"IN THE STUDIO WITH MJ" in Berlin und London

  • "In the Studio with MJ" in Berlin und London

    Hier vorab einige Fotos aus Brad Sundbergs Archiv die erahnen lassen, wieviel Zeit er mit dem King of Pop verbracht hat. Sundberg kommt mit seinem exkusiven Seminar “In The Studio with Michael Jackson 2016” am 21. und 22. Oktober nach Berlin. Es hat noch Tickets!

    Die einmalige Gelegenheit mit Michael Jacksons Tontechniker Brad Sundberg in den Studio-Alltag mit dem King of Pop einzutauchen und die legendären MJ-Songs neu zu entdecken: “In The Studio with Michael Jackson” ist im Jahr 2016 angelangt. Brad Sundberg spielt jede Menge, die du so noch nie gehört hast…

    Der kleine Rahmen der Seminare ermöglicht den Fans, Fragen zu stellen, während Sundberg von der Arbeit mit dem King of Pop berichtet: Amüsante Anekdoten und hochinteressante Details aus den Studio-Sessions sowie vom Einrichten der Neverland-Ranch. Sundberg verehrt Michael Jackson als Musik-Genie genauso wie er ihn über die Jahre als einzigartigen und gutmütigen Menschen schätzen gelernt hat.
    Infos und Tickets: http://inthestudiowithmj.com oder auf Facebook

    Die Details zu Berlin: :wau:top
    Fr, 21. Oktober 2016: In The Studio with MJ: The Remix – Friday Night VIP Event
    18 bis 22 Uhr; Berlin, Funkhaus Studio

    Sa, 22. Oktober 2016: In The Studio with MJ 2016 (inkl. Neverland-Tour)
    11 bis 19 Uhr; Berlin, Funkhaus Studio

    Brad Sundberg als Santa Claus verkleidet während den History-Sessions:

    Quelle: http://www.jackson.ch/in-the-s…-mj-in-berlin-und-london/

  • Einmalige Gelegenheit:" In The Studio with MJ 2016"
    7. Oktober 2016

    Die “Earth Song” Demo aus dem Jahr 1988 (!) oder ein Video von Michael Jackson, der live mit einem Orchester “Childhood” aufnimmt. Dies sind nur einige der vielen Höhepunkte, mit denen Brad Sundberg in früheren “In The Studio With Michael Jackson” Seminaren überraschte.Jetzt ist das Seminar im Jahr 2016 angelangt und vereint bisherige Inhalte mit neuen Einblicken hinter die Kulissen. Am Freitag, 21. Oktober, und Samstag, 22. Oktober, ist der Tontechniker in Berlin im historischen “Funkhaus Studio”.Hier die exakten Details zu den Seminaren, die auch einzeln gebucht werden können.

    The Remix – Friday Night VIP Event Freitag, 21. Oktober 2016: 18 bis 22 Uhr Fewer stories, more music, lots of things to discover. A very casual, one-of-a-kind, hands-on event in the studio hearing music in a whole new way. Truly a very unique experience for Michael’s fans.All-Access Ticket to “In The Studio With MJ 2016”

    Samstag, 22. Oktober 2016: 11 bis 19 UhrFour studio albums. Countless sessions. Video mixes. Dance mixes. Three world tours. A ranch called “Neverland.” This was Brad Sundberg’s life and career for nearly 18 years, working closely with the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson. This is your chance to hear of the music, the stories behind the music, and what it was like to be a part of Michael’s team. This is a one-of-a-kind music, photo and video-filled seminar.

    Brad had the opportunity to work closely in the studio and at Neverland Valley Ranch with Michael Jackson. He was Michael’s technical director and one of the engineers on four studio albums including “Bad”, “Dangerous”, “HIStory”, and “Blood On The Dancefloor.” (Michael even gave Brad the nickname “Really, Really Brad”.) These mammoth projects (including production, tour-prep and countless remixes) took upwards of 16 months each. You will see and hear what it was like to be in the studio with Michael and the team of engineers and producers who created these songs, through a carefully crafted timeline of music, video and behind-the-scenes info. From “Captain Eo” to “Man In The Mirror” to “Smile”, Brad was there, and you will hear about the production process.

    Additionally, Michael tapped him to help in the early days of designing and building Neverland Valley Ranch, his incredible home. The ranch was filled with rides, music and surprises waiting to be discovered. He commissioned Brad to bring music to virtually ever corner. Michael would even give him specific playlists for certain areas of the ranch, to create just the right environment.

