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  • Prozess gegen Conrad Murray
    Verschwörungstheorien an der Temple Street

    Zur Halbzeit des Prozesses gegen Michael Jacksons Arzt Conrad Murray ist nichts entschieden. Ein Narkosearzt hat den Angeklagten schwer belastet. Doch auch die Verteidigung fährt schwere Geschütze auf.

    Der schmale Bürgersteig vor dem Gericht an der Temple Street ist seit Tagen das am bittersten umkämpfte Terrain in Los Angeles. Während sich der Kardiologe Conrad Murray im neunten Stock des grauen Betonbaus gegen die Staatsanwaltschaft wehrt, die ihm die fahrlässige Tötung des Popsängers Michael Jackson vorwirft, zieht Beatrice Fakhrian vor der Tür verzweifelt gegen die Anhänger des „King of Pop“ zu Felde.

    Mit ihren selbstgebastelten Plakaten „Verurteilt Dr. Murray nicht, er ist unschuldig“ und „Dr. Murray muss freigesprochen werden“ steht die Fernsehagentin aus Beverly Hills seit Prozessbeginn vor drei Wochen jeden Tag hinter den gelben Absperrbändern, um für den angeklagten Mediziner Sympathien zu gewinnen. „Ich bin mit ihm befreundet. Er ist ein feiner Mensch mit einem großen Herzen, der ein faires Verfahren verdient hat“, sagt Fakhrian. „Dr. Murray darf erst verurteilt werden, wenn alle Fakten auf dem Tisch sind.“

    Narkosearzt belastet Conrad Murray
    Die Anfeindungen der Fans des im Juni 2009 verstorbenen Jackson, die immer wieder in Rangeleien um den besten Platz vor dem Gerichtsgebäude ausarten, kann sie dabei von Tag zu Tag schwerer ertragen. „Die Nerven liegen inzwischen bei allen blank“, sagt Fakhrian. „Aber ich weiß, dass sich der Einsatz lohnt. Wenn die Fakten ans Licht kommen, wird Dr. Murray freigesprochen.“

    Selbst die „facts“, die Staatsanwalt David Walgren den Geschworenen am Donnerstag durch seinen letzten Zeugen präsentieren ließ, können die Hoffnungen der Fünfundvierzigjährigen nicht trüben. Wie der Anästhesie-Fachmann Steven Shafer aussagte, hat der Angeklagte seinem berühmten Patienten unmittelbar vor dessen Tod etwa 40 Mal mehr Propofol verabreicht, als Murray damals bei der Polizei zugegeben hatte.

    „Dass es so war, ist zweifelsfrei durch Fakten belegt“
    Nach dem Obduktionsbericht war Jackson in seiner Villa oberhalb des Sunset Boulevard an einer Überdosis des besonders starken Narkosemittels in Kombination mit anderen Medikamenten gestorben. Anstelle der behaupteten 25-Milligramm-Dosis soll der Arzt dem Sänger eine ganze Flasche mit 1000 Milligramm des Narkosemittels gegeben haben, das zudem vermutlich weiter aus einem Tropf in Jacksons Körper lief, als der Fünfzigjährige längst aufgehört hatte zu atmen. „Dass es so war, ist zweifelsfrei durch Fakten belegt“, sagte Shafer den Geschworenen.

    Am Vortag hatte Shafer, Professor an der Columbia University in New York, ausgesagt, Murray habe aus Eigennutz gehandelt und mehrmals „ungeheuerlich“ gegen die Regeln der ärztlichen Kunst verstoßen. Er trage die Schuld an Jacksons Tod. So habe Murray den Patienten trotz der Gabe von Propofol offenbar nicht wie üblich ständig beobachtet. Die Ermittler konnten nachweisen, dass der mit monatlich 150000 Dollar honorierte Arzt die letzte Stunde seines Patienten fast ausschließlich am Handy verbrachte und seine Praxis sowie diverse Freundinnen anrief.

    Ab sofort darf die Verteidigung um Conrad Murray mit der Befragung ihrer Zeugen beginnen. Insgesamt sollen 15 Menschen in den Zeugenstand gerufen werden.

    Fans glauben weiterhin an Murrays Unschuld
    Beatrice Fakhrian lässt sich dennoch nicht beirren. „Dr. Murray und Michael Jackson hatten ein sehr gutes Verhältnis. Er ist ein großartiger Arzt, der auch meine Angehörigen behandelt hat.“ Seit die Agentin den Arzt vor einigen Jahren in der Gemeinde der „Church of God in Christ“ der afroamerikanischer Pfingstbewegung am Crenshaw Boulevard traf, spielen die beiden angeblich zusammen Golf und treffen sich zum Abendessen. „Wenn ein Freund in Not ist, bleibe ich doch nicht in meinem hübschen Büro am Camden Drive und lasse ihn allein“, sagt Fakhrian.

    Ähnlich geht es Willie Hampton, der Murray vor 30 Jahren in seiner texanischen Heimatstadt Houston traf. Seit Prozessbeginn verbringt der Immobilienmakler jede Woche mindestens zwei Tage an der Temple Street und hält Plakate für Murray hoch. „Ich glaube nicht, dass er an *****s Tod schuld ist. Vielleicht wollte jemand in Hollywood die ,This Is It’-Tour verhindern, die ja bevorstand“, rätselt der Fünfzigjährige. Er habe auch das Gerücht gehört, dass Jackson Murray verboten habe, viele Apparate in der Villa in den Holmby Hills aufzustellen. „Michael wollte nicht wie in einem Krankenhaus leben“, sagt Hampton, dem Murray angeblich auch von der Dickköpfigkeit des Stars berichtete.

