles County jail, according to sheriff's spokeswoman Nicole Nishida. County inmates are given "one day served, one day credit."

    The Los Angeles jail is under court order to reduce overcrowding, which means many non-violent first time offenders are allowed to serve the bulk of their time under supervised house arrest.

    But there are "so many different possibilities" it is not possible to predict how much time, or where, Murray would serve his sentence if convicted, Nishida said.

    The spokeswoman with the Los Angeles district attorney's office said she could not comment because of the gag order imposed by the judge in the Murray trial.

    A conviction, however, would likely trigger the revocation of Murray's medical licenses in California, Texas and Nevada.

    The trial has been put on hold at least until Wednesday to give the defense time to study new lab test results the prosecution contends show Jackson did not ingest a fatal overdose of sedatives.

    Testimony was suspended last Thursday afternoon to allow the prosecution's anesthesiology expert to attend a medical convention, and again Monday because that witness's father died.

    The trial, in its fourth week, is still expected to conclude with the start of jury deliberations next week.

    The Los Angeles County coroner tested Jackson's stomach contents -- preserved from the autopsy -- for the level of the sedative lorazepam last Wednesday at the request of the prosecution, Deputy District Attorney David Walgren revealed at a hearing Monday.

    The testing was ordered after Murray's defense contended that Jackson swallowed eight tablets of lorazepam, a sedative, in a desperate search for sleep the day he died.

    The results show "a much smaller amount of lorazepam in the stomach that is totally inconsistent with oral consumption of lorazepam tablets," Walgren said.

    The coroner ruled that Jackson's June 25, 2009, death was from "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with several sedatives, including lorazepam.

    The defense complained that the coroner should have done the test two years ago, not during the trial.

    "It's about the time," defense lawyer Ed Chernoff said. "It's about the fairness issue."

    Dr. Steven Shafer, an anesthesiology expert, is crucial to the state's effort to prove Jackson's death was caused by Murray's gross negligence in using the surgical anesthetic propofol to help the pop icon sleep.

    Shafer began testifying Thursday morning before the judge recessed for the weekend so he could travel to a medical convention. He never made it there because of the death in his family, Walgren said Friday.

    Shafer, who is expected to give a detailed scientific explanation of how propofol is metabolized in the human body, will be on the witness stand for at least a day, according to Walgren.

    Shafer's testimony is expected to echo the opinions of a sleep expert and a cardiologist who testified that Murray's treatment of Jackson was so grossly negligent that it was criminal.

  • Prozess um Conrad Murray:
    Anästhesist belastet Michael Jacksons Leibarzt

    Conrad Murray wurde im laufenden Verfahren um den Tod von Michael Jackson erneut belastet.
    Narkose-Experte Steven Shafer machte dem Arzt schwere Vorwürfe, er habe beim Umgang mit dem Arzneimittel Propofol medizinische Standards nicht beachtet.

    Der Anästhesie-Experte Steven Shafer trat am Mittwoch im Verfahren gegen den Hausarzt des verstorbenen Michael Jackson in den Zeugenstand. Die Gerichtsmediziner bestätigten bereits, dass der Popstar an einer akuten Propofol-Vergiftung starb. Zudem erklärten sie, dass in seinem Körper auch das Medikament Lorazepram gefunden wurde.

    Shafer hat die grundsätzliche Verwendung Propofols nun verteidigt, das Medikament sei von Conrad Murray jedoch falsch angewendet worden. "Propofol ist ein außergewöhnliches Medikament. Ich möchte, dass die Menschen verstehen, dass es ein gutes Medikament ist, wenn es von jemandem verabreicht wird, der etwas davon versteht." Was in Michael Jacksons Fall passiert sei, habe nichts mit einer normalen Propofol-Behandlung zu tun. "Jeden Tag sage ich den Patienten im Operationssaal, was ich machen werde, und jeden Tag werde ich gefragt: 'Geben sie mir das Medikament, das Michael Jackson umgebracht hat?'"

    Er sei der Meinung, dass Murray immer wieder gegen die gängigen Standards bei der Verwendung des Mittels verstoßen habe. Auch sei der ehemalige Leibarzt des Sängers eher ein Angestellter als ein Arzt des Musikers gewesen und hätte ihm deshalb aus medizinischer Sicht das Mittel gar nicht verabreichen dürfen.

