Katherine Jackson hat das Haus aufgeräumt!

  • also er is doch recht friedlich seit monaten?
    ich weiss zwar was du meinst...und natürlich is er meilen von mj entfernt, das bedarf ja nicht erwähnt zu werden ;)
    aber im gegensatz zu dem rest...is er eben halt jetzt derjenige, der weiter oben steht...

  • Warum macht er denn dann nix aus seiner Karriere und muss immer den Namen seines Bruder mit erwähnen, wenn er beachtet werden will? Ich wäre die Letzte, die irgendwas negatives über ihn sagen würde, wenn er ein Album machen würde, wo ausschließlich Jermaine drauf ist. Aber das schafft der Gute ja nicht. Er sollte sich einfach mal eine andere PR ausdenken. Eine, wo der Name MICHAEL JACKSON nicht drin vorkommt. Vielleicht würde ich sogar sein Album kaufen. Vielleicht. :)

  • Michael Jackson Estate: Spent $159 Mil So Far on Kids, Mom

    The Michael Jackson estate has spent $159 million so far cleaning up his finances and taking care of his mother and three children. Let’s recall Katherine Jackson’s assertion — particularly through new business partners– that she’d been left high and dry by the executors. In fact, the estate paid off the mortgage on her Encino home, called Hayvenhurst, and is currently renovating. The estate is paying for temporary digs for Mrs. Jackson, her employees, and the children in beautiful Calabasas, California.

    It also turns out that Michael –no surprise here–filed no tax returns for 2006, 2007, or 2008. So the estate and its accountants, according to a petition filed with the court, has rectified all that. According to the petition, the estate has also loaned Mrs. Jackson large sums of money so that she and the children can live properly. The funds will be repaid when her trust account, left to her by Michael, is funded.

    The estate has also fended off 65 different lawsuits, including one by a man who said Michael stole his formula for healing herpes. Most of the suits were frivolous, but all had to be dealt with. According to the petition, the estate has also restructured Michael’s famous gigantic loans, reducing the debts considerably.

    One thing that Michael Jackson’s super fans might take note of –the executors came in and revised the agreements Michael had signed with AEG Live. Of course, those agreements were not made with Michael’s current lawyers, but through his former manager Tohme Tohme. When Michael died, he was already in debt to AEG for $40 million. That number came from expenses Jackson had incurred before even starting to perform in London.


  • Interessante Wortwahl. Die haben 159 Millionen für Katherine, die Kinder und seine Schulden ausgegeben.
    Aber er will den Anschein erwecken, als habe Katherine und die Kids sehr viel Geld gekriegt.
    Dabei war er es doch immer, der Michael Schulden von mehreren Hundert Millionen Dollar bescheinigte.

  • Alejandra: MJ Executors Tried to Starve Me Out!3/3/2011 11:00 AM PST by TMZ Staff

    Alejandra Jackson -- the baby mama of multiple Jackson offspring and ex of two of Michael Jackson's brothers -- claims in new court papers the Executors of Michael's Estate threatened to fumigate the Jackson family house while she was living there and remove all the food.

    TMZ broke the story ... Katherine Jackson is trying to evict Alejandra from the residence, but Alejandra won't leave.

    In her legal papers objecting to the eviction, Alejandra claims the Executors of MJ's estate are trying "to advance ulterior and pompous interests, which are not consistent with the wishes and values of Michael Jackson."

    Alejandra claims Katherine doesn't even want her evicted, but says she was "pressured by the Estate" to get her out.

    Alejandra claims the Estate is trying to divide and separate the Jackson family.

    Alejandra says the Executors threatened to fumigate the house on January 3, 2011 whether she and her kids were in the house or not.

    Alejandra also alleges the Executors shut off the gas and began changing the locks while she and the kids were there. She says the Executors even had all the food in the house packed up.

    Estate lawyer Howard Weitzman tells TMZ, Alejandra's allegations are "preposterous."


    ohhhh...der böse böse estate, will einfach nicht für 278 weiber, exweiber, deren anhang und fehltritte etc bazahlen...unverschämtheit, sowas :motz

    also echt jetzt...mikes geld, mikes vermächtnis, gehört höchstens SEINEN kindern. aber nicht irgendwelchen exen seiner brüder oder deren brut...
    spinnen die alle...? :gschdörd

  • Ich würde sagen :schnauze , selber arbeiten und für seine Brut sorgen !
    Das gleiche gilt für den Rest des Clans.......... :tatort

    Der Smiley passt aber echt im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes wie die Faust auf's Auge! :D:top

    Alejandra hat wohl den Ar*** offen, oder was!? Wie kann man sich nur so wie ein Parasit verhalten und ständig auf Kosten von anderen leben!? Und dass sie auch noch Michaels Erbe mit ins Gespräch bringt, ist ja wohl eine Unverschämtheit hoch Drei! Manchen kriegen den Hals echt nicht voll! :negativ

  • MJ Estate to Alejandra -- MOVE OUT ALREADY!!!
    3/11/2011 5:15 PM PST by TMZ Staff


    The MJ Estate has once again asked a judge to force Alejandra Jackson to move out of the family's Hayvenhurst estate ... and they're demanding she take her kids with her!!

    Lawyers for the estate just filed a response to Alejandra's request to stay in the house indefinitely ... in which the estate once again makes the point .. she's an UNWANTED house guest with no legal leg to stand on.

    Alejandra -- who has children with both Randy and Jermaine Jackson -- has refused to leave ... arguing, among other things, that Michael would have wanted her to stay there.

    Alejandra has claimed the estate has tried to literally starve her out of house and home ... by removing all of the food from the property and changing the locks on her.

    A hearing is scheduled for Tuesday.

    Stay tuned.

    MJ Estate to Alejandra -- MOVE OUT ALREADY!!! | TMZ.com

  • und weil kitkat zu doof is, die trutsche rauszuschmeissen, muss der estate das machen. peinlich genug.
    aber zu recht. wenn der estate (und damit michael)
    für mom und seine kids bezahlt, dann bedeutet das nicht, dass sie noch einige weitere neunköpfige schlangen mit durchfressen sollen!
    gott, is das ein clan. :never

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