    Jackson-Fans: „Murray hat ihn umgebracht“
    Einige der Jacksons-Fans, die jeden Tag vor dem Gericht Plakate ihres Idols hochhalten und Murray in Sprechchören als „Mörder“ beschimpfen, verdächtigen Murrays Anhänger der Käuflichkeit: „Wir haben gehört, dass sie sich bezahlen lassen“, flüstert Sandy Burns, eine ehemalige Flugbegleiterin. Wie Dutzende andere Anhänger findet sich die Zweiundfünfzigjährige seit drei Wochen jeden Tag neben den Fernsehkameras an der Temple Street ein. Sie will das Bild des „King of Pop“ zurechtzurücken: „Im Gericht wird er doch nur als Drogensüchtiger dargestellt, der sich seinen Tod selbst zuzuschreiben hat.“ In ihrer Handtasche trägt sie selbstverfasste Protokolle der Verhandlungstage mit sich. Mit Zitaten des Staatsanwalts versucht sie, Murrays Verteidiger ad absurdum zu führen: Nie und nimmer habe sich Jackson das Propofol selbst verabreicht. „Murray hat ihn umgebracht. Warum hätte er sich sonst so lange Zeit gelassen, bevor er den Notarzt alarmierte? Und warum ließ er erst das Propofol und die anderen Arzneiflaschen verschwinden?“

    All diese Fragen werden wohl auch an den kommenden Prozesstagen ohne Antwort bleiben. Staatsanwalt Walgren, der vor zwei Jahren Roman Polanski in der Schweiz verhaften ließ, hat 33 Zeugen gegen den Angeklagten ins Feld geführt, jetzt ist die Verteidigung an der Reihe. Murrays Anwalt Ed Chernoff hatte schon zu Beginn des Verfahrens insinuiert, auch der Dermatologe Arnold Klein habe Jackson vor dessen Tod mit starken Medikamenten versorgt und trage zumindest eine Mitschuld. Ein gerade in Kalifornien verabschiedetes Gesetz verringert die Haftzeiten von „Ersttätern“ drastisch, auch das ist eine gute Nachricht für Murray. Ohnehin müsste er selbst von einer möglichen Höchststrafe von vier Jahren höchstens die Hälfte im Hausarrest absitzen - denn die Gefängnisse des Bundesstaats sind überfüllt.

    Quelle: F.A.Z.

  • Michael Fan has Spoken (Lyrics) Conrad Murray is a Monster (This video is NOT about Hate)


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    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]

  • 22.10.2011: Prozess 15. Tag - Zeugen der Anklage

    Im Kreuzverhör von Murray Verteidiger Ed Chernoff, versuchte dieser die Theorien von Propofol Experte Dr. Steven Shafer zu untergraben. Chernoff fragte Shafer, ob er den Unterschied einer Meinung und einer Tatsache kenne. Die Behauptung, dass sich Michael weder mit Lorazepam noch mit Propofol hätte selbst umbringen können, bezeichnete Chernoff als ein “gewagtes Statement, ist es das nicht?”. Shafer antwortete: “Ich denke das ist, was passiert ist.”
    Chernoff bezweifelte Shafers Simulierung, die ergab, dass Michael Jackson 10 Dosen Lorazepam intravenös verabreicht bekam. Gemäss Shafers Berechnung wurde die erste Dosierung etwa um Mitternacht des 24. Juni verabreicht. Chernoff machte darauf aufmerksam, dass Michael Jackson erst etwa um 1 a.m. von den Proben nach Hause kam. Chernoff kritisierte auch Dr. Shafers Demonstration, wie Murray seinem Patient das Propofol verabreicht haben könnte. Shafer habe dabei nicht die gleichen Gegenstände, die in Michael Jacksons Schlafzimmer gefunden wurden, verwendet. Und dass der gezeigte Infusionsschlauch nicht gefunden wurde. Shafer konterte, dass er die Grösse der Gegenstände nicht relevant fände, und dass Murray den Infusionsschlauch problemlos in seine Jackentasche hätte stecken können, bevor er das Schlafzimmer verliess. Chernoff fragte Shafer auch über seine Beziehung mit Dr. Paul White (der Propofol Experte der Verteidigung). Ob es wahr sei, dass er Dr. Paul White für einen Excellence In Research Award nominiert habe. Shafer bejahte.

    In einer Pause fragte Richter Michael Pastor den Propofol Experten der Verteidigung, Dr. Paul White, der auch im Gericht anwesend war, ob es wahr sei, dass er gegenüber einem Reporter von E! News während einer Gerichtspause am Donnerstag über Staatsanwalt David Walgren sagte: “Was für ein Mistkerl.” White bestritt dies, anerkannte aber andere Statements, die in dem online-Artikel vorkamen. “Ich war sein Lehrer als er ein Medizin-Student war. Die Wahrheit wird herauskommen. Wie immer”, sagte White dem Reporter. Richter Michael Pastor wies in der Folge erneut darauf hin, dass mit niemandem über den Fall gesprochen und keine Infos ins Internet gestellt werden dürfen. Da Dr. White dagegen verstossen hatte, muss er am 16. November vor Gericht erscheinen hinsichtlich einer möglichen Sanktion.
    Am Donnerstag kritisierte Dr. Steven Shafer vor Gericht einen Report von Dr. Paul White für die Verteidigung, in dem er schrieb, dass es möglich sei, dass Michael Jackson Propofol getrunken habe. Shafer sagte im Gerichtsaal, dass er über den Bericht seines langjährigen Freundes und Fachkollege enttäuscht sei, da bereits Medizinstudenten im ersten Jahr erste Prinzipien lernen, die folgern lassen, dass Propofol zu trinken keine Wirkung haben kann. Shafer erwähnte dazu Studien. Auch die Verteidigung prüfte die Theorie vom Propofol trinken und kam zum gleichen Resultat, worauf sie die Behauptung, Jackson habe Propofol getrunken, fallen liessen.


  • Aphrodite Jones Reports: No Doubt Conrad Murray Acted with a Conscious Disregard for MJ's Life
    October 21, 2011

    [ Aphrodite Jones gives her perspective on the trial of Conray Murray. Check in for her regular reports. ]

    Conrad-murray-trial-iv-shaferThe prosecution is finally about to rest it's case and I, for one, feel they put on a string of witnesses who have proven, beyond any doubt, that Conrad Murray acted with a conscious disregard for Michael Jackson's life. I realize many fans wanted Murray charged with 2nd Degree Murder, but hopefully people are now realizing how difficult it is to get a conviction in this instance -- that in truth, it's hard to get 12 people to agree on anything, no less homicide in a "delicate" circumstance such as this. Of course it is not a slam dunk that Murray will be found guilty -- those of us who have spent our lives in courtrooms know better than to predict how a jury will see things -- look at the Casey Anthony jury and how shocking their verdict was.