    Murray drohen vier Jahre Haft
    Anschließend bekamen die Geschworenen ein Video vorgeführt, in dem gezeigt wurde, wie Propofol im Tagesgeschäft eines Krankenhauses eingesetzt wird. Durch die Aufnahmen wurde deutlich, wie wichtig es ist, bei Auffälligkeiten sofort Hilfe zu rufen. Murray wird jedoch vorgeworfen, dass er 20 Minuten lang telefoniert habe, nachdem er festgestellt hatte, dass sein Patient nicht mehr atmete.

    Sollte der Leibarzt für schuldig befunden und wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt werden, könnte Murray für vier Jahre lang ins Gefängnis wandern.

  • Leibarzt war äußerst nachlässig

    Im Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons früheren Leibarzt Conrad Murray hat ein Mediziner den Arzt als äußerst nachlässig kritisiert. Der Popstar habe vor seinem Tod jede Nacht nach dem Narkosemittel Propofol verlangt und Murray habe es ihm, ohne zu zögern, verabreicht.

    Das sagte der Anästhesist Steven Shafer am Mittwoch (Ortszeit) vor einem Gericht in Los Angeles. "Ein Arzt hätte gesagt: 'Ich gebe dir nichts, du hast eine Schlafstörung.'"

    Murray hingegen habe sich wie ein "folgsamer Angestellter" verhalten, statt das Wohl seines Patienten vorn anzustellen. "Seine medizinische Urteilskraft hat er nicht angewandt", sagte Shafer über Murray.

    Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Murray vor, Jackson eine Überdosis Propofol gegeben und ihn dann vernachlässigt zu haben, was zum Tod des King of Pop geführt habe.

    Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs wegen fahrlässiger Tötung drohen ihm bis zu vier Jahre Haft. Bereits vor einigen Tagen hatte ein Herzspezialist dem Mediziner Versagen vorgeworfen und vor Gericht erklärt, der Sänger hätte bei richtigem Verhalten seines Leibarztes gerettet werden können.

    Shafer bezeichnete Murrays Verhalten vor Gericht als "ungeheuerlich und skrupellos". Einer der größten Fehler des Arztes sei es gewesen, Jackson bedingungslos jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen. Zudem habe er sich mit der genauen Wirkung des Narkosemittels nicht gut genug ausgekannt.

    Propofol sei bei richtiger Anwendung ein "hervorragendes Medikament", sagte der Anästhesist. Murray hingegen habe für Jackson in den 80 Tagen vor seinem Tod rund 15,5 Liter des Mittels besorgt. Das sei eine "außergewöhnlich" hohe Medikamentenmenge für einen einzelnen Patienten.

  • WELT ONLINE Newsticker

    13:16 Halbzeit im Murray-Prozess

    Los Angeles (dpa) - Vier Wochen lang hat die Anklage schweres Geschütz gegen Michael Jacksons früheren Leibarzt aufgefahren. Dutzende Zeugen geben ihm die Schuld am Tod des Sängers. Jetzt kommt die Verteidigung zum Zug. Doch deren Strategie gibt Rätsel auf.

    Michael Jackson sprach schlicht von seiner «Milch», wenn der Sänger zum Einschlafen das starke Narkosemittel Propofol verlangte. Die zwölf Geschworenen, die das letzte Wort über die Umstände und die Schuldigen am Tod des Popstars haben werden, kennen inzwischen jede Eigenschaft des Mittels. Wie schnell es wirkt, wie viel Milligramm zum Tode führen, wie es sachgemäß bei Operationen verwendet wird. Der Gerichtssaal in Los Angeles, wo der Herzspezialist Conrad Murray (58) wegen fahrlässiger Tötung vor dem Richter steht, gleicht zeitweise einem Labor oder Krankenzimmer, mit Tropfständern, Diagrammen und Infusionsbeuteln.

    Am 25. Juni 2009 war Jackson laut Autopsiebericht an einer Überdosis Propofol im Mix mit Beruhigungsmitteln gestorben. Seit Ende September fährt die Anklage scharfes Geschütz auf, um zu beweisen, dass Murray «grob fahrlässig» seinen Tod herbeiführte. Als 33. und voraussichtlich letzter Zeuge ging der Narkose-Experte Steven Shafer am Donnerstag hart mit dem Mediziner ins Gericht. Murray sei «für jeden Tropfen Propofol in (Jacksons) Zimmer» und damit «direkt» für dessen Tod verantwortlich. Als «verrücktes Szenarium» tat der renommierte Anästhesist die Theorie der Verteidigung ab, dass sich Jackson das Mittel möglicherweise selbst spritzte, als sein Arzt nicht im Raum war.

