Presseschnipsel und andere kleine Infos zu Michael

  • Fußballer Christiano Ronaldo macht den Moonwalk...


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  • nicht ganz neu, aber dennoch interessant ;)

    Mesereau Explains How Journalism Becomes Medialoid


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  • Haben wir das schon?

    "BAMBI hilft Kindern": Stars kämpfen für Kinder in Not
    Stargast der großen Spendenshow für Deutschlands vergessene Kinder ist Michael Jacksons ältester Sohn, der den Originaltextentwurf des Songs "Bad" versteigern lässt. Miriam Pielhau moderiert die Gala - zu sehen am 24. September, um 22.15 Uhr im ERSTEN.

    Auch in diesem Jahr sammeln wieder viele Stars Spenden für Kinder in Not und engagieren sich damit für die Stiftung TRIBUTE TO BAMBI. Sie alle kommen am 23. September in Berlin zu einer Charity-Nacht zusammen, zu der 800 prominente Gäste aus Wirtschaft, Kultur, Gesellschaft und Medien erwartet werden. Die Highlights dieser Spendenshow werden vom MDR am Samstag, 24. September, um 22.15 Uhr im ERSTEN in der 60-minütigen Sendung "BAMBI hilft Kindern - Stars kämpfen für Deutschlands vergessene Kinder" präsentiert. Durch die Gala führt Miriam Pielhau, die sich seit Jahren sozial engagiert.

    Als Stargast bei "BAMBI hilft Kindern" lässt Michael Jacksons ältester Sohn den Originaltextentwurf des Songs "Bad" aus dem Privatbesitz des King of Pop versteigern. Der Erlös kommt benachteiligten Kindern zugute. Prince Michael I. führt damit das Vermächtnis seines Vaters weiter, der die Arbeit der Stiftung aktiv unterstützt hatte.

    Die BAMBI-Stars Veronica Ferres, Johannes B. Kerner, Franziska van Almsick setzen sich in diesem Jahr als Botschafter der TRIBUTE TO BAMBI-Stiftung insbesondere für junge Patienten mit äußerst seltenen Krankheiten ein. So zum Beispiel für den kleinen Alfons, der mit der "Fischschuppenkrankheit" leben muss, oder für die an der unheilbaren Stoffwechselkrankheit Niemann Pick Typ C leidende 11-jährige Lili.

    Dabei werden sie von weiteren Bambi-Preisträgern wie Michael Schumacher, Udo Lindenberg und Peter Maffay mit ganz besonderen Aktionen für die Stiftungsarbeit unterstützt.

    Einer der Showacts und emotionales Highlight wird der Auftritt von Sarah Pisek sein, diesjährige Gewinnerin des KI.KA-Komponisten-Wettbewerbs "Dein Song". Die 19-jährige blinde Sängerin präsentiert in Begleitung des Grafen von "Unheilig" ihr Lied "Endlich frei".

    Alle Informationen zur Sendung unter…presseinformation462.html

    [COLOR="Blue"]When you're down and out there seems no hope at all[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Purple"]But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
    well, let's realize that a change can only come[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]When we stand together as one[/COLOR]

  • James DeBarge speaks of suicide attempt on 'Dr. Drew's Lifechangers' (VIDEO)
    By April MacIntyre Sep 20, 2011, 16:28 GMT

    James DeBarge (Janet Jackson's ex husband) speaks out about Michael Jackson saving him from committing suicide on Wednesday's "Dr. Drew's Lifechangers" Sept 21 on the CW:


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    James - "…One time I was on the roof of his (Michael J.) house…I was going to jump and everyone was losing it…"

    Dr. Drew - "How did he stop you?"

    James - "He was the only one NOT freaking out! He seemed to be familiar with my pain…he knew I needed someone to talk to so he was that ear. So we just talked all night and I forgot that I was even on the roof and that I was going to jump."

    Members of the 80's R&B group DeBarge; James, Bunny and Randy open up to Dr. Drew about their addictions, self-destruction, the Jackson family and more on Wednesday's two part intervention special with the DeBarge family on "Dr. Drew's Lifechangers," Wednesday, Sept. 21 on the CW at 3 & 3:30pm ET/PT.

  • Michael Jackson-Denkmal in Mistelbach?
    21.09.2011 | 16:42 | (

    Die Weinviertler Bezirksstadt könnte zur Pilgerstätte für Michael-Jackson-Fans werden: Der Gemeinderat entscheidet am 12. Oktober, ob dort ein Denkmal für den "King of Pop" aufgestellt wird.

    Dem "King of Pop" könnte bald ein Denkmal gesetzt werden - in der Weinviertler Bezirksstadt Mistelbach. Zwei Einwohnerinnen planen, eine Statue für Michael Jackson aufzustellen. Ein entsprechender Bericht von ORF-Online wurde der APA am Mittwoch von der Gemeinde bestätigt. Entschieden ist das aber noch nicht: Der Gemeinderat muss dem Vorhaben allerdings noch zustimmen, hieß es. Die nächste Sitzung findet am 12. Oktober statt.

    ich pack's nicht... *gg*…ome/kultur/popco/

    He's not an artist, he's a fucking work of art...