    Still, I believe this LA jury is taking the matter at hand most seriously and they were paying keen attention to the demonstration of the IV drip with the propofol in the courtroom, which is a good sign. These jurors seem to be impacted by the real and present danger Dr. Murray placed Mr. Jackson in -- plying the superstar with more drugs than anyone had ever fathomed. Of course, the defense will now try to paint Conrad Murray as a "God fearing man" who served a poor community in Texas and was, allegedly, a very caring doctor.

    But then, no one has said Conrad Murray is a bad man -- the charge is that he is a negligent and bad doctor. Was he a money grubbing physician who would do anything for the $150K a month salary from MJ? Clearly, the defense will argue that was not the case. What the defense will ask the jury to decide is whether MJ caused his own death ... What a charade we are all in store for, as a team of lawyers will attempt to blame MJ for being an addict who swallowed too many pills and/or injected himself with lethal doses of drugs. Let the mud slinging begin -- and MJ fans, brace yourselves -- be ready to stand up and fight!…ous-disregard-for-mj.html

    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]

  • Michael Jackson's family unites as Murray trial nears end
    By Alan Duke, CNN
    October 24, 2011 -- Updated 0617 GMT (1417 HKT)

    Los Angeles (CNN) -- With the involuntary manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor entering what could be its last week, Janet Jackson canceled shows in Australia to be with her family in Los Angeles.

    Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers will use the next four days to challenge the prosecution's contention that his reckless use of the surgical anesthesia propofol to help Jackson sleep makes him criminally responsible for the pop icon's death.

    Janet Jackson sat with her parents and several siblings during the first five days of the trial, but she has not been at court in nearly three weeks.

    "After talking with my family last night, I decided we must be together right now," she said in a statement posted Sunday on her website, announcing that three shows this week in Melbourne are canceled.

    The concert promoter told Jackson fans it was "important that Janet is with her family at this critical point in the hearing."

    If her flight arrives in Los Angeles before Monday morning, Jackson may see the last hours of the prosecution's key witness, anesthesiologist expert Dr. Steven Shafer.

    The defense cross-examination of Shafer grew so heated and personal Friday that the judge called lawyers for a sidebar and ordered them to "cut it out!"

    Jackson family: Murray lied to police

    Conrad Murray trial: Week 4

    Murray defense goes on offensive The defense is expected to begin presenting its case later Monday.

    Murray's lawyers have said they plan to call about 15 witnesses, including three medical experts, a police officer and several of Murray's patients from his clinics in Las Vegas, Nevada and Houston.

    Randy Phillips, the head of AEG Live, is set to be among the first witnesses the defense calls.

    Murray's lawyers have argued that Jackson was pressured by Phillips, whose company was promoting his comeback concerts in London, to show up healthy and on time for rehearsals or else the tour might be canceled.

    Murray told detectives Jackson begged for his "milk," his nickname for propofol, after a sleepless night and just hours before he died from what the coroner said was an overdose of the surgical anesthetic.

    Murray, in a police interview, said he was using sedatives to wean Jackson from propofol, which he had used almost every night for two months to fight his insomnia. But after a long, restless night and morning, the lorazepam and midazolam had no effect, Murray said.

    "I've got to sleep, Dr. Conrad," Murray said Jackson pleaded to him. "I have these rehearsals to perform. I must be ready for the show in England. Tomorrow, I will have to cancel my performance, because you know I cannot function if I don't get to sleep."

    Murray said he gave into Jackson's pleas and gave him an injection of 25 milliliters of propofol at about 10:40 a.m.

    Shafer testified last week that there was no way Jackson got only that amount of propofol, based on the high level of the drug found in blood taken during his autopsy.

    The "only scenario" to explain Jackson's death was that he overdosed on propofol infused through an IV drip set up by Murray, Shafer said.

    The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's death was a homicide, the result of "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with sedatives.

    The defense contends Jackson self-administered the fatal dose, along with sedatives, without Murray knowing.

    Shafer said the level of propofol in Jackson's blood taken during his autopsy could not have been from either Murray or Jackson injecting the drug, but only from an IV system that was still flowing when his heart stopped.

    Prosecutors, however, opened the door for one scenario in which Jackson, not Murray, could have triggered the overdose.

    "Can you rule out the possibility that Michael Jackson manipulated something to cause it to flow?" Deputy District Attorney David Walgren asked Friday.

    "That's a possibility," Shafer said. But that is assuming Murray set up the drip and left Jackson's side, he said.

    Would Shafer's opinion that Murray was responsible for Jackson's death change if he knew Jackson turned the drip on?

    "No, if Michael Jackson had reached up, seen the roller clamp and opened it himself, this is a foreseeable consequence of setting up an essentially dangerous way of giving drugs," Shafer said. "It doesn't change things at all. It would still be considered abandonment."

    Defense lawyer Ed Chernoff cross-examined Shafer about the assumptions he used to reconstruct an IV drip system he believed Murray set up next to Jackson's bed. Shafer demonstrated the system in his testimony Thursday.

    Jackson died because Murray failed to notice that his patient had stopped breathing while he was hooked up to an IV drip of propofol, Shafer testified. The doctor should have realized Jackson had stopped breathing, he said.

    "When you're there, you see it, you know it," Shafer said.

    Phone records and testimony showed that Murray was on the phone with one of his clinics, a patient, and then a girlfriend about the time that Shafer calculated the oxygen in Jackson's lungs became depleted, causing his heart to stop beating.

    "Had Conrad Murray been with Michael Jackson during this period of time, he would have seen the slowed breathing and the compromise in the flow of air into Michael Jackson's lungs, and he could have easily turned off the propofol infusion," Shafer said.

    Toxicology studies of drugs in Jackson's blood and computer models Shafer used to analyze how the singer died were overshadowed Friday when Chernoff focused on the personal and professional rivalry between Shafer and Dr. Paul White, the defense anesthesiology expert.

    The experts first met in 1978 when White was an assistant professor at Stanford University and Shafer was a medical student. They became friends and co-authored research papers, but this trial appears to have changed their friendship.