    Mit aufgeregter Stimme hielt Shafer seinem Kollegen 17 «unverzeihliche» und «ungeheuerliche» Fehler vor, von falscher Wiederbelebung bis zu dem Umstand, dass Murray nicht sofort den Notarzt rief, als er Jackson leblos in seinem Bett vorfand. Über die massive Medikamentensammlung, die im Körper und im Haus des Sängers gefunden wurde, wetterte der Zeuge: «Wir sind hier in einem pharmakologischen Never Never Land. So etwas wurde meines Wissens nur mit Michael Jackson und sonst mit niemandem gemacht.»

    Während die Vorwürfe auf den Zwei-Meter-Mann Murray niederprasseln und es so wirkt, als würde sich die Schlinge zuziehen, schaut der 58-Jährige meist regungslos in die Gerichtskameras. Der Arzt hatte im Polizeiverhör gesagt, er habe Jackson nur eine kleine, harmlose Menge Propofol gespritzt. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs drohen ihm bis zu vier Jahre Haft.

    Rund fünfzehn Zeugen will die Verteidigung in den nächsten Tagen ins Feld führen, darunter einen Narkose-Experten, der einst eng mit Shafer arbeitete. Vor Gericht könnte es zu einem spannenden, medizinischen Duell kommen.

    Die Strategie der Verteidigung gibt noch Rätsel auf. Vor wenigen Tagen überraschten Murrays Anwälte mit einer radikalen Kehrtwende: Sie räumten ein, dass Jackson durch heimliches Trinken von Propofol nicht sterben konnte. Das hätten neue Studien gezeigt. Das Narkosemittel wird Patienten normalerweise direkt in die Vene geleitet. Sie könnten argumentieren, dass Jackson sich selbst Propofol spritzte oder dass er zu anderen Tabletten griff, die den plötzlichen Tod herbeiführten.

    Die Verteidigung dürfte es gegen das Aufgebot von 33 Zeugen der Anklage schwer haben. Glaubt man den Aussagen der Rettungssanitäter, Notärzte, Jacksons Hausangestellten und Freundinnen des Arztes, so hat Murray seinen Patienten am Narkosetropf aus den Augen gelassen und telefoniert, dann in heller Panik eine mögliche Wiederbelebung verpatzt, Spuren vertuscht und erst viel zu spät den Notarzt gerufen.

    Eine Aussage blieb den sieben Männern und fünf Frauen der Jury allerdings erspart. Prince, der älteste Sohn des Sängers, der zusammen mit seiner Schwester Paris das dramatische Ende seines Vater hautnah miterlebte, wurde nicht in den Zeugenstand gerufen. Keines der drei Jackson-Kinder hat bisher den Gerichtssaal betreten. Doch fast jeden Tag sind einige Geschwister und oft die 81-jährige Mutter des Sängers dabei. Katherine Jackson, die ihre Enkel aufzieht, brach mehrmals in Tränen aus.

    Schon zweimal musste sie sich die verzerrte, stammelnde Stimme des Verstorbenen anhören. Die Anklage spielte eine Unterhaltung vor, die Murray mit seinem medikamentensüchtigen Patienten rund sechs Wochen vor dessen Tod aufgezeichnet hatte. Noch größer war der Schockeffekt, als im abgedunkelten Gerichtssaal ein Foto des Popstars - bleich und leblos auf einer Trage - aufleuchtete. Auch ein Autopsiefoto legte die Anklage vor. Jackson liegt nackt auf einem Tuch, sein Intimbereich ist mit schwarzen Balken unkenntlich gemacht. An seinem dünnen Körper sind Verbände und Kanülen angebracht.

    War er das Opfer eines gewissenlosen Arztes, der ihn mit Medikamenten vollpumpte, oder war er selbst der Täter, der heimlich zu seiner «Milch» griff? Ein bis zwei Wochen könnte sich der Prozess noch hinziehen, dann muss die Jury entscheiden.

  • Flugbanner während des Murray-Prozesses

    Worldwide Aerial Banner Project "Justice 4 Michael Jackson"


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    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]

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