    I love you more, Mike!

  • New Pepsi Television Ad Features Michael Jackson (Video)

    Pepsi will unveil a new television spot titled, “Music Icons” tonight during the debut of FOX’s THE X FACTOR. The television spot celebrates Pepsi’s rich music history, featuring global icons Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Kanye West, Ray Charles and Mariah Carey. “Music Icons” captures the essence of Pepsi and THE X FACTOR’s search for the next pop music star.

    The new spot features the slogan, “Where there’s Pepsi, there’s music” and invites THE X FACTOR fans to re-live iconic Pepsi moments such as Michael Jackson introducing the new “Pepsi Generation,” Britney Spears dancing on the rooftops to “The Joy of Pepsi” and Ray Charles playing the piano to the tune of “You Got the Right One, Baby, Uh Huh.”

    “Pepsi has always been at the center of music and pop culture and is known for featuring top talent in its campaigns,” said Frank Cooper, Chief Marketing Officer, Global Consumer Engagement of PepsiCo Beverages. “We’re confident that the next pop music star will emerge from our partnership with THE X FACTOR.”

    The “Music Icons” spot features a Pepsi-exclusive remix of the song, “Tonight is the Night” by Outasight, a newly signed artist to Warner Bros. Records from Yonkers, New York. Surrounded by diverse music at a young age, Outasight grew up watching iconic Pepsi commercials and aspired to be like the musical legends featured in the ads. Now his unique sound will be a part of Pepsi and pop culture history.

    “We chose the song ‘Tonight is the Night’ because it perfectly captures the spirit of music today,” said Simon Lowden, Chief Marketing Officer, PepsiCo Beverages Company. “This spot is about re-igniting the timeless connection between Pepsi and iconic pop music and also about celebrating our partnership with THE X FACTOR. Now we’re more excited than ever to ask the question: who’s next?” he continued.

    “Music Icons” will air during THE X FACTOR and across Fox cable networks.

    Video in 1080p :)

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  • The night I gave Michael Jackson fashion advice

    At the height of Adam Ant's career, he was dishing out fashion advice to Michael Jackson.

    The ringing of a telephone cut sharply through my sleep. I fumbled for the receiver. 'Hello?' A soft, highpitched voice echoed down the line to me. 'Hello,' it repeated. 'Is that Adam Ant?' The voice had an American accent and sounded vaguely familiar, but my fuzzy brain reacted angrily.
    'Terry,' I said, thinking it was one of the Ants' drummers playing a prank. 'Stop p****** about. It's 4am and I'm trying to sleep.'
    'No, it's not Terry,' said the voice. 'It's Michael. Is that Adam Ant?'
    'Very funny, Terry, now f*** off.' I slammed the phone down, rolled over and tried to get back to sleep. The phone went again.
    'Hello,' I barked into the receiver. 'Hi, no, really, it is me, Michael Jackson,' said the funny voice, 'and I just want to ask you...'
    'Terry, if you don't stop this I'm going to come over there and f****** thump you.' Bang. Again the phone went down. Again I rolled over. Again the phone rang.
    I grabbed the receiver and shouted: 'Terry! That's IT!'
    'Er, hi, is that Adam Ant?' This time the voice was deep, sonorous, American and calm. It didn't sound anything like Terry.
    'Oh, oh,' I stammered. 'Yes, this is Adam. Who are you?'
    'I'm Quincy Jones, calling from LA. Sorry, we probably woke you, but I'm here with Michael Jackson and he'd like to speak with you. Is that OK?' A pause, and then that same soft voice. 'Hi, Adam, it's Michael. Sorry if we woke you.'
    'Oh, no, sorry to have been so rude,' I apologised.
    He said he had just seen the video for our song Kings Of The Wild Frontier. 'It's great,' he said. 'How did you get the tom-tom sound?'
    'Oh, thanks. Well, we use two drum kits and then add loads of other percussion on top...'
    'That's great, Adam,' Michael interrupted. 'I really like your
    'Huh? My jacket?' I tried to think. 'Berman's and Nathan's in London's Covent Garden. They supply costumes for movies.'
    'Wow. That's great,' he replied. 'How do you spell that? Bowman's and who?'
    'No, B-E-R-M-A-N-apostrophe-S and N-A-T-H-A-N-apostrophe-S.'
    'Great, thanks. Let's meet up next time you're in America, huh? Bye.'
    The line went dead.

    das ist zwar nicht neu - aber ich fand das so witzig!!!!!!…ckson-fashion-advice.html

    He's not an artist, he's a fucking work of art...

    I love you more, Mike!

  • Toller Werbespot... Schade, dass er dann am Ende so abkackt. :( Die stellen da nicht nur Britney, Mariah und diesen anderen Typ in dieselbe Reihe wie MJ - die stellen den nächsten XFactor Gewinner, den ein paar Jahre später keiner mehr kennt, auch in dieselbe Reihe. :negativ

  • Habe auch im Ö MJ Club dafür gestimmt, eher mit einem Lächeln, aber anscheinend hat es ein bisschen funktioniert :kicher

  • 23.09.2011:
    MJ Denkmal in Mistelbach in Österreich?