    Chernoff accused Shafer of wanting to "shove it down his (White's) professional throat" in a question stricken from the record by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor.

    White, who has been sitting in the courtroom listening to Shafer's testimony, was lectured by Judge Pastor about comments about Shafer attributed to him in an online blog.

    White admitted Friday that he told a reporter that he had changed his opinion of Shafer after hearing his testimony Thursday. "The truth will come out. It always does," E! News Online quoted White as saying.

    White denied calling Shafer "a scumbag," as the website quoted him as saying.

    Pastor, who imposed a gag order on all parties in the trial, set a contempt of court hearing for White next month.

  • Michael Jackson: Dr. Murray’ Anwälte kommen nicht miteinander klar
    24.10.2011 | 16:29 Uhr | Autor: Carmen Meyer

    In der Verteidigung des Michael-Jackson-Arztes hat Rechtsanwalt Ed Chernoff die Führung; er soll sehr unzufrieden damit sein, wie ein anderer Anwalt, Michael Flanagan, einige der Zeugen befragt hat.

    Der Texaner Chernoff wohnte zunächst während der Gerichtsverhandlungen bei Flanagan, soll jedoch jetzt in ein Hotel gezogen sein. Diese Woche soll das Verteidigerteam sein Plädoyer vorbringen, doch die Stimmung zwischen den Juristen wird immer frostiger.

    “Ed gefiel nicht, wie Michael die Zeugen der Anklage behandelt hat. Ed hatte das Gefühl, dass Michael seine Fragen zu aggressiv und sarkastisch formulierte, und dass er den Zeugen dabei half, offene Punkte zu klären, die eher der Anklage als der Verteidigung halfen.Die Lage wurde sehr angespannt und Ed ist in ein Hotel in Santa Monica gezogen”, verriet ein Insider ‘’.

    Murray war der persönliche Arzt von Michael Jackson (†50), als der 2009 an einer Überdosis Propofol starb. Der Mediziner wurde daraufhin wegen Totschlags angeklagt. Das Mittel wird normalerweise benutzt, um OP-Patienten im Krankenhaus zu betäuben, aber Jackson bekämpfte damit seine Einschlafprobleme. Murray bestreitet, ihm die tödliche Dosis verabreicht zu haben.

    Vergangene Woche wurde der Anästhesist Dr. Steven Shafer in den Zeugenstand gerufen. Er schrieb die Packungsbeilage für Propofol und vertrat die Ansicht, Jacksons Tod sei durch Murrays “ungeheuerliche Verstöße” gegen die gängige medizinische Praxis eingetreten. Er nannte Murray “ahnungslos” und lehnte die Aussage von Murrays Verteidigern, dass Jackson sich die Droge selbst verabreicht habe, vehement als “unwahrscheinlich” ab.

    Als Chernoff dann Dr. Shafer befragte, soll das für Wirbel im Gericht gesorgt haben, da Anwalt Flanagan sich viele Monate auf diese Befragung vorbereitet haben soll: “Michael war gründlich vorbereitet und wartete nur darauf, Widersprüche in Dr. Shafers Aussagen in der vorangegangenen Befragung aufzudecken”, verriet der Augenzeuge. “Als Ed Michael sagte, dass er Dr. Shafer selbst befragen werde, fühlte der sich, als habe man ihm den Boden unter den Füßen weggezogen … Ed und Michael reden jetzt kaum noch ein Wort miteinander. Michael wurde im Grunde erst einmal kaltgestellt.”

    Janet Jackson, die am Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Samstag in Melbourne auftreten sollte, ließ derweil verkünden, dass sie einige Shows ihrer Australien-Tour in den November verschiebt, um bei der Gerichtsverhandlung gegen Dr. Conrad Murray anwesend sein zu können.…teinander-klar/

  • October 24, 2011

    The prosecution's case in 6 & 1/2 minutes
    Posted: 03:42 PM ET

    Can you believe we're now on Day 16 of Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial? Doesn't really seem like a lot of time when you consider all of the evidence we've seen and heard.

    Remember the audio tape prosecutors played of a slurring Michael Jackson (recorded by Murray)? Or all of the girlfriends who paraded out on the stand (one said she recieved shipments of propofol for Murray, another said she was on the phone with him the day Jackson died)? And who could forget the shocking autopsy photo or the hours and hours of medical testimony showing how propofol should be used.

    If you've been living under a rock for the last few weeks or if you suffer from a bit of short term memory and can't remember that far back, then we've got you covered. All you need is six and a half minutes. Don't think we can cram the whole prosecution's case in that short of a time? We DARE you to watch:

    VIDEO im Bericht…ons-case-in-6-12-minutes/

  • Prosecution Rests Case Against Jackson Physician
    By ANTHONY McCARTNEY AP Entertainment Writer
    LOS ANGELES October 24, 2011 (AP)

    Conrad Murray: Defense Makes Its Case
    VIDEO im Bericht

    Prosecutors concluded their case Monday against the doctor charged with Michael Jackson's death after questioning 33 witnesses, including an expert who said the physician committed numerous violations of medical practices that made him solely responsible for the singer's death.

    Defense attorneys quickly called their first two witnesses.

    One was Dona Norris, a records custodian for the Beverly Hills Police Department who briefly discussed the timing of the 911 call received on the day Jackson died.

    They also called a police surveillance specialist who retrieved grainy surveillance footage shot outside Jackson's home on the day of his death.

    The specialist, Alexander Supall, told jurors he only collected a few minutes of footage taken around the time Jackson arrived home after a June 25, 2009, rehearsal for his comeback concerts.

    The witnesses were among 15 expected to be called by the defense over the next few days.

    The final prosecution witness against defendant Dr. Conrad Murray was Dr. Steven Shafer, an expert on the anesthetic propofol that authorities say killed Jackson.

    Shafer, a Columbia University researcher and professor, said Jackson had been receiving propofol almost every night for more than two months, according to a police statement by Murray. The Houston-based cardiologist has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

    Shafer previously testified that he thinks a propofol overdose killed Jackson. But he said Murray kept no records about how much of the drug he gave the singer.

    Shafer told jurors that it's difficult to know the precise effects of the drug on the singer because he had been given so much of it in the months before he died.