    Brad is generous with his insights and knowledge, and there will be time for questions. The multi-media seminar features many new segments and dual video screens to bring you into the studio like you never thought was possible. The Tour Of Neverland will give you a sense of the size, attention to detail and creative magic of Michael’s dream home.

    If you are a fan of Michael’s music, or are curious about how those albums were recorded and the staggering amount of tapes, tracks and time invested, you will not want to miss “In The Studio With MJ 2016”.Tickets und weitere Infos: http://inthestudiowithmj.com oder auf FacebookNote that cell phones, video and audio recorders of any kind will not be permitted into the event, but may be checked at the door.

    Weiterlesen unter http://www.jackson.ch/einmalig…-the-studio-with-mj-2016/

  • Am kommenden Wochenende findet – nach London (ausverkauft) und Dublin – das dritte “In The Studio with Michael Jackson 2016″ Seminar in Berlin statt.
    Dabei wird Brad Sundberg auch originale Musik aus Neverland spielen. Tickets sind noch für beide Tage erhältlich.
    Weitere Infos zum 21. und 22. Oktober in Berlin (Funkhaus Studios) direkt unter www.inthestudiowithmj.com

    Nachstehend einige Nachrichten von Brad Sundberg, die er auf Facebook gepostet hat:
    Greetings Studio Rats!!
    I wanted to remind you that we will be bringing the latest version of “In The Studio With MJ” 2016 and “The Remix” to Berlin in just over a week. I have booked an amazing studio called Funkhaus in Berlin, and the seminar continues to add new segments, songs and stories.I recently added a segment called a “Tour Of Neverland” which I am particularly proud of. I have the original music of Neverland (which Michael gave precise instructions about) to augment the visuals.

    Tickets are still available for next Friday (The Remix) and Saturday (the full seminar).
    I hope you will considering coming to Berlin – I would love to see you again!
    Have a great day -

    I don’t expect you to remember this, but I spent more than 18 years working with Michael, with many of those years spent building the music and lighting systems at Neverland. I was reviewing the “Tour Of Neverland” segment yesterday, and it blows me away just how large the place was.I was describing the “little train” (there were two trains at Neverland) to a friend of mine, and told him that when we first installed it Michael was riding around with Lee Tucker driving it. (Lee was Michael’s good friend and projectionist from Warner Hollywood). He asked Lee what it was like to drive the train, and Lee said something to the effect of, “It’s your train, why don’t YOU drive it!” Michael was so surprised that he could actually drive his own train at his ranch!

    The “Tour Of Neverland” segment has become one of my favorite parts of the seminar, and fittingly it tucks in between the Bad and Dangerous albums, because that was when we started so many of the projects, including the theme park.The theme park had their own crew, and they were some of the nicest guys imaginable. We used to pack a lunch when we worked up there for a day (or sometimes the chef would make us lunch), and during our lunch break they would always ask us if we wanted to hit the rides for a bit, you know, for the sake of “testing”. We would almost always ride the bumper cars until we felt like we needed to be hospitalized. Michael didn’t want them to move slowly and safely like Disney, he wanted them full-speed with the music full volume. I have never ridden bumper cars like that since!

    Pull the curtain back.
    Ignore the “Closed Session” sign.
    Join me for a day in the studio.
    Let me take you to Neverland.
    Hear things you have never heard.
    See things you have never seen.
    Learn things you never knew.

    Let me introduce you to a friend of mine – his name is Michael Jackson. I hope you can spend a day with me In The Studio.
    Tickets for Dublin and Berlin are on sale now – Will You Be There?

  • Ich fasse mich kurz: Es war super!!!
    Einfach klasse! Wir haben unzählige neue Infos und Eindrücke erhalten. Die Location war der Hammer und Brad Sundberg war wieder einmal fabelhaft.

    Für jeden der sich für Michaels Musik und die Art und Weise wie sie produziert wurde interessiert kann ich "In The Studio With MJ" nur empfehlen.
    Ich war das dritte Mal dabei und es ist mir jeden Cent wert! Knaller!!!

  • von LenaLena , mjjforever:

    Ich sposte das mal hierzu. Das ist eine Vorschau aus einer neuen Doku über Bruce Swedien.

