​Michael Jackson-Premiere bei Billboard-Awards 18. Mai

  • Ich warte ja noch auf die erste Verschwörungsnachricht, die ernsthaft den echten Michael auf der Bühne sieht. Sprich tot isser ohnehin nicht, seht her er tanzt und singt auch noch :sneddi

  • @Black Wie Achterbahn fahren... ;D

    Wer den "Auftritt" mag, schaut es doch auf dem offiziellen Channel an. Dann zählts zu den offiziellen Zahlen :)

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    Edit: Mit voll anderer (näherer) Kameraführung oder täusche ich mich? Und der "Wellen-Effekt" am Anfang ist korrigiert. Das Bühnenbild ist wirklich schön gestaltet. Am Schluss verwandelt sich die Performance wieder in ein "Gemälde", was ich irgendwie schön/passend finde.

  • Leider ist das Video in Deutschland nicht zu sehen. Auch mit Proxtube net.

    Auf einmal bist Du nicht mehr da,
    und keiner kanns verstehen.
    Im Herzen bleibst Du uns ganz nah,
    bei jedem Schritt den wir nun gehen.
    Nun ruhe sanft und geh in Frieden,
    denk immer dran, dass wir Dich lieben.
    Michael, i love you.

  • Also ehrlich gesagt, so verarscht wie mit diesem Impersonator hologram bin ich mir noch nie vorgekommen.
    Das ist eines der lächerlichsten Sachen die ich je gesehen hab (das und wohlgenährte Elvis imitatoren)...

    Und was schreiben unsere lieben Freunde, die Medien.... die schreiben von Gänsehautmoment...
    So viel Schwachsinn.... echt....

    Ich geh jetzt joggen....

  • es gibt ne neue platte, und grade bei den BB hat man die chance auf größtmögliche aufmerksamkeit -
    und die hat man mit dem hologram bestens erreicht! sicher gibts auch negative stimmen -
    aber überwiegend sind es bislang positive, ja nachgerade euphorische meinungsäusserungen zu
    diesem 'auftritt'.
    michael hat in jedem fall die show gerockt - da sind sich ALLE einig.
    und das ist das wichtigste :top

    und mir persönlich gefiels gut genug, um sehr emotional berührt zu sein,
    wenn ichs mir anschau. auch wenn "michael" nicht 100%ig perfekt war.
    es weiss ja jeder, dass es nur ne illusion ist. :Q

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  • (sorry, wenns schonmal gepostet wurde :blumen )

    Michael Jackson Hologram Rocks Billboard Music Awards: Watch & Go Behind the Scenes

    "We've been talking about it for the last five months and while we were talking about it they were still inventing the process,"
    says BBMA director and producer Larry Klein. "It was really strange talking about something that did not exist."

    Jackson, in hologram form, performed "Slave to the Rhythm" midway through Sunday night's show with a five-piece band and 16 dancers
    live onstage. Jackson appeared in gold jacket, white T-shirt and brick red trousers on a set modeled on the art work for the album
    "Dangerous," an appropriate choice as the track was recorded in 1991 with L.A. Reid and Babyface during the sessions for that album.
    Released this week on "XSCAPE," which is neck-and-neck with the new Black Keys album for No. 1 on the Billboard 200 next week, the
    track was produced by Timbaland.

    BBMA producers Dick Clark Productions built a special stage at the rear of the MGM Grand Arena that was used only for the Jackson
    performance. Dancers moved through aisles as Jackson was seen rising from a throne, walking down steps before going into several
    trademark routines, a moonwalk being one of the them. Lasers, streams of flames and dancers in ancient costumes were part of the film.

    Klein shot it to give the presentation the feel of a live performance. "You were watching the magic of Michael Jackson just like you
    would have when he was performing," says Klein.

    The selection of "Slave to the Rhythm" for the hologram performance was made late last year; Jackson associates the Talauega brothers
    and Jamie King were brought in to choreograph and direct the video, which was produced by Pulse Evolution and Tricycle Logic.

    "At the time we made the decision," says Jackson's lawyer and adviser John Branca, "'Slave to the Rhythm' felt like a song was something
    people could dance to, a potential club song. We talked to Jamie King, who directed the Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil shows and
    we all felt the song was very likeable."

    The Talauega brothers, Rich and Tone, were brought on right after the new year and they started to draw up dance moves for Jackson
    and the other dancers in the film. Their involvement with Jackson dates back to the 1995 MTV Video Music Awards; they also
    choreographed the HIStory tour in 1997 and if one had to guess, the image of Michael used in the performance appears to be from that
    era based on his hair and clothing.

    "We knew we didn't need to go so far left field with his dance moves -- we just kept it within his world," Rich Talauega says. "Its just
    the way you reconfigure his steps so it looks different. You're still speaking the same language, it's just a different dialect."

    Tone Talauega, who was still in high school when he started working with Jackson, says they studied the singer's moves and had small
    things adjusted - the angle of a hand, the tilt of his head. The performance is "classic Michael, but we put our spice on it," he says.

    Demand for the Jackson hologram was considerable, but in the end Branca and the estate felt it needed to be shown with a live audience.

    "It's so important to experience Michael Jackson in a live setting," Branca says. "This is something where we wanted a live performance
    in front of a live audience and nothing speaks to that more than an awards show."


  • Ich fand's absolut klasse und genial gemacht!!! Gefiel mir besser als das Justin Timberlake Video mit Michael Ausschnitten ;)
    Und der Mix von Sttr war auch Hammer :) Mehr davon und scheiß auf Imitator oder nicht, das war super gemacht!

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