    Shafer made the statement while being cross-examined by lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff, who noted the risk that Jackson would stop breathing should have been low after the first few minutes the drug was administered on the day he died.

    Chernoff based that conclusion on models and research done by Shafer.

    "In Mr. Jackson's case, it's harder to have that certainty," Shafer replied. "There's very little, almost no precedent for this level of propofol exposure."

    Shafer has said the only possible explanation for Jackson's death based on the evidence was that Murray put the singer on an IV drip of propofol then left the room after the singer appeared to be asleep.

    Murray's attorneys will try to counter four weeks of damaging testimony from prosecution witnesses who have cast Murray as an inept, distracted and opportunistic doctor who repeatedly broke legal, ethical and professional guidelines.

    Murray's attorneys have not publicly revealed whether they will call him to testify.

    Jurors have heard from the doctor through a more than two-hour interview with police, and it seems unlikely his attorneys would subject their client to what would be blistering questioning from prosecutors.

    Shafer never retreated from his position that Murray is solely responsible for Jackson's death and that the cardiologist committed 17 egregious violations of medical practices that each could have either led to Jackson's serious injury or death.

    Out of sight of the jury, the defense's theory has shifted in recent months from arguing that Jackson swallowed propofol and gave himself the fatal dose to suggesting the singer had swallowed several pills of the sedative lorazepam that led to his death.
    AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.
    McCartney can be reached at…e-expected-start-14800141

  • Murray's Defense Team Implodes
    Dr. Conrad Murray's Defense Team Implodes!

    By Jen Heger
    Radar Legal Editor

    As Dr. Conrad Murray's defense is about to present its case in the Michael Jackson death trial, has exclusively learned that the embattled cardiologist's lawyers are fighting with each other!

    Ed Chernoff, Dr. Murray's lead attorney, is from Houston, Texas, and had been staying with another member of the defense team, Michael Flanagan, to save his client money. But he moved out from Flanagan's posh digs in San Marino, a week and a half ago.

    "Ed didn't like the way Michael was handling the prosecution witnesses. Ed felt that Michael was too abrasive and caustic with his questioning, and that Michael allowed witnesses to clarify points that only helped the prosecution's case. Things were getting very tense, and he's moved into a hotel in Santa Monica," a source close to Dr. Murray tells exclusively.

    Courtroom onlookers were stunned when Chernoff decided that he was going to be handling the questioning of the DA's Propofol witness, Dr. Steven Shafer.

    "Flanagan had prepared for approximately four months to cross examine Dr. Shafer," the insider tells "Michael was thoroughly prepared, and ready to attempt to poke holes into what Dr. Shafer had already told the jury on direct examination.

    "When Ed told Michael that he would be handling Dr. Shafer, he felt like the rug was pulled out from under him. There is nothing Michael can do about it because Ed is the lead attorney. Michael was specifically brought on board to handle the medical aspects of the case, along with the witnesses. Ed and Michael are barely talking to each other right now. Michael has essentially been frozen out for the time being."

    As previously reported, Judge Michael Pastor ordered Dr. White to appear on November 16, 2011 to determine if he was in contempt of court for calling Deputy District Attorney David Walgren a "scumbag" during a TV interview.

    "Chernoff was LIVID that Dr. White made those comments to the press, but his entire case essentially rests with him. Flanagan is still under the assumption that he will be handling questioning of Dr. White, but Ed could very likely commandeer the questioning of him also. Nareg Gourjian, the third lawyer on the team, is just keeping his head down, and staying out of the drama. Nareg will question several of the defense witnesses," the source states.

    Looming over the trial is PETA's request that a federal investigation be launched after reported that the defense had commissioned a study in which Propofol was given to Beagle dogs. Ed Chernoff revealed in court on Friday, that Dr. Paul White had done the testing.

    PETA (the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals organization) filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) last Monday alleging "cruel drug toxicity tests on beagles commissioned by the defense team of Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician now on trial for his alleged role in Michael Jackson's death.

    “PETA asserts that if attorneys from Flanagan, Unger, Grover & McCool did commission the tests for the drug Propofol - the toxic effects of which have been extensively studied in dogs and humans - those tests were likely conducted in violation of the federal Animal Welfare Act's prohibition against tests on animals that duplicate previous experiments. PETA has filed a complaint with the State Bar of California as well."

    The prosecution's final witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, is expected to finish his testimony Monday morning and will then be cross-examined by Chernoff.

    It's anticipated that the defense will call approximately 15 witnesses, and could rest their case by this Friday.

    If convicted of involuntary manslaughter, Dr. Conrad Murray could face up to four years in state prison.

    CNN's Ted Rowlands has confirmed that Chernoff has moved out of Flanagan's house and into a hotel.

  • Did defense witness work in prosecution's favor?

    The defense called Dr. Allan Metzger to the stand Monday to show the jury that Michael Jackson was seeking and getting drugs from other doctors at the same time Dr. Conrad Murray was working as his full-time physician.

    But when the prosecution began questioning Metzger, his testimony appeared to be working in their favor at certain points.

    "Is there any amount of money that would have convinced you to give him intravenous propofol in his house?" prosecutor David Walgren asked.

    "Absolutely not," Metzger answered.

    In Session's Ryan Smith, who appeared on Dr. Drew Monday night, was quick to comment on Metzger's statements.

    "It just goes to show that even with this witness being a defense witness, he [Dr. Metzger] came off like a prosecution witness because he said 'no matter what was going on here, I never would have done what Conrad Murray did,' and he said he wouldn't do it for money," Smith explained. "That really hammered home a point."
    Dr. Drew then told his viewers why he wanted to make sense of some of the troubling aspects of this trial.

    "First of all, Dr. Metzger giving Michael Jackson benzodiazepines ... that to me is like 'you got to be kidding me,' he said. "This guy is struggling with a serious history of addiction – clearly in drug withdrawal – [something] that everyone is calling insomnia ... it is drug withdrawal."

    Dr. Drew then held up transcripts of Dr. Murray's 2009 police interview.