    Zwei Einwohnerinnen von Mistelbach in Österreich, Martina Kainz und Renate Kornfeind, wollen ein Denkmal zu Ehren vom King of Pop aufstellen. Martina Kainz ist auch für die beiden “Flügel für einen Engel”-Bücher verantwortlich.

    Auf der Webseite von Mistelbach ist ein Artikel zur geplanten Statue online…2464638&menuonr=219128728

    (mit einem Foto der beiden Frauen und dem Bürgermeister). Diverse Medien und TV-Sender, inklusive ORF, haben in diesen Beiträgen berichtet.


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    Die Statue soll von einer tschechischen Künstlerin gratis hergestellt werden, nur die Transport- und Materialkosten müssten gedeckt werden. Hierzu suchen die beiden Fans auf der Webseite “Denkmal 4 Michael” Spenden.
    Der Gemeinderat von Mistelbach wird am 12. Oktober über das Vorhaben beraten und es dann hoffentlich bewilligen.


  • Florida firm eyes Thanksgiving Day weekend for release of Michael Jackson film

    A 2004 movie featuring what some have described as pop star Michael Jackson’s final scripted film appearance will premiere Nov. 25 on hundreds of stations across America.
    It will also be released as a special edition DVD, according to Florida-based ValCom, which maintains rights to the Jackson flick within its extensive library of more than 6,000 video and audio titles.

    “MJ and the Island Girls” will be part of ValCom's “Thanksgiving Family Delight” on more than 270 stations representing multiple television networks, including My Family TV, Retro TV and Tuff TV.

    Jackson portrays Agent MJ, a role said to be inspired by his cameo appearance in "Men in Black II"as Agent M. The pop star's "MJ and the Island Girls" scenes were shot at his Neverland Ranch home
    and at ValCom's old Valencia Studios.

    The movie, originally titled "Miss Cast Away," was summarized at the Internet Movie Data Base Web site as "a spoof" that combines "Cast Away" with "Miss Congeniality," "Planet of the Apes,"
    "Love Boat," "Gilligan's Island," "The Sixth Sense" and "Jurassic Park."

    For legal reasons, the original title was changed to "Miss Cast Away and the Island Girls." It was also released as "Silly Movie 2."

    According to the film's official Web site, "Twentieth Century Fox sent a letter to the producer, Bryan Michael Stoller, telling him to change the title or the studio would take legal action."

    Some Fox studio officials said they felt audiences might confuse the Jackson film with Fox's "Cast Away" starring Tom Hanks. Although Stoller, author of "Filmmaking for Dummies,"
    did not agree with that assessment, the name was changed to avoid any court action.

    ValCom is releasing 10,000 sets of a limited edition DVD of "MJ and the Island Girls" at a per unit cost of $24.95. Each DVD will feature a special label and packaging with limited edition numbering.
    The DVD includes 20 minutes of unreleased Michael Jackson footage, officials said.

    In addition to direct response advertising, ValCom said it targeted a core group of consumers by marketingthe filmto more than 180 Michael Jackson fan clubs around the world.
    ValCom is also exploring adding a musical component to the DVD package featuring Michael Jackson songs.

    "We've taken huge steps in selling ValCom's content in the marketplace," said Vince Vellardita, President and CEO of ValCom. "In recent months, we've placed songs on iTunes,
    sold movies and series to television networks, and are selling DVD's via retail channels. 'MJ and the Island Girls' is an additional line of revenue for ValCom. This is a fun movie that will provide
    fans of Michael Jackson with a unique opportunity to own rare footage of Michael in his home and behind the scenes."

    The film also features Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts, Charlie Schlatter of "Diagnosis Murder," Evan Marriott of "Joe Millionaire," Stuart Pankin of "Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves," Joyce Giraud,
    a Miss Universe runner-up, and Colleen Shannon, Playboy's 50th anniversary playmate.

    Initial distribution of “Miss Castaway and the Island Girls” faced a number of obstacles, including news reports about Jackson’s personal life: In 2003, Vanity Fair magazine described Jackson’s financial situation as precarious; in 2004, he pled not guilty to child molestation charges; in 2005, the pop singer went to trial on sexual molestation charges; in May of that same year, he was acquitted of all charges.

    Pop star Michael Jackson was featured on a movie poster for "Miss Cast Away and the Island Girls."
    The film, now titled "MJ and the Island Girls," is scheduled for broadcast release on Nov. 25.

  • is doch wurscht...ich finds trotzdem cool, dass der film in soviele kinos kommt :top
    ich denke nicht, dass man das machen würde, wenn man nicht glaubte/wüsste, dass die leute das sehn wollen :Q

    das find ich auch ganz nett:


    ValCom is releasing 10,000 sets of a limited edition DVD of "MJ and the Island Girls" at a per unit cost of $24.95.
    Each DVD will feature a special label and packaging with limited edition numbering.
    The DVD includes 20 minutes of unreleased Michael Jackson footage, officials said

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