BET Awards 2010

  • Tanzen kann er. :respekt:wau

    aber MJ konnte es besser :uuh
    Die Robotmoves um 3:53 hat er nicht so gut hinbekommen, den Anfang von Billie Jean fand ich bei MJ auch besser :tatort Aber großartig mekern kann ich nicht; schließlich kann ich es auch nicht besser ;D
    Über das Ende kann man sich streiten, ich glaub aber dass das echt war. :ja
    Würdiges Tribute. :top

  • Manchmal verstehe ich die ganzen Diskussionen einfach nicht. Vor allem kann man nicht einfach so behaupten, dass Chris Brown nicht tanzen kann und gerade Justin Timberlake das besser gemacht hätte.
    Wirklich da muss ich mich Badwoman einfach anschließen, beim besten willen hätte Justin Timberlake das nicht besser gemacht. Also tänzerisch jedenfalls.

    ganz deiner Meinung :top

  • Also mich hat der Auftritt am ende sehr berührt!
    Es hat mir Tränen in die Augen geschossen.
    Ich mag Chris eig. nicht so sehr,finds aber immerwieder
    toll wenn er ein mj tribut macht.
    Tanzen kann er (in seinem stil) sehr gut
    aber die mj moves waren jetzt nicht soo der brüller
    aber das zählt garnicht!

    Mich hats überzeugt.

    Gut gemacht.

  • Sehr schönes Tribute von Chris Brown :burns

    Auszug von BET Awards verliehen: Weinkrampf, fette Uhren und ein Prinz | TONIGHT


    Chris Brown hatte am Sonntag bei den Entertainmentpreisen BET in Los Angeles mit einer mehrminütigen Tanzeinlage an den vor einem Jahr verstorbenen "King of Pop" erinnert. Als er am Schluss Jacksons Hit "Man in the Mirror" singen sollte, wurde Brown von einem Weinkrampf geschüttelt und brachte während des gesamten Stücks kaum einen Ton heraus.

    Experten haben aber auch noch ein paar alternative Erklärungsmöglichkeiten auf Lager: Browns Tränen könnten auch der Ölkatastrophe im Golf von Mexiko gegolten haben, an die im Hintergrund auf einer Videoleinwand erinnert wurde.

    Möglicherweise spielte auch das Lied selbst eine Rolle. Schließlich handelt es vom grundlegenden Wandel zum Besseren. Und das ist auch ein Thema für Chris Brown, hatte er doch auf höchst unfeine Art seine damalige Freundin Rihanna angegriffen. Der Sänger war einen Monat nach Jacksons Tod wegen schwerer Körperverletzung zu einer fünfjährigen Bewährungsstrafe und 1.400 Stunden gemeinnütziger Arbeit verurteilt worden.

    Haben die keine ausgebildeten Journalisten mehr, oder warum hat dieser Text ein Praktikant verfasst

  • [video=youtube;vIvLGi2_mjQ]

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    gänsehaut ohne ende...

    und bei man in the mirror musste ich doch mitheulen... der song hat es seinfach in sich!

  • Daring to Criticize Chris Brown after Tribute to Jackson at BET Awards?
    ( MJEOL Open-letter Style)

    The day after Chris Brown performed a tribute to Michael Jackson at the 2010 BET Awards, the blogosphere and entertainment media were full of lunatics, weekend psychiatrists and fake-a$$ mind-readers pretending to know exactly why Brown broke down into tears during his performance.

    I will be quite blunt and speak directly to anyone this MJEOL Bullet applies to: Those of you who treated Michael Jackson like a piece of $hit shouldn't even open your foul mouths about Brown's motives.

    Every REAL Michael Jackson fan knew exactly how Chris Brown felt at that moment. And when I say REAL fan, I'm not talking about some of you critics who didn't give a rat's a$s about Michael Jackson after 1985; Or those of you who suddenly remembered he existed because he stopped breathing one day; Or those of you fake fair weather "fans" who were only ever into Michael Jackson because everybody else was at the time; Or those of you who pretended like you didn't know who he was as he was going through undeserved $hit-storms particularly the last 16 years of his life.

    I won't pretend to be inside Chris Brown's head. But he hasn't given me a reason to think it was an act. Actually, if Chris Brown is that great of an actor, Hollywood should be falling all over themselves to put him in movies.

    Some things just are what they are whether you want to accept it or not. When Brown was so overcome he couldn't speak, that moment goes a long way to illustrate all you need to know about how a great number of real Michael Jackson fans feel even to this day.

    Those who are too jaded to see past their own noses didn't pay any attention to the emotion of the moment and sought instead to come up with some smart-a$s reason why it happened.

    I am speaking most directly to entertainment reporters and those who frequent celeb-based blogsites where general snottiness about everything is praised, and where good sense is often absent.

    Some of you have a lot of ballz not to see anything wrong with your own rabid, hateful behavior towards Jackson when he was alive, but choose to sit on a high horse criticizing Chris Brown now. Your mess doesn't smell like roses either, so don't start trying to interpret somebody else's emotions particularly when it involves the subject of Michael Jackson.