    "Dr. Murray, with the police, says 'well, I knew Dr. Klein and Dr. Metzger were prescribing drugs, but Michael wanted to keep it quiet or keep it to himself,' Drew noted. "Why didn't he call the other doctors? That's all he had to do. If I were Dr. Metzger, I would be beside myself, angry all that stuff was going on in a patient that I was prescribing to without my knowledge.”

    Ryan Smith said that sort of frustration did not come out in Dr. Metzger's testimony Monday.

    "I got the sense he was trying to avoid being tied to this in any way," Smith said.

    Dr. Drew agreed and proceeded to hold up a condom catheter.

    "They're trying to prove negligence, but doing very little conversation about the quality of medical care ... I get so frustrated with this case," Drew said. "I have to tell you. I have a thing I keep on hand to remind me how outrageous it was, this man, Michael Jackson, went to bed every night with this because he was so sedated that he couldn't function. He couldn't get up to go to the bathroom. As an addictionologist – all the multiple prescribing doctors not communicating with each other – bad timing – Michael Jackson got the worst my profession has to offer."

    Defense lawyers will use the next few days to challenge the prosecution's contention that Dr. Conrad Murray's alleged reckless use of propofol to help Jackson sleep makes him criminally responsible for the pop star's death.…rk-in-prosecutions-favor/

    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]

  • ging ja flott gestern Abend und hab auch schon ne Übersetzung..viel mehr möcht ich da auch net investieren..:tatort

    Murrays ehemaligen Patienten sagen aus:
    Er ist der beste Doc ever!

    Patient 1 – Gerry Causey
    Die Verteidigung versucht zu punkten.. Dr Conrad Murray ist ein großartiger Arzt mit makelloser Reputation .. und um das zu unterstreichen riefen sie mehrere ehemalige Patienten von CM in den Zeugenstand, jeder mit begeisterten Bewertung.

    Zuerst – ein Herzinfarktpatient mit Namen Gerry Causey, der der Jury sagte das Murray sein Leben rettete. Causey sagte Murray ist der beste Arzt den er jemals hatte.
    Interessanterweise sagte Causey der Jury das er nicht sediert werden wollte während der OP weil er zu ängstlich gewesen sei und so habe Murray ihn nicth in Narkose versetzt.
    Er sagte ebenso das Murray große Sorgfalt darin zeigte alles zu erklären was er tat.
    Die Anklage legte Wert darauf zu erklären das Murrays Behandlungen in einer kontrollierten Umgebung mit einer großen Zahl an Personal stattfanden.

    Patient 2 -- Andrew Guest
    Andrews Guest sagte das Dr. Conrad Murray 2 verschiedene Prozeduren an seinem Herzen 2002 durchgeführt habe. Er sagte der Jury „Der Mann der dort sitzt ist der beste Arzt den ich jemals gesehen habe“.
    Während des Kreuzverhörs fragte Chefankläger David Walgren A. Guest „Ich möchte nicth unhöflich sein [?] (I don't mean to be flip..) .. aber er gab ihnen niemals Propofol in ihrem Schlafzimmer, oder?“
    Guest schlug zurück „ Ich bin am leben heute wegen dieses Mannes!“

    Patient 3 -- Lunette Sampson

    Lunette Sampson, die 2008 und 2009 3 Herzinfarkte hatte sagte der Jury das Murray ihr Leben gerettet habe indem er eine von einem anderen Arzt verpfuschte OP korrigierte.
    Während des Kreuzverhörs fragte Walgren Sampson ob Murray in der Lage war den Fehler zu korrigieren indem er ihre Krankenakten las... unterstellend das Murray diese Sorgfalt niemals zeigte bei den Ärzten die MJ behandelten.

    Patient 4 -- Dennis Hix

    Dennis Hix sagte aus das Murray über 13 Stents ( Gefäßstützen?) in seinem Herz platzierte – umsonst!
    Hix sagte das Murray auch seinen Bruder am Herzen kostenfrei operiert habe.. er sagte der Jury „Ich bin 66, ich bin zu einer Menge Ärzte gegangen, EINE MENGE Ärzte und ich habe niemals einen erlebt der sich so sorgte wie er (CM) es tat“

    Patient 5 -- Ruby Mosley

    Roby Mosley erzählte der Jury das Dr. C. Murray könnte gar nicht habgierig sein denn er habe eine Klinik in einer der ärmsten Gegenden Houstons zu ehren seines Vaters eröffnet.
    Murray hielt seine Tränen zurück als Mosley beschrieb wie er (CM) selbstlos Patienten behandelte die sich offensichtlich diese nicht leisten könnten.

  • 26.10.2011: 18. Prozesstag – Zeugen der Verteidigung

    Die Befragung von Michael Henson von Pacific Toxicology Labs betreffend den Gehalt an Lorazepam in Michael Jacksons Urin und Magen gestern war so unbedeutend bzw. wurde von der Staatsanwaltschaft durch die frühere Aussage von Dr. Shafter relativiert, so dass die meisten Medien (inkl. CNN) heute nicht einmal darüber berichteten. Also lassen wir es auch dabei.

    Der heutige Tag stand im Zeichen diverser Leumundszeugen für Conrad Murray. Fünf Patienten von Conrad Murray sagten aus, wie gewissenhaft, professionell, kompetent und fürsorglich Conrad Murray sei und sich immer viel Zeit nimmt für jeden einzelnen Patienten. Jeder der Zeugen sagte, dass er “der beste Arzt ist, den ich kenne”. Viele der Zeugen unterstrichen auch, dass Conrad Murray alles andere als geldgierig sei und sie oder Bekannte und Verwandte von ihnen gratis behandelt hatte, als diese akute Herzprobleme, aber (fast) kein Geld hatten. Der heutige Vormittag war eine sehr emotionale Angelegenheit für Conrad Murray, der sich immer wieder Tränen abwischen musste, weil er sichtlich mitgenommen und berührt war, wie seine Patienten ihn beschrieben, nachdem in den bisherigen Wochen der Fokus immer wieder auf Murrays unprofessioneller und skrupelloser Behandlung von Michael Jackson lag.