    Ich liebe Bruce Swedien wirklich. Er (und seine Frau) sprechen immer mit
    solcher Hochachtung über Michael. Er ist für mich das Gegenteil von
    Quincy Jones, dessen Bestreben es in den letzten Jahren offensichtlich
    ist Michaels Arbeit abzuwerten.

    Aber hier zu Swedien:

    Er sagt in dem Ausschnitt, dass er Michael erstmals bei The Wiz traf.
    Bei den Arbeiten zu Thriller, als Michael die Demo zu Billie jean
    mitbrachte und er sie hörte, dachte er "Oh mein Gott".

    Michael war immer vorbereitet. Er konnte die Lyriks immer auswendig. Er
    habe Michael gekannt, mit ihm gearbeitet, gelebt, er weiß was über ihn
    gesagt wird, er kennt die Anschuldigungen und seine Frau ergänzt
    "Michael ist nichts von dem, nichts ist war, er war großartig". Swedien:
    "Michael war der Größte und ich glaube nicht das es nochmals jemand wie
    ihn geben wird." Zudem sind offensichtlich auch viele Erinnerung im
    Haus der beiden von Michael zu sehen.

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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

  • „In The Studio with MJ“ kommt nach Deutschland!
    18. Oktober 2018

    Brad Sundberg kommt mit seinen „In The Studio with Michael Jackson“ Seminaren zurück nach Deutschland! Am Sa, 10. November in Frankfurt und am 11. November in Köln. Von 11 Uhr bis 21.30 Uhr nimmt uns Michaels technische Direktor von „Dangerous“ und „History“ mit auf eine Reise durch die Neverland-Ranch und berichtet vom Studio-Alltag mit Michael Jackson. Sundberg arbeitete seit 1984 für den King of Pop und installierte auf Neverland über die Jahre diverse Soundanlagen – für ihn privat, im Tanzstudio und um den Gästen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu bereiten.

    Was erwartet dich? Musik aus den Studio-Sessions und ‘Hinter den Kulissen’ Storys. Videos und Fotos. Du wirst erfahren, wie Michael mit seinem Team interagiert hat und wie sie Fokus und Disziplin mit Kreativität, Spass und Essen kombiniert haben. Brad Sundberg berichtet, wie Michael Songs geschrieben hat und wie diese von der originalen Demo zur Album-Version weiterentwickelt wurden. Da die Plätze für die Seminare stark limitiert sind, haben die Besucher die Möglichkeit, Brad Sundberg mit Fragen zu konfrontieren. Jackson.ch kann bestätigen: „Deine Ohren werden Michaels Musik nie wieder auf die gleiche Weise hören!“

    „In The Studio with Michael Jackson – 2018“ von Brad Sundberg:

    Samstag, 10. November 2018: Abbey Road Institute, Frankfurt
    Sonntag, 11. November 2018: Topaz Sound Studio, Köln

    11.00 – 17.30 Uhr: In The Studio With MJ 2018 – Full Seminar
    18.00 – 21.30 Uhr: The Tour Of Neverland + The Extended Remix

    Tickets: https://ticketbud.com/events/s…dio+with+mj&commit=Search

  • Invisible Airwaves Crackle With Life...Learn about the "slightly not legal" transmitter I built for Michael during the Dangerous album.

    https://t.co/eAHrT7fFPK pic.twitter.com/iyVtmxKDaV — bsunmedia (@InStudioWithMJ) May 20, 2020


    In The Studio With Michael Jackson

    1 Tage · Öffentlich

    Invisible Airwaves Crackle With Life

    Way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth we had something called Radio. I have loved radio since I was very young, and being a bit of a geek I wanted to learn as much as I could about it.

    (Don't worry MJ fans, Michael will make an appearance in a couple paragraphs.)

    We lived near Santa Cruz, California, and I would experiment with little home-made antennas and for reasons I can't really explain, my dad would let me put these on the roof of our house. I would listen to late-night radio and sometimes pull stations in from Chicago, Denver and Minneapolis. I loved it, hearing voices and music from more than a thousand miles away! I never wandered down the "Ham Radio" path (that crosses into a new level of geek-dom for me), rather I stayed with my simple AM/FM radios, antennas and speakers. Besides, I liked music more than I really wanted to chat with some guy in Greenland.
    I also love the randomness of late-night radio, hearing whatever the DJ feels like playing. Old, new, dance, pop, rock - simple small-town radio stations with insanely powerful transmitters and no corporate programming. A dying breed, but that's what I grew up with. And I loved it.

