Slave to the Rhythm - Justin Bieber biebst mit Michael's Song

  • Michael Jackson ORIGINAL 1989 Slave to The Rhythm [ame='']

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  • Das ist die ~2010er Remix Version... in der etwas roheren Abmischung.

    Schätze mal anhand der Produzentennamen, dass das wirkliche 1989 Original mehr RnB Charakter hat.
    Könnte jetzt wirklich langsam mal leaken... :para

  • ganz frisch:

    MJ OnlineTeam @MJonlineteam

    19th August 2013 from TwitLonger

    For those who have been asking about the recently posted recording
    of “Slave 2 The Rhythm” by Michael and Justin Bieber,
    this recording was not authorized.
    We can assure you that the Estate is quite
    upset about the leak and is doing everything in its power to get
    the song removed from as many sites and YouTube channels as


    Biebs, das könnte auf den kleinen arsch geben...

  • ganz frisch:

    Biebs, das könnte auf den kleinen arsch geben...

    ..dann rutscht ihm derselbe mal passend zu seinen "Hosen" nen Stock tiefer...

    :D sieht sich der Knabe..:tatort..tweet von gestern...

    ..also bei Michael sitzen die Hosen schon mal EINDEUTIG besser..:pfeif

    ..ich bin mal wieder pöööhse...:nail..and I know it...:hehe

  • Größenwahn läßt grüßen ...


    ..ich bin mal wieder pöööhse...:nail..and I know it...:hehe

    Ist schon recht so ... ;D

  • Anscheinend hat der Max Methods-Mix von sttr ebenfalls seinen Ursprung bei Tricky Stewart! Er gab Max Methods laut Damien Shields den Auftrag, den Song neu zu produzieren und im Auftrag von Tricky hat Justin Bieber die Vocals aufgenommen. Beide sind auf Trickys Label Red Zone Entertainment. Max Methods weiss nicht, wie der track geleakt ist.

    Zwei Leaks des selben Songs vom selben "Camp"... :tatort

    Max Methods, the DJ / producer who remixed Michael Jackson’s “Slave To The Rhythm” as a duet with Justin Bieber, has revealed exclusively to me how the track came to be.
    “I work with Tricky Stewart. He signed me to his label Red Zone Ent, and had me re-produce the record,” the DJ told me.
    “He also had Justin [Bieber] record new vocals. I do not know how it leaked.”

  • ^ Damien Shields sollte man nicht allzu ernst nehmen. Dass "Max Methods" bei Tricky's "Red Zone Entertainment" arbeitet, steht schon unter seinem Twitter-Namen. Das 2. Zitat ist völlig inhaltslos (a) jaja, Tricky gabs dem Bieber [widerspricht seinem eigenen Tweet sowie der Tatsache, dass die nicht einfach aus Fun so was produzieren], b) keine Ahnung wie es leakte [ach wirklich?]).
    Jedenfalls ist nichts davon "exklusiv". Dieser sich stets als Insider darstellende Typ schreibt ne halbe Seite für 2 lächerliche Zitate? Mal wieder typisch...
    Entweder er hat einfach bei SoundCloud, Twitter oder sonstwo ne kurze Antwort erhalten oder er hat sich das - wie so oft - selbst zusammengespinnt.

    Was die Leaks angeht: Der 1. Leak geht auf das Konto von unserem deutschen Cyber-Kriminellen namens "DJ Stolen" (der einen unfertigen Mix "abgriff"), beim 2. Leak wird es nicht anders sein. Da gibts immer korrupte Leute, die an die Arbeit von Produzenten kommt (zB PR-Leute, irgendwelche Manager und deren Freunde, Leute im Vertrieb/Lager usw.).

  • Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson Duet: Estate Releases Statement, Questions Arise

    Justin Bieber’s surprise vocal duet with Michael Jackson on a remix of “Slave 2 The Rhythm” which leaked on Friday, unleashed a rash of news reports, online support from Bieber’s fans and almost universal fury from Jackson fans.

    Following Sony Music Entertainment’s copyright claim which led to the taking down of Youtube and Soundcloud posts of the song, the Michael Jackson Estate has now released a public statement.
    Issued yesterday, the statement came via the Estate’s official Twitter account.

    It read:
    “For those who have been asking about the recently posted recording of ‘Slave 2 The Rhythm’ by Michael and Justin Bieber, this recording was not authorized.”

    The statement continued: “We can assure you that the Estate is quite upset about the leak and is doing everything in its power to get the song removed from as many sites and YouTube channels as possible.”

    On Friday, without specifically referring to the track, Bieber tweeted:”Excited for what is to come. M.J set the bar. Not only for music but for being an entertainer and how you treat the fans. Wish he was here…”

    Notwithstanding speculation by Showbiz 411′s Roger Friedman that the Jackson family may have given Bieber’s team a copy of “Slave 2 The Rhythm” in 2012, new details on the duet’s origin have come to light.

    Max Methods, who is credited as producer on the new electro-dance version, spoke exclusively to Damien Shields, a Jackson catalog archivist.

    “I work with Tricky Stewart. He signed me to his label Red Zone Ent, and had me re-produce the record,” Methods said.
    The DJ added: “He also had Justin [Bieber] record new vocals. I do not know how it leaked.”

    In 2010, Christopher “Tricky” Stewart produced a batch of songs which were being considered for the first official posthumous music release by the Estate and Sony Music after Jackson’s death in 2009.

    “Slave 2 The Rhythm” was one of the songs Tricky worked on that didn’t make the final cut on the 2010 album Michael. It leaked online that December. However, Tricky’s production of “Keep Your Head Up” did make the album which may suggest he is an Estate approved producer.

    Two questions arise: Did the Estate ask Justin to add his vocals to the duet version? In other words; is the Estate’s statement an objection to the leak, or to the teen singer?

    Considering the abuse Bieber is currently receiving online from a contingent of Jackson fans, an effort to clarify that distinction seems pertinent.…-rhythm-estate-statement/

  • Sieht aus als hätte er in ne Windel gesch.. :sneddi

    Ich finds im Grunde nicht schlimm, das Lied und so.. eigentlich ist das für Michael nur Werbung bei dem jungen Publikum, die nicht die Chance hatten ihn mitzuerleben..

    Aber die Vergleiche... okayyy... da hörts bei mir dann definitiv auf. :rofl

  • Ich habe das gestrige Statement vom MJE gestern bei Betty - MJSCF - gefunden. Da lautet das wie folgt:

    From the MJ Online Team:

    "The song which leaked this week was not authorized for release of any sort. It should not have been made available on the Internet, nor should radio stations be playing it. Whoever uploaded the song is also likely responsible for distributing it to radio.

    Unfortunately, with the way technology works, once a song has been uploaded and disseminated by the original unauthorized party and then by fans who spread the song even more, it is very difficult to scrub the Internet of the song completely.

    We can assure you that the Estate is quite upset about the leak and is doing everything in its power to get the song removed from as many sites and YouTube channels as possible. "

    The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™"

    Hört sich irgendwie nicht gut! Wer Pirat ist, kann damit rechnen, dass er leakt, aber er muss damit auch rechnen, dass es Leute gibt, die ihn fangen. In den unendlichen Weiten des Internets. Und diese Leute können sicherlich auch ganz gut googlen, oder? :)

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