    Moreover, if you used your media platform to engage in constantly bullying Jackson like an immature middle-school kid while he was still breathing, you don't get to criticize Chris Brown without figuratively having your a$$ handed to you by people like me who can't understand why you apparently can't conceive of someone -- even with Brown's past -- to be overcome by the death of a person they idolized for years.

    If you used your media platform to spread everything from half-truths to unconfirmed lies about everything from Jackson's finances to his children, then don't even open your damn mouth to speculate about Brown's motives. You have shown a penchant for latching onto fake $hit and misinterpreting information, so your opinion means absolutely nothing, as far as I'm concerned.

    I keep asking myself that if this weren't Chris Brown, would these people still respond in this manner? And I can only imagine the hateful hail of sick-a$s jokes that would have come if it were Justin Bieber (Beiber? Whatever.) who broke down instead. But because it was Chris Brown -- someone who has not been ashamed to admit to studying Michael Jackson since he was a little kid -- all of a sudden his tears were about Rhianna... or low album sales... or whatever the hell else that has been projected onto him.

    And before you go on a 'how can you defend a woman beater' trip, this didn't have anything at all to do with his past behavior. His emotion in that moment is only what I'm speaking to. Lord knows, Brown has been and will continue to pay for his disgusting actions. But that isn't why I'm going off right now.

    BEFORE Jackson died, Brown made no secret of his admiration. BEFORE Jackson died Brown was paying tribute to him in his own way with his own performances. He's never been ashamed of Jackson, or afraid to admit he likes Jackson's music. There are videos of Brown dancing like Michael Jackson pre-Rhianna scandal. So don't treat this man like he just suddenly thought up a plan to use Jackson's death to make you forget what he did. He knows all too well you won't forget it because it's brought up every time his name is mentioned.

    Some of you who thought the worst of Jackson are now weighing in on Brown's emotional moment like you don't want to see what's in front of you. Yes Chris Brown brought his own hell down upon himself by raising his hand to a woman. But, yes, he can be someone who was also genuinely overcome by the death of Michael Jackson. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

    Those of you who thought the worst of Michael Jackson only to be shocked..... SHOCKED I TELL YOU.... that anybody under the age of 30 would mourn his death (as if Jackson stopped singing after Thriller), can go stick your heads in the oily waters of the Gulf of Mexico for all I care. That also applies to the johnny-come-lately bandwagon jumpers who wouldn't have been caught dead in a Michael Jackson t-shirt before June 25 2009.

    Despite your uber-jaded views and guileful tongues, what remains is the fact that you are missing the point. People exist on this planet who not only admired Jackson as a musician, but also as a person. We lost a great human being on that day. We didn't lose -- as I read one shortsighted commenter on some random blog -- '...a weird guy who could dance'. His impact was much, much bigger than that.

    It's an impact that would cause a young man -- even one with a set of problems -- to burst into tears the same way many people of all backgrounds around the world have done repeatedly since June 25 2009.


    Daring to Criticize Chris Brown after Tribute to Jackson at BET Awards? MiniB#77 OLS (Open-letter Style) | MJEOL BULLET

    sehr gut gesagt :top
    schön, dass unser team das offensichtlich nicht alleine so sieht.

  • Besser kann man es nicht ausdrücken :respekt ...eigentlich sollte so ein wunderbar geschriebener Artikel in jeder großen Zeitung abgedruckt werden, damit die ganzen Heuchler endlich mal nen Spiegel vorgehalten bekommen. :ja

    [COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="4"]So Look The Truth
    You're Just Another Part Of Me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

  • hm...vielleicht sollte man das mal weit verbreiten...
    wenn das jeder in seinen möglichkeiten weitergibt, werden das einige zu lesen bekommen...
    mal an sender/zeitungen als mail schicken oder per pn über facebook etc etc...:Q

  • ^ Das Video wurde wohl auch entfernt. Gibt es evtl. noch einen anderen Link
    War es das hier oder kam da noch etwas anderes?


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    [CENTER][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC][/CENTER][CENTER]"Mein Herz...mein Verstand...sind gebrochen. Ich liebte Michael mit meiner ganzen Seele und ich kann mir kein Leben ohne ihn vorstellen. Ich glaube nicht, dass jemand wusste, wie sehr wir einander liebten. Oh Gott, ich werde ihn so vermissen!" Elizabeth Taylor[/CENTER]

  • hier nochmal das statement von nem offiziellen der BET awaeds...

    tjoa. das ist eine klare aussage, finde ich.
    wobei ich die nicht gebraucht habe, an chris' verhalten fand ich nichts gefaked, von anfang an nicht.
    aber ich sagte ja schon, man hat sich den 'bad guy' ausgeguckt, und nun wird an allem was gesucht, was er macht - und wer sucht, der findet dann auch.
    aber nicht in diesem fall.
    schmierenbande, elendige.
    haben die bei mike noch nicht genug angerichtet....?!?

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