    So fast forward to 1990/1991. Now I am living in LA, my job title is "Technical Director" for an album called "Decade" (later to be renamed "Dangerous") being produced by Michael Jackson. My little homemade rooftop antennas have been replaced by Neve consoles, Westlake monitors, Neumann microphones and every type of compressor, EQ, amplifier and FX processor imaginable.
    Michael is banging out song after song, and the teams are recording and producing them as quickly as he can write them. This is some of the best music I have ever heard, and each team is pushing the limits of the equipment. The mixes are huge, the walls are shaking from the low end, and the project is taking on a life of it's own.

    Now - this part gets a bit fuzzy.

    Every night we would make cassettes for Michael and team to take home and listen to in the car on the drive home, but someone (Michael?) asked if we could create a way to broadcast the mixes and hear them in real-time in our cars in the parking lot.

    Let me explain.

    It's one thing to hear a Michael Jackson mix on a pair of $150,000 monitors in a perfectly tuned studio. It's extraordinary. But very few people actually own those types of speakers and room acoustics. (See my previous post from last week about near-field monitors.) So it is essential that the music "translate" to the real world, to car stereos and clock radios. That's why we would make cassettes for everyone to listen to on the drive home. But Michael wanted something more immediate. Why wait until the end of the day (night) to hear the mix in our cars? Could we do it sooner?
    And... it takes quite a bit of time to mix a song, record it to cassette, make cassette copies and distribute them - so why not broadcast the mix onto FM radio?
    This was done in a handful of studios in the LA, with varying degrees of success. It's not really something a studio could talk about much because... it's slightly illegal.
    Radio transmitting in the US - and most countries - is strictly controlled by the government. A kid in a bedroom can't legally build a radio station and start flooding his neighborhood with Depeche Mode 24/7. But I digress.
    Basically, you can't just run out and buy a good-quality FM transmitter (especially in 1990 when there was no Amazon) and start transmitting. But, Michael wanted to hear the music in his car in the parking lot of the studio. And it had to sound good - not a toy transmitter - it had to be up to our standards. So I set to work.
    To be clear, there WAS NO INTERNET at that time (I know, it's hard to imagine) so I think I bought a magazine about amature radio. Sure enough, in the classifieds in the back was a guy selling radio transmitter kits. I guess the theory was that he would sell you the bits and pieces and instructions, and his hands were clean from a legal standpoint. I guess.
    So send him money I did, and soon enough I received my transmitter kit! I fired up my soldering iron and got to building. I learned about frequency selection and how the antenna (called a di-pole) had to be cut to a very specific length to function correctly. There were also a bunch of warnings about not over-riding a commercial radio station's legal frequency because SWAT cars might surround your house and outrageous fines might be levied... blah blah blah. I soldered on.
    Finally it was test time. I honestly can't remember what I used for testing, but the sake of the post I'll imagine it was "Streetwalker", a long-time favorite of mine. I fired up the transmitter, the amber and green lights lit up, and hit play on the song. Then I ran to my car and tuned the radio to FM 89.3, my chosen frequency because there was only a Spanish speaking station there that seemed to be far away.
    And there was "Streetwalker", in my car!! Thumping full volume, clear and punchy! My transmitter actually worked! Of course being a true Studio Rat I couldn't run in yelling and jumping, I had to be a bit more cool about it. "Oh yeah, I built that transmitter if anyone wants to hear it..."

    And they did! Bruce would finish a mix and we would all run to our cars to listen to it. Michael would listen in Bruce's Bronco, then his Mercedes. It became a nice excuse to leave the dark studio and spend a few minutes in the sunshine and hear our work in various cars in the parking lot.
    It also felt just a little daring. I would leave the transmitter off all the time EXCEPT for when we ran to listen to a mix. I pictured black government vans driving 85 MPH trying frantically to triangulate the source of these illegal broadcasts, only to be infuriated when I shut the transmitter down. "We'll get him next time!!" they would shout with fists raised in the air, then drive off and drink coffee with sugar and no cream. (I suffer from a very vivid imagination.)
    So tonight, for reasons I can't really explain, I pulled the old transmitter down and plugged it. I was almost nervous that smoke would come out, but it lit up right away - after so many years. I taped the antenna up on the window (Deb was in the other room and she basically doesn't even bother to ask questions anymore) and I started the extended version of "Another Part Of Me". And I ran to my car. Just like in 1990. I tuned to 89.3, and there was Michael, reminding me that "It's just another part of me..."
    I backed my car out of the driveway and drove past a few houses, Michael kept singing. Good grief, how powerful IS this thing? I drove out of my neighborhood, maybe a quarter mile away, and the breakdown of the song started. Just drums, percussion, guitar and Michael. This is crazy, the black government vans have surely been summoned. I was far enough away that a bit of static faded the mix slightly.
    I turned back into my neighborhood as the bass rejoined the mix, then the keyboards and the static disappeared. My old transmitter was happily flooding scores of homes and cars with MJ, if they only tuned to 89.3!
    For a few moments past and present blurred into one. Michael's voice in my car, and his laughter in my memory. All from a little not-quite-legal transmitter, playing his music making me equally happy and nervous.
    But mostly happy.