    In seinen Kreuzverhören streichte Staatsanwalt Walgren vor allem heraus, dass jeder dieser Zeugen von Conrad Murray in seiner Funktion als Kardiologe (Herzspezialist) behandelt wurde und nie für Schlafprobleme oder Medikamentenabhängigkeit. Zudem wurden alle Patienten im Krankhaus mit professionellem Hilfspersonal und unter angemessenen Überwachungsgeräten behandelt. Walgren war es wichtig zu betonen, dass Conrad Murray seinen Patienten im Frühling 2009 mitteilte, dass er ein Jahr Pause machen und nach London gehen werde. Obwohl die Patienten betonten, dass sie Conrad Murray sehr nahe standen (zwei Zeugen bezeichneten ihn nicht nur als Arzt, sondern auch als Freund) erfuhren sie erst später und eher zufällig aus den Medien, dass Conrad Murrays “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” die Betreuung von Michael Jackson war. Walgren stellte zwei Patienten am Ende die folgende Frage: “Es gibt kein Beweismittel, das ihre Meinung ändern würde, richtig? Nehmen sie mal an, dass Conrad Murray grobfahrlässig gehandelt und Michael Jacksons Tod verursacht hätte. Würden sie Conrad Murray immer noch verteidigen?” “Ja,” so die beiden Zeugen. Und als ein Zeuge betonte, dass Conrad Murray ihn stets in einem professionellen Rahmen (ausgebildetes Personal, Krankenhaus-Setting, professionelle Überwachungsinstrumente) behandelt hatte, nahm dies Walgren im Kreuzverhör auf und fragte: “Jeder Patient verdient dieses Level an Pflege, richtig?” “Ja,” so der Zeuge.

    Richter Pastor vertagte nach den fünf Zeugen den Prozess bis morgen, 17:45 Uhr Schweizer Zeit (8:45 Uhr Ortszeit).

    Quellen:,, (ab Live Stream)

  • Aphrodite Jones Reports: Nurse's Testimony Total Disaster for Conrad Murray's Defense

    Yesterday was a total disaster for the Conrad Murray defense. All I can say is: Nurse Cherilyn Lee seemed to help the prosecution more than anyone thus far. In hindsight, the defense should have thought twice about calling a seemingly hostile witness who they were unable to interview prior to her testimony.

    The nurse practitioner, who earned a Ph.D. in nutrition schooled via online studies, was so shaken up by the thought that propofol killed her former patient Michael Jackson, she actually appeared faint and was granted a "rest period" by the judge so she could compose herself in order to testify. When Cherilyn Lee finally appeared an hour later to take the witness stand, she substantiated her belief in holistic medicine and explained how she tried to help MJ with his sleep problems by making special smoothie drinks and giving Michael non-toxic supplements in April of 2009. Of course, the defense was rolling the dice with this witness. They called Ms. Lee in an effort to establish that MJ had prior experience with propofol, that MJ was insistent about propofol being the only substance that could "knock him out" so he could actually get a good night's sleep. And yes, nurse Lee did confirm that MJ requested the drug propofol on more than one occasion in 2009, proving that the singer was familiar with the drug and implying that Conrad Murray was the one of a string of medical professionals who had been hit up by Michael for the anesthetic ... Still, on cross examination, Ms. Lee's tearful affect seemed to impact the jury more than the defense could ever have foreseen.

    The most damning testimony from Ms. Lee came when she told jurors that she warned Michael about the dangers of using propofol outside of a hospital setting and told the court that MJ insisted: "Doctors have told me that it's safe ... I just need to be monitored." Had Dr. Conrad Murray properly monitored Michael? Did he put his life in the wrong hands? That's what Nurse Cherilyn Lee seemed to be implying. Sometimes, body language is more powerful than words. This nurse was heavy-hearted, tearful and faint. Clearly she blames Murray for playing Russian roulette with MJ's life.

  • Tom Mesereau interview on HLN 27.10.2011


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    :ehre:ehre:ehre Thank you, Tom!

    diese Dame :grr:tatort

    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]



    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]

  • Das ist auf Fb zu finden .......
    Ist das ein Fake :?

    Who killed Michae Jackson? please read!
    von Arnold W. Klein, Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011 um 04:59
    Arnold W. Klein, MD
    Professor of Medicine and Dermatology
    Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA
    Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FDA
    "The Most Innovative & Famous Cosmetic Dermatologist in the World”
    Bev Hills Times Magazine

    Subject: Hipaa Violation Report

    I am Dr. Arnold Klein of 9615 Brighton Way Ste M-110 Beverly Hills, CA 90210. I am filing this report of a HIPAA violation regarding the records of my former patient, Mr. Michael Jackson.

    Doctors frequently use medical software systems both for records and insurance billing these doctors input billing data, the patient’s name, billing amount, type of treatment, diagnosis, type of drugs prescribed and administered, and the date of service. This is essentially the record system in my office. On October 27, 2009, without my permission my lawyers Richard Charnley and Brad Boyer of the law firm of Ropers, Majeski, Kohn and Bentley of 515 Flower Street Ste 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90011 in collusion with my former employee Jason Pfeiffer and former accountant Muhammad Kihilji essentially released Michael Jackson’s medical records in court supposedly to get me paid by the Jackson estate.

    I did find out until recently that this was the manner in which the mass media got hold of my records. They released the software bills showing line by line the treatment details of each visit that was unpaid at the time of Michael's untimely death. Mr. Charnley and Mr. Khilji then went on to release the entire patient chart of Michael Jackson including my notes written on the patient file to various individuals on the Internet. I recently found a copy on the office computer from Mr. Khilji.

    This unauthorized release of Michael Jackson’s records has caused my practice untold damage and has spurned a media circus. It has given tabloids and trashy media free access to Mr. Jackson’s private medical information. Mr. Jason Pfeiffer has tried to capitalize on the hype and has gone on television to publicly discuss the records and my treatments on television. It should be noted that Jason Pfeiffer, Muhammad Khilji with the assistance of Richard Charnley have embezzled over 12 million dollars from me leaving me in bankruptcy court. The have made illegal loans, stolen my identity, written checks, taken out loans, open and closed bank accounts, and depleted my retirement fund.

    These individuals did this without my permission but I have reason to believe the concert promoter’s AEG is involved in that they have been in contact with Charnely. .