  • I'm cooking up some online ideas In The Studio With MJ:
    >"Bad" studio memories track-by-track.
    >Mickey, Michael and Martinis Trivia with Brad Buxer.
    >"HIStory" track-by-track with Brian Vibberts.
    >"Class Is In Session" on building a listening system.
    Will U B There? pic.twitter.com/A7ToW0r73R
    — bsunmedia (@InStudioWithMJ) June 11, 2020

    The 25th Anniversary Of HIStory
    25 years ago today 6/15/1995 Michael Jackson released #history
    I worked on this album!
    Celebrate Michael ?#history25 #michaeljackson #music #otd #onthisday https://t.co/vGICFjXBvh pic.twitter.com/YeEsTvsWCL
    — Vibberts Mixing (@BrianVibberts) June 16, 2020
  • ^ its 25th June .... :top

    7 Songs, 7 Stories: Brad Sundberg - In The Studio With MJ

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  • Story Nummer 1 über "2 Bad":

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  • Brad Sundberg hat seine Termine für sein Seminar "In The Studio With MJ" für Europa unlängst angekündigt:

    Paris, 9. und 10. September 2022
    Madrid 23. und 24. Oktober 2022
    London 05. und 06. November 2022
    Zürich 10. und 11. Dezember 2022
    Brüssel 27.bis 29. Januar 2023



    In The Studio With Michael Jackson

    Ten years.

    Ten years ago I launched my first "In The Studio With MJ" event - in Paris.

    A quick re-cap: I met some new friends at Bruce Swedien's house during a dinner who happened to be from France. We started talking and they asked me to come to Paris and share some music and stories. We booked a studio and went to Paris with a box of tapes and memories and a lot of nervousness. I shared stories, music and studio insights - and "In The Studio With MJ" was born!

    That was ten years ago next month!

    Now it's time to go back and celebrate - but why stop at Paris?

    We are launching tickets for our next several events all through the autumn and winter - with more to come!

    During the pandemic we discovered a lot of new footage from my sessions, and we have significantly rebuilt our events and even added a new segment called "Just Another Day" - which will take you on a detailed tour of Neverland Valley Ranch as well as some amazing behind-the-scenes events from Michael's work in the studios.

    I hope you will consider joining me in:

    Paris 9/10 September

    Madrid 23/24 October

    London 5/6 November

    Zurich 10/11 December

    Brussels 27/28/29 January

    More cities and dates to come!!

    I am grateful for every guest.
    I am grateful for every city.
    I am grateful for every studio.
    I am grateful for every smile, hug and friendship.
    I am grateful for every long flight and endless airport line.
    I am grateful for every bumpy cab ride and hotel room.
    I am grateful to have been able to work with, laugh with, and learn from Michael.
    I love sharing these stories and hearing some of yours.
    I love hearing this music in a room full of MJ fans.
    I love being back in the studio, celebrating ten years! I'd love it if you would consider joining me - In The Studio With MJ.

    Will You Be There?


  • In The Studio With MJ


    Brad Sundberg's Seminar "In The Studio with MJ" hat nach Amsterdam, Netherlands, weitere Termine in Europa: London, Paris, München, Kopenhagen und Stockholm. Erster Termin, der bekannt ist: Stockholm vom 8. bis 9. Dezember 2023. Der Ticketvorverkauf hat bereits begonnen.

    Paris, 22. Oktober 2023

    München, 8. und 9. September 2023

    http://mjfrance.com/in-the-studio-with-mj-et-brad.../ https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02QHU3BcHSTt1PkbYPxMq1L6A78Cv91BgttFip7gWUP7Y3sU17h9gU8ZQm1tyTA3f8l&id=100057422207422

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