    Once released my records have been totally misinterpreted. They have been used by TMZ, The Beast, Anderson Cooper and various other media sources to obscure the real facts and individuals responsible for Mr. Michael Jackson’s death. First these records are not simply my records but that of three physicians treating Mr. Jackson: Myself, David Rish and Ilya Reyder. Michael was treated by me to rebuild his face for the “This is It Tour.” Injection sessions to rebuild his face from the consequences of faulty plastic surgery took 3-4 hours and he was given Demerol for pain relief during these procedures. Please note the entire month of May I was out of the country so injections he received during that time were not mine. Addiction requires the frequency and dose of medication to increase. As my treatments with Michael became less lengthily the dose of Demerol that was used and the frequency of visits was greatly reduced. The figures that have been erroneously quoted to the public indicate a grossly increased frequency of visits and size of dose than that actually used. Being a recognized authority on addiction and Mr. Jackson’s physician I was well aware of his long-standing problem with Propothol created by a plastic surgeon that Mr. Jackson subsequently discharged and was placed in a mental institution. Please understand what you have experienced and I have suffered is an attempt by the greedy parties responsible for Michael Jackson’s death to use me as a scapegoat. They have defamed my name and attempted to destroy me. My relationship with Mr. Jackson taught me many things one of which was the ability to survive. Now it is my turn to take action against the media and finally reveal the greedy and disgusting people who were truly responsible for Michael Jackson’s death.


  • Kathy Hilton
    Conrad Murray Trial Is a 'Shame'

    Kathy Hilton is torn to pieces over the Michael Jackson manslaughter trial -- claiming, "I love [Michael] and I miss him. This is a shame. I can't believe what we're going through."

    As we previously reported, Kathy -- who went to school with Michael as a teenager -- showed up to court today to support MJ's family.


    Video im Bericht…urray-trial/#.Tqvrg7KRr3B

    Conrad Murray Trial
    Paris Hilton's Mother In Court
    To Support MJ's Family


    Paris Hilton's mom, Kathy Hilton, just showed up to court to show the Hilton family's support for Michael Jackson's family.

    The Hiltons have a longtime connection to the Jackson family -- Kathy went to private school with Michael when she was 13 and he was 14.

    The families have known each other for decades. Kathy went to the UCLA Medical Center to see Michael and say her final goodbyes. She says she actually rubbed his head, arms, and legs as he lay on the gurney.

    Kathy chose today because it will probably be the last day of testimony in the trial. Rick Hilton is also present.…urray-trial/#.TqvsC7KRr3B

    [CENTER]Some people like to sleep well and give.
    Some people like to eat well and take.
    I guess, I like to sleep well!

    Michael Jackson[/CENTER]

  • 28.10.2011: Prozess: 20. Tag – Zeugen der Verteidigung

    Wie angekündigt bezweckte die Verteidigung heute mit Hilfe ihres Hauptzeugen, dem Propofolexperten Dr. White, die Szenarien der Staatsanwalt und ihrem Propofolexperten Dr. Shafer zu widerlegen und aufzuzeigen, dass Michael Jackson selbst für seinen Tod verantwortlich war. Gemäss Dr. White war Conrad Murray gemäss seiner Aussage der Polizei gegenüber sowie gemäss dem Beweismaterial am Tatort nur für eine geringe Dosis an Propofol (25mg) veranwortlich und diese hätte nicht zum Tod von Michael Jackson geführt. Die neue Theorie der Verteidigung besagt, dass sich Michael Jackson zwischen 11:30 und 12 Uhr am 25. Juni 2009 25mg Propofol selbst iniziiert hatte, nachdem er bereits Stunden vorher grosse Mengen an Beruhigungsmitteln (Lorazepam) eingenommen hatte. Dabei soll sich Michael Jackson gemäss Dr. White die 25mg Propofol mittels Spritze in nur 15 bis 30 Sekunden in den Katheter unter dem linken Knie eingespritzt haben.

    Gemäss Dr. White ist der Grund, weshalb bei der Autopsie Spuren von Lorazepam im Magen von Michael Jackson gefunden wurden, der, dass Michael Jackson diese oral eingenommen hatte (möglicherweise 4 Tabletten aufs Mal zweimal in der Nacht) und da diese sehr rasch durch das Verdauungssystem aufgenommen werden, nur ein kleiner Rest im Magen aufgefunden wurde. Wäre das Lorazepam, wie Dr. Shafter argumentierte, Michael Jackson mittels Infusion verabreicht worden, hätte man, so Dr. White, im Magen keine Spuren von Lorazepam gefunden. Die Kombination der hohen Dosierung an Lorazepam und der zweiten, selbstiniziierten 25mg Propofoldosis habe sich, so Dr. White, als tödlich erwiesen. In der insgesamt dreistündigen Befragung heute ging es der Verteidigung darum, jedes von Dr. Shafter aufgezeigte Szenario und Argument zu entkräftigen bzw. aufzuzeigen, dass dieses nicht möglich bzw. sehr unwahrscheinlich sei bzw. keinen Sinn mache. Das von Dr. Shafter und der Staatsanwaltschaft am Ende realistische Szenario lautete, dass Conrad Murray Michael Jackson über einen Zeitraum von drei Stunden vor Michaaels Tod 100mg Propofol mittels kontinuierlicher Infusion verabreicht hatte. White argumentierte heute, dass Michael Jackson bei einer solchen Infusion schläfrig gewesen wäre, aber jederzeit hätte aufwachen können.

    Aufgrund der gestern neu eingebrachten Theorie der Verteidigung betreffend die Todesursache von Michael Jackson und den damit verbundenen neuen Computersimulationen gestattete Dr. Pastor der Staatsanwaltschaft, sich über das Wochenende auf ihr Kreuzverhör vorzubereiten, indem sie die neuen Unterlagen genau studieren können. Am Montagmorgen um 9 Uhr Ortszeit (18 Uhr Schweizer Zeit) wird David Walgren mit dem Kreuzverhör beginnen und man darf gespannt sein. Es ist nicht auszuschliessen, dass die Staatsanwaltschaft anschliessend ihren Propofolexperten, Dr. Shafer, nochmals in den Zeugenstand rufen wird.

    Quellen:, (ab Live